Sales taxes for ag related purchasing is tax exempt to all farmers (me and the AMish). As far as income and state taxes. you are correct and I mispoke about these. Old Order and Grey 50, or Zerbe Amish and the River Bretheren are the most severe. The Old Order do pay local taxes but only those involved with road upkeep and services that only govt can provide in regions that are mostly rural. They do pay school taxes and , like the CAtholics they pay twice because they also pay for their own school systems. They do not pay into any fed Social Security or state entitlement plans that cover (in pa its called PACE for meidcal prescriptions for the elderly ), and their severance from any "entitlement" program is based on a two part test
1. That they are immune from paying is solely based upon religious beliefs that the state shall not be partner in any welfare (1st Timothy)
2 The Fed Govt , in the second test, states that, in order to be fully excused on religious beliefs, the appellees must show that their sect provides an equivalent service to the sick, infirm, elderly, widows and widowers "eltern" and orphans, in a fashion similar and equivalent to SS and Medicare/Medicaid. (Thats where I believe the Muslims do NOT show a similar social network)
This is a very important two part item since both parts are like the "Free expression -and-establishment clauses" of the Constitutions 1st AMendment. The Amiswh view on Government is somewhqt ambiguous. On one hand, they believe that governments were ordained by God, but on the other hand, the government epitomizes worldly culture(they eschew worldly culture). Since governments declare war, and use cap punishment, these are aginst the gentle nature that is defined as "Gelassenheit"(which is one of those great German words that we dont have, and it sort of means "A calmness that is the product of the submission to Gods will" . ) Where the newspaper you quoted has it wrong is NOT that the Amish agree not to make a claim (because they never would anyway), its based on proving that they have this equivalent "safety net"
The world class authorities on the AMish and their life styles and history are John Hostetter and Donald Krqaybill. Both were (or are) directors for the CEnter for Anabaptist and Pietist STudies" associated with Elizabethtown University