several, actually. good ones even...
the union is shut out of several venues, including the casino.
I had to go down to the other office today and set up my payroll account while R was applying.
she is very sweet, and I think we may be seeing more of each other...
so I dropped her back off to home and jetted down to the casino. very small crews working for several days instead of a giant crew blasting it out in a few hours.
good for paycheques...
we were all done after 6 hours and the head was impressed enough to tell us he was paying us 8 anyways.
so I will get almost a full nights sleep before I go do it again in the morning. but I will be assembling the cage, the rigging is all done until the out friday night...
having a large glass of blackberry merlot and some fancy dark chocolate while stinky finishes dinner.
he's not very pleased that I am working 5 outta 7 days this week. but my checking account is...