Quote: Clearly there are a lot of people in the USA who do not believe in a person's right to freedom of religion,
Here you demonstrate your ignorance of what people in the US "think".
The biggest fights in the US are actually interdenominational, where "true revelations" battle against each other daily (transubstantiation v Consubstantiation: Bible v Tradition). There is a huge groundswell from the Catholic Laity to either fix up the church or start over by separating from Rome. The Evangelicals are forever trying to slip their beliefs into public school curricula. If the news were to be believed, the US < starting with Texas, Is fast becoming another Christian "Taliban Nation", where Evangelical Law would be intermixed with the Constitution.
Fortunately, to this point in time, more intelligent minds have prevailed and these clowns have been kept at bay with a periodic clear interpretation of what the Constitution says it says.
I repeat , without any fear of being proved incorrect. The Parochial schools have not ever been undermined by " priests of Science'ism". No one has ever, to my knowledge , interfered with the PArochial schools ability to teach that the world was formed b y 4 successive generations of Manitou beings who each, in turn, let a trail of artifacts upon which the succeeding layer may build" (An old Iroquois legend of Creation). If a parochial school wished to teach that , or any myth to its students, they have the perfect right under the 1st Amendment clause which guarantees the "Free expression of religion".
We, in the fray, only care about what is being infiltrated into our public schools. I will fight the religious interveners with every weapon that the Constitution provides. I will not have my tax money go to support a religiously based science curriculum. Weve already gone through that into the 1920's when it was required that science teachers in Pa certify that they believed in the legend that a god affected creation and development of life on earth. Weve come a long way to actually make an about face and begin marching backwards in time.
Your view of what we do in this country is woefully uninformed sir.