that's a lot of questions at once, gracie...
I'm just "sorta homeless" at the moment. in the grey area if you will. as long as smoky stays alive, I can live on the back of his land. and use his shed to work on stuff to make enough money to help him pay his bills.
it costs a lot of money to maintain a house today. when I rented my place over in town, my monthly bills were over $1k a month, and I lost my gas almost immediately. those are not verra nice folks at the gas company...
I sold all my toys. paid bills with the proceeds...
I got to where I was going to get behind and not be able to catch up. my crohns makes it real hard to be "normal" everyday. like a boss wants you to be. so I work for myself as I can. and rest when I need to.
I was doing chores and fixing stuff up out here for smoky already, I met him at the bar when I was cheffing, and he took a shine to me. asked me to come help him with his van...
he had a caved in old travel trailer that he and his wife used to take to the lake, a long long time ago. I rebuilt it to be almost weathertight, and moved in.
still no running water, but other than that, it's not terrible primitive. much better than the last time me and stinky had to move and fend for ourselves. we won't speak of that time, it sucked...
gram is 92 and has issues with her children. my sis does well to keep her own head above water.
girlfriends....no. I'm an unfit mate...
yes, I have the internet.
and a crappy antique cell phone.
and a place to make money when I am healthy enough to make the tools dance...