Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 06:49 pm
I am searching for a silent rooster...\
a rare breed, no doubt.

Bantam? can you buy sets of fertile eggs? your chickens will "sit" without a rooster, when you notice this buy a set of eggs and put her on them.
also... you will need a separate coop for hens with chickens otherwise the older hens will kill the new chicks. It can be smallish like a rabbit hutch. Grind wheat and pellets for the chicks in a food processor. soaked oatmeal is good for the chicks too.

seed germinates between 5 and 30C
sow a bunch of seed 20 - 30 ft of row and thin them as they grow.
sevearl sowings about a month apart will keep you in carrots for most of the year.

we had a fabulouse year for aspagaus this year.
you should buy mature roots. 5 or so roots will give you a 1 person houshold supply. Plant them in an area where they can be let go "wild". Top up the soil level each year as the roots tend to grow themselves up out of the ground.
basil? might be a little early yet
brussel sprouts?
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 07:55 pm
I think to start, Ima just raise eggs.

then mebbe grow into making my own little chicken people...

we'll see. I'm kinda enjoying my sleep right now, and don't wanna have to go choke a rooster any time soon.

now, what is it with you people and the carrots...?

that nice Canadian lady (no, not the Asian one, the other one) keeps suggesting me to eat more carrots as well...


thanks, I feel better now. mebbe we'll plant a few carrots and see.

and brussel sprouts exist for to punish small children. I've found no other purpose for them...

sugar snap peas, lettuce, spinach, garlic, radishes, and cauliflower (for gram)

broccoli from plants in another week or so.

already got asparagus, just gotta work it a bit.

and onion sets to follow here shortly. gotta find some I like...
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Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2011 05:53 pm
I think to start, Ima just raise eggs.

then you dont need a rooster.

now this is gonna be difficult cause what you call pumpkin is different to what we call pumpkin. maybe squash? I think there is a whole thread about the different names.
Photo of my self sown pumpkins (or squash) taken yesterday (early autumn)

These are Japala. I didnt plant them, they just grew out of the compost heap and took over an area of about 10sq meters. They grew up the chicken coop fence and onto the roof of the garden shed.

Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2011 06:52 pm
gotta wait till after the last freeze for punkins or squashes.

April 15 (also evil tax day)

don't want no mystery compost pile creeping melons, thankee just the same...
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2011 09:49 am
I'm gonna sit down with earl grey and contemplate for a bit. y'all are along for the ride...

woke up with a clear head this morning, but we're not ready to go be play at being normal yet.

the effects of years of mostly inactivity have taken their toll, and I have been stretching the envelope of late to test my future.

but I woke up dreaming of art. I want to get some things out of my soul. express myself and move forward. not sure yet what it will be, but I am going to start working with metal again soon. artistically, and for no other purpose than to please myself. because I can...

which brings me to friends.

as I slowly slipped into a darker and more austere place, life and disease forced me to give up things that I thought were important to me. one at a time. sometimes kicking and screaming...each more painful than the last.

until I was left with very little.

the truly important things in life.


no seriously, I mean real friends. better than family, because they choose to be there...and stay.

and it's been really hard at times to be my friend, I know this. I don't like me half the time, why should anyone else put up with it...

but some truly wonderful people stuck it out, and supported and comforted me, even when I was flared to hell and not real patient or nice. and some fell back, and had to cope with their own lives and troubles. I am understanding of that as well. everyone has to make choices in their own situations, and I don't have it left in me to judge them. may we all learn to see what it is that makes another tick before coloring them with our own shades and hues some day...

each day brings new promise now, and I find myself looking forward and hoping. a new perspective for me.

I think my first piece will be a tree. a big gnarly old tree with verra odd leaves.

be well and enjoy your day, my friends...

andrew gold
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2011 01:29 pm
Kiddo, illness brings out the abandoners in people. This is not an uncommon phenomenon. All too common, as a matter of fact.

Hang onto what you got and say phooey (your choice of expletive) to those who walked away. Even though I understand why people leave, doesn't mean I gotta like it. I think of some former friends and feel angry. I think of others and feel sad.

Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2011 10:51 am
hey, B...

fancy meeting you here.

stopped with gram yesterday at the feed store. (she loves the place. they have a cat)

got me 12 little bitty broccoli plants, and a pile of marigold seeds.

I think Ima plow around the outside edges of the fence aboot the garden, and throw in a wall of marigolds.

try to cut down on undesirable critters a little bit this time around.

I'm tired of fighting with pests, and it ain't even started yet...
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Tai Chi
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:23 am
Rockhead wrote:
I think my first piece will be a tree. a big gnarly old tree with verra odd leaves.

Would love to see this sometime, if you feel like sharing.
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 02:15 pm
@Tai Chi,
I won't complete it until summer, I'm certain. still letting it come together...

and I won't post it publicly on a2k. too many folks here playing too many games. prolly send private pics to those who might have an interest in seeing them.

not even certain I will be part of a2k when it is into the welding stages. too many unknowns and travails to say...

I spent a very solemn and peaceful hour or so alone with the giant moon last night. communing with a friendly spirit. I think we decided that I need to speak less on a2k for a while. let it be what it is gonna be, and then decide if I want to be a part of it anymore. thunderboomers today, and bucket brigade to follow...always work to do in the garden.

wishing you all peace, and the fulfillment of your dreams, whatever they may be...

Tai Chi
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 09:18 am
Ah well, by then I'll be in no-internet-land, checking in occasionally at the library. I like the sound of your project -- good luck with it.
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:05 am
@Tai Chi,
thank you...

we have major sproutage.

everything but the cauliflower is up. (gonna plant some carrots today. canajun carrots)

at least in a few places...

and I have high hopes for the remainder.

sunny skies and warm breezes for all...
Tai Chi
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:07 am
It's snowing here Very Happy but thanks for the thought.
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:10 am
@Tai Chi,
there are only a few times during the year that Kansas is a better place to be than just aboot anywhere else.

today is gonna be one of those days.

gonna go get gram, and take her jaunting, then come back and work.

garden pictures to happen at some point for those following along from home...

(we will get one more big nasty snow, according to the almanac...)

Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:34 am
I planted salad greens on Saturday. Way too early for anything else.

Enjoy your day with Gram.
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Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 09:13 am
Rockhead wrote:
but I woke up dreaming of art. I want to get some things out of my soul. express myself and move forward. not sure yet what it will be, but I am going to start working with metal again soon. artistically, and for no other purpose than to please myself. because I can...

I like the sound of this.

and sprouting things

and canajun carrots Very Happy
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 07:18 pm
when it rains...

gonna be a late night.

got home from a day in the big city to find smoky in a daze in his dark kitchen.

got some pork chops warming in his oven, and gonna nuke the side dishes I was gonna warm up tonight for me, so I dint have to cook.

chicken fried rice to happen here instead now, when I get him settled and coherenter.

and I was gonna start trying to eat by 9 ... mebbe tomorrow.

back in a bit, I hope.
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:38 pm
work on that taking care of yourself too thing

ok eh
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Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:38 pm
seems he forgot to eat today...


he's doing better now, watching his rasslin'...

don't got cutting chicken up in me yet tonight.

rice chex are calling my name.

gonna start using the torch on the iron pile tomorrow, scrap is approaching $200 a ton again...

and the cats hate me. I stopped at wally's for 5 cans of food, and a coupla other things.(bananas) got home, no cat food. got wally'd again.

**** is a lot more profitable if you can sell it twice...
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 02:22 am
Tractor pull in April. You re invited.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 03:55 pm
I used to play at some of that. from a transmission angle...

got a buddy still does some mud bogging.

no more toys here...

but we made a big block dodge rumble and roar today. sounds good. big fat duals...

gonna start on crusty floors and stuff next week, if he gets his money squared up.

on a mission for a fuel tank float now...
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