Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2011 10:09 pm

it feels like home now.

dint realize how much I missed the sound of the fish tanks flowing...

we got more guppies than the fish place now. gonna take my extras over and put them in a hundred gallon tank at mr vw's.

he said I can bring a towel and take as long a shower as I want.

Ima hold him to it at least twice this weekend...
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 10:41 pm

over to mr vw's for a really looooooooong shower.

day from hell.

hadda dodge a DUI checkpoint by the river as I drove here. not inebriated, just have no need for the extra intrusion right now. buzz cut nervous youngsters with guns is the last thing I need...

fed the critters, and grabbed 3 more tanks for the cabin.

it's raining, and par for the pile, no wipers on the beast. rain-x time again.

gonna be a late night, I still ain't thought aboot food...

may not.
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 02:39 am
We've a nice looking rain cloud over us this morning, thinkin bout packin a rainsuit and headin to Wilson for some fishin in the rain, haven't got to do that for awhile.
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 12:05 pm
me and sparky are goin' fishin in the rain as well. (the rain is already over, but was nice)

gotta get more guppies into captivity.

my current guesstimate is that I have roughly 2,000 of them. (started with 12)

we'll see before the weekend is done...
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Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 07:52 pm

hurt myself a little. hadda go lay down...

this turned into a major duty project. moving house around to make room for fish tanks.

and fall cleaning in preparation for moving the woodstove back inside.

all rolled up in one with the pond emptying party.

took oodles of water hyacinth out and left it to dry. think Ima put it in my flower beds and let it decompose there.

it was really sad all strewn about by the side of the pond. but it won't survive a Kansas winter, and the guppies were using it to avoid capture.

I still gotta get better enough to go over to mr vw's and do my thing there.

and take another therapeutic shower...

first I need another cuppa.

and a pill...
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Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 08:50 pm
ok. ready to go, so of course there is thunder and lightning happenin'...

now I wish Ida moved the bed around a long time ago.

I got tons more room. almost got a bedroom. if you stand just right...

and with 4 fish tanks humming, the ambiance has changed.

even dinky is more zen...
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Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 10:57 pm
I feel kinda like a burglar...

I'm over to mr vw's place. in a big ol' truck I hadda idle in, cuz it's noisy. and verra late for his nebborhood.

had to come in the back way. but the dogs were wagging their tails knowing I was gonna be feeding everybody shortly.

got my guppies acclimating in the indoor pond. and my dinner in the micro.

(last nights pulled pork sammich)

gonna go take a record breaking shower.

then stop to wally's for the fish food I forgot last night. they been eating each other mostly...
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Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 11:34 pm
I have got to remember and bring some computer speakers over here.

feel like I'm a night watchman in a bird house. really quiet up here away from the cages.

noisy little buggers...

got 3 ill mannered cats eyeballing my sammich.

and 2 sleepy dogs wondering when Ima go home...
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Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2011 11:50 pm
I shoulda brought my camera.

the iguana is out and active tonight.

guinea pigs love love love you when you walk in with carrots and cabbage...

off to wally's for another after midnight shopping trip.

me and the security guys.(mebbe they won't recognize me. I'm in a Notre Dame sweatshirt. don't ask me why)
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Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2011 07:25 pm
it's official.

me and stinky like the new layout much better.

and we have nice weather holding for a few days.

gonna go out and finish yanking a motor, and get ready to be productive tomorrow...
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Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2011 11:44 pm
done for tonight. gonna require big force, which means big noise. it's just about out...

almost 1 o'clock now. nebbors prefer no air impact action this late.

gonna have a sundae, then call it a night.

tomorrow is the day I mail B's doohickie...
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Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2011 12:20 am
Oooh. A sundae. Not a bad idea.
Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2011 04:05 pm

mailed my doohickie to the big ol' city.

smoky hadda go check his mail anyways.

he wanted me to check why his A/C all of a sudden stopped working.

I did some calculating, and shore nuff.

when the worthless grandson came out to take away the worlds oldest caravan to it's demise, he moved the old man's car, and hit the well head. the old man was bitching about him braking the brand new grill. but, he dint look far enough.

the condenser unit is crashed and leaking as well...
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Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2011 06:50 pm
first vehicle repaired, working on a second.

kinda wonder what I coulda got accomplished if our weather had not gone to hell for 2 months.

the shop is highly functional now, and I am starting to gain some traction toward solvency. my double barrel wood stove heater is set to go, and I'm gonna start piling wood for both places in a spot that used to be a trash pile. all in all, it is slowly looking like a residence instead of an abandoned travel trailer and a rat trap storage shed.

still gotta figger out what's for supper...
Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2011 10:29 pm
pulled pork sammich with cheese, and butter beans.

mebbe some black olives while I wait on the beans...
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Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2011 11:27 pm
and I forgot it's trash day.

gonna take a walk out to the road, I am...

at least it's a beautiful night.

bubba will, of course, walk out with me. under my feet the whole way...
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 05:32 pm
Hey - we felled FIVE trees in my back yard Friday night...I think we are set for wood for the winter. It was funny - my Daddy and the Professor cut the one down...they had it tied off but somehow managed to get it to lay in the pine tree next to it. That one was cracked from a winter storm previously - so it came down - well it didn't really come down, it got hung in the next oak tree, so that one came down right into the next pine tree. The trees were causing that pine to groan and crack and I was praying I would still have a professor and Daddy when it was all over with...three chops with the axe and all 4 fall to the ground. Very exciting. They had already chopped down the first tree. What a mess in my back yard right now. But no more dead trees threatening to fall in the neighbors pool. And that is what counts. Wink

Sounds like awesome weather up there. Glad you are getting so much done!
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:26 pm
I have wood piles everywhere yet.

you have a fireplace?

Alex Gordon just led off the Royals game with a home run to center field.

on that note, Ima go get something done in the shop...
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 08:07 pm
Royals are pounding the Tigers 9-1.

and my donor motor is out and on the ground. it fought me, but I won.

the old hidden backside bolt trick...

gotta make something to eat besides fruit jammers and black olives.

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Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 11:10 am
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