No--I have not the slightest interest in the reef. I think it will survive this damage quite naturally. Reefs, according to Darwin and others are created as mountain tops sink below the waves.
Quote:The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi).
I can't see how such a natural feature is going to be seriously damaged by this collision and I am habituated to expect that what damage there is will have been exaggerated by the various interested parties. In the context it is a scratch.
I am interested in how the "various interested parties" wind us all up for their own reasons, power or money, because we poor bloody workers are the only ones who do the paying. I am interested in how we are parted from our money by the weaving of the winds by people who never answer any questions as you have failed to answer mine.
I consider matters, in cases like this, which are not tested under cross examination, to be speculation.
The only way to avoid accidents like this one is to stop the shipping of these commodities. If the shipping continues there will be other accidents and thus those who favour the continuation of the shipping might be said to have helped to cause them. The world's seas are littered with wrecks. Reefs have been damaged on a global scale.
The thing to do is sweep it up and get on with life.
We have just gone through a period of cleaning up our MP's expenses claims and the clean up has cost five or ten times what the dubious claims amounted to and has left MPs looking for new loopholes to enable them to continue thieving. Which they will easily find.
I don't trust Media or the people who manipulate it.