@Merry Andrew,
About 8 years ago, I saw a little guy, maybe 135 lbs...soaking wet....take on three cops...one is 6'2, built....one was 6'0, and very heavy...280 or so...the last one is a short guy, but very stocky....200 lbs. That little guy kicked, bit, punched, clawed....it looked like a cartoon fight, just a blur with a random leg or arm sticking out of the swirling dust cloud...or cloud of black uniforms.
He had not taken his med's in a few days, and was having an episode....they didn't hurt him though....the cops got the worst of it by far.
I have also seen the full tape, and even with the video it's really hard to tell just exactly what was happening....I know at one point during the beating he appears to grab for a cops leg, but he could have simply been reaching for help.