Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 05:45 pm

RIP fishes.

and I found an 8 inch plecostomus carcass less head where the cats sun themselves.

quite the fishermen it would seem...

but I moved plants inside, and got the greenhouse functional.

it will be a green happy winter.

unless you're a guppy...
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 05:48 pm
RIP guppies
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 05:48 pm
now I'm off to mr vw's to cook dinner for his helping me.

(we caught a dozen still living white clouds)
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 05:50 pm
do people eat them things?
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 07:52 pm
RIP fishes.

Oh noooooo!

Hope you and Mr. VW had a good dinner. I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyelids up.
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Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 09:19 pm
they're mighty small to be food. 20 might be a snack...

bigger tropical fish consider them a fancy delicacy.

on a happier note, my lilies are so huge they have split their pots. next spring I will have to split them up and separate them. more lilies for me...

my pork chops and apples was most excellent. with leftovers...

gonna offload my elephant ear and canna bulbs for winter storage, and get ready to head for the ranch...

I'm so full I waddle.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 12:46 am


went out to my old trailer to get my crocheted blanket.

my new house is sooooo much warmer than the old one.

but I need the extra blanketage.

not gonna use my heat until I gotta.

found some verra cool old oil lamps. feels very pioneery in here now.

bubba is in stinky's spot on the bed, with her motor in high gear.

I'm guessing he is still out in the window spot I made him.

he can peek outta the jungle of houseplants and spy on the ferals.

he has missed having a big window. there were none in the old place. just portholes...

gonna crash and try to get up in time to put in most of a day in the shop tomorrow.

gentle winds...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 01:37 pm

sluggish in the cold...

gonna do some scrambled and toast and head for wally's to get my birth control money.

and some mix oil. and bar oil.

gotta fire the chainsaw up and get some maple and walnut on the ground to dry...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 03:27 pm
I've procrastinated long enough.

and hadda good breakfast.

time to fire up the big saw with it's new chain and go shred some trees...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 07:07 pm
got 6 large trees cut down.

the two on my neighbor's property are all chopped up and hauled away.

my 4 have been cut enough that I can leave the property. two of the big walnuts that line the drive had to come down.

there is still a days work in cutting it all to firewood size pieces and stacking it next to the shop.

gonna be a good winter as far as my wood supply. only using it in the shop this year, which means bigger chunks are ok.

the cabin stove was small. 2 foot maximum.

the double barrel stove in the shop will eat big wood all day long.

maple and walnut mostly. one nasty old elm...

gonna see if I can still make it to wally's before the pharmacy closes so I can get my cash.

she is off tomorrow, and it has drug out too long already...

first I gotta wash the sawdust outta my hair.

I smell like a lumberjack...
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:10 pm
Destructo man you are.

But do what you must. Hugs you.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:16 pm
I'm not having a great day...

been hornswoggled, I think.

the power company showed up to shut me off. out of the blue...

I vowed after the incredibly scarring adventure in town last time that I would never again have to beg and plead to remain hooked to the grid.

and here I am.

there is a $600 back balance. from August...

gonna hafta call Kentucky and raise holy hell.

this was not part of the agreement, and will cripple me trying to start off.

other than that, it was a really good day.

income to be had tomorrow for parts and services I own.

but not $600 worth, mebbe 2 bills...

and my friend got her new previously owned vehicle from my buddies over to the salvage.

she's stoked, and I think ol' bob is in love...

he's easy that way.

a sucker for a pretty girl.

I think she and I are best off as good friends.

I'm still a mess...
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 09:29 pm
there is some good news.

she's been paying the gas bill. (a whopping $14 a month right now)

gonna get all my ducks in a row, and then call her tomorrow afternoon.

I can survive this, but it is not what we agreed upon.

I may be required to sell some assets outta the old mans pile to cover the difference.

we'll see...

I went out and got the rest of my fridge cleaned out and shut the power off to the whole trailer.

tomorrow Ima empty his deep freeze and shut it off.

no unnecessary power usage until things level off a bit...

and its harvest time.

gonna go make up a cup of herbal tea...
Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2012 01:33 pm
I came by to visit and found you not home.

Of course I meant that figuratively. Dropping by Kansas would be - well - somewhat time consuming. Wink Razz
Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2012 06:25 pm
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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2012 06:37 pm
Screw that, get them to front you the money for a good solar set up, then you wont have to worry about the man.
Sucks.. regardless.
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2012 01:11 pm
I'm gonna sell his broken old tractor to make it even.

I'm too deeply invested at this point to let myself get scrooged...

rain today.

and cold.

moving real slowly, and none of my plans for today included getting wet.

so I'm having a giant cuppa and hangin' with stinky.

we'll come up with a plan shortly...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2012 05:29 pm
stuck in town waiting on an appointment.

gonna run by the health food store first. I'm outta brownies.

and the little gal that works there always makes me smile...
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2012 06:16 pm
<still waiting by the door>
<drinking chai>
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2012 07:53 pm
well, at least step in outta the rain...


trying a new frozen in a box tamale pie.

GF / DF.

I spent about 15 minutes at the health food place. I must be giving of pheromones I am unaware of...

my friendly little clerk gal spent mosta the time helping me find stuff, or keeping her boy outta mischief. (his pop had dropped him off for her weekend early) or just chatting.

she's very sweet.

dunno what to think anymore...

oh well.

at least I enjoy shopping a bit more now...

gonna eat and go get the shop ready to be productive when the rain moves out on sunday.

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