I would think that 'little black dress' could be sexy with a anklet holster, packing something like a 'lady smith' or a PPK.
Shoot---- in a crowd only a few weapons need to be displayed--the one thing that must be remembered is that 'most people are reasonable and respond to social morays as society accepts responce. The few of those among us that don't carry those traits, wacko's be they are, are still a very small minority contrary to the message of the hysterical media selling stories.
Consequently, the exhibition of a few amongst the many would significantly discourage the few.
As for firearms, I happen to like blackpowder. Rifles, shotguns, revolvers it doesn't matter. The noise and recoil is enhanced by the smoke and smell.
Granted, a blackpowder rifle would be useless for home protection, unless you had 30 or so seconds to load and cap, aim, and cock and fire. However; a loaded cylinder is usually boxed with my Remington (replica) and it takes mearly a moment to ready the weapon. And a 44 caliber ball travels at 1100 fps pretty accurately--that is until the target dissapears in a cloud of smoke.
So a pistole bests a rifle easily in this case---but most whitetail aren't in the room with you.