the race is on...
I think I'm going to lose water here tomorrow.
and my funding has run almost dry for now. (working the wrestling thing tomorrow)
So I think I am going to try and move before the winter sets in. I was going to try and remodel as I could and move in the spring, but that isn't gonna work now.
Once I am moved and settled, I can focus most of my cash on working at getting healthier.
I got the old heating unit out of the cabin today. prolly a good thing I decided not to use it. there is evidence of fire around the sides of it. I think it woulda flamed me out.
So Ima go with an old country parlor stove. run it out the existing chimney. and the oil filled electric that I used last year to heat the house here. (no gas for a coupla years now.) the stove is kinda cool. I can heat my tea kettle on the burners on top...
the cabin will actually be an upgrade on a couple of levels, when I'm all done.
gonna have hot water for real showers, too.
gathering up all my brick to see if I have enough to make a hearth or not. and I have enough wood now to go all season.
and downsizing the bathroom to bare minimum. not a lot of space for that sort of thing.
I can start out in half of it, if I have to for now. but then I got no kitchen. and the fishes are gonna have to go live at the vw shop for now. even if I get the whole thing weather tight. they will not want to chance the heat going out until everything proves out. and he needs extra tanks now, so everybody wins.
we'll see how far I get before it snows...