This is one of those nites when a hairy pioneer woman doesn't sound so bad
I'm sure glad I don't have cows to worry about, haulin feed n breakin ice ain't too fun in this.
This is when the feeder wagon always breaks.
I got cows close enough to hear them at night.
they dint look any too happy as I went past.
my cats is hairy, and don't require a credit card or jewelry...
(and I've never found myself wishing they would
just stop talking)
Cats are great, warm And quiet.
I used to work for a farmer had a bunch of cows.
I stood out on the hill one night, bout like this, filling a water tank from the truck.
Couldn't help considering what it must of been like out there in the early days.
Sod hut, loong ways from town, oil lamps n wool blankets.
I think about that a lot at night out here.
I have a coupla oil lamps for when my power is down. (and a generator)
they hadda be really stout of heart. damn straight...
Quote:Couldn't help considering what it must of been like out there in the early days.
Sod hut, loong ways from town, oil lamps n wool blankets.
What about the wigwam days?
Quote:(and I've never found myself wishing they would just stop talking)
HA! yeah...I could see that.
"I was born on the prairie where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no inclosures and where everything drew a free breath. I want to die there and not within walls."
— Quote from Comanche Chief Ten Bears at 1867 Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty
bubba came strolling in to see me, with a mouse in her mouth.
and dropped it at my feet to begin rubbing my legs and showing me what a good kitty she was...
I checked the window to see if the apocolypse was upon us.
so I went into the kitchen to grab a cuppa, and contemplate my new mouser cat, and saw the trap on the floor. empty but sprung, that did not live there whence I went to sleep.
oh well...
I can just see that kitty cat sashay
she thinks she's sly.
Stinky imposes way more rules on her than I can...
gotta hook the tow dolly up to the truck and go to town.
I have a guy with a car needs moved...
then Ima come home and fire up the roto-tiller.
gonna plant us a spring crop.
peas and spinach, lettuce and radishes (for smoky)
mebbe some broccoli (one more time) and horseradish...
we're open to other suggestions, but this ain't a democracy...
and we are gonna have chickens.
gotta cut down some trees, and mend a fence first...
you can start onion sets now. Sow them fairly thickly and then pull them as scallions/green onions to thin out the rows. You can have your own onions through fall.
Edit: I usually plant mine in a double row (2 sets about an inch apart along the row). When you thin them pull ones from alternate sides of the double row.
I am searching for a silent rooster...
a rare breed, no doubt.
I don't know nuttin' 'bout planting stuff.
Know precious little about roosters. But I googled silent crowing. Word in some places is that Brahma roosters are quieter than roosters of other breeds. Silent? No.
different types of beans
don't forget things like parsley and dill
parsley in particular can liven up a lot of meals (or if you're Thomas, it is a meal)
how do squash-type plants do in your climate?
I think we're in relatively the same growing zone, zone 7, so any of these will probably work for your area:
A couple days ago I planted red onion starters and also started seeds indoors for jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, watermelon, tomatoes, delicata squash, yellow straight neck squash, egg plant, thyme, basil, chives, sage and marjoram. I also planted a peach tree and some blueberry plants. By the time our last freeze date arrives in April, the seedlings should be ready.
When the soil gets a few degrees warmer, I have seeds to direct sow peas, lettuce, bok choy, string beans, carrots, parsnips, cucumbers and corn. My brussel sprout plants from last year are still alive so I transplanted them to a different spot in the yard.
I'm also thinking about getting a half-barrel to give asparagus a try.
All the crocus and daffodil bulbs I planted last Fall are starting to pop out of the ground so it shouldn't be too long before it is time to get the veggie garden going.
we kicked ass today...
finished off rebuilding and patching a broken frame on a jetta. remembering skills I used to have.
got the plasma cutter in the shop to be repaired.
pretty darn soon wewill be able build anything we can dream up...
gonna go rake the garden plot so's I can plant tomorrow. not gonna get far from home for a coupla days.
got birds singing everywhere, we do...