I'm gonna sit down with earl grey and contemplate for a bit. y'all are along for the ride...
woke up with a clear head this morning, but we're not ready to go be play at being normal yet.
the effects of years of mostly inactivity have taken their toll, and I have been stretching the envelope of late to test my future.
but I woke up dreaming of art. I want to get some things out of my soul. express myself and move forward. not sure yet what it will be, but I am going to start working with metal again soon. artistically, and for no other purpose than to please myself. because I can...
which brings me to friends.
as I slowly slipped into a darker and more austere place, life and disease forced me to give up things that I thought were important to me. one at a time. sometimes kicking and screaming...each more painful than the last.
until I was left with very little.
the truly important things in life.
no seriously, I mean real
friends. better than family, because they choose to be there...and stay.
and it's been really hard at times to be my friend, I know this. I don't like me half the time, why should anyone else put up with it...
but some truly wonderful people stuck it out, and supported and comforted me, even when I was flared to hell and not real patient or nice. and some fell back, and had to cope with their own lives and troubles. I am understanding of that as well. everyone has to make choices in their own situations, and I don't have it left in me to judge them. may we all learn to see what it is that makes another tick before coloring them with our own shades and hues some day...
each day brings new promise now, and I find myself looking forward and hoping. a new perspective for me.
I think my first piece will be a tree. a big gnarly old tree with verra odd leaves.
be well and enjoy your day, my friends...
andrew gold