I've never counted, but a lot....I usually have to switch them about once a year, and I use them all the time.....4 inch angle grinder is what I use, and would prob be the best bet, as the blades are cheaper...if you are handy with one, it would probably be a bit easier to work with vs a circular saw, since a circular saw is bigger than the brick....kinda hard to see what you are doing....if you can find a cheap enough blade for the circular, and your comfortable using it....it's really up to you....either way, I'd make some sort of jig to hold the brick, that way you have both hands free....and fingers out of the way.
If you could make all your cuts....say in a day or half day, it may be easier to just rent a brick saw
I've never priced a masonary blade for a chop saw, not even sure if there is even one out there....but probably is, and if so I'd guess it to be in the 75.00 range.....about what I pay for my tile blades.