I only visited outside of Oklahoma for a few weeks, 4 years ago, spent the time with my "then" boyfriend who, yessum, lived there and was a redneck

He was on the poor side, beautiful family, still communicate with the kids via facebook although they be married now at that young age, or engaged and kids and sister-in-law..
Seeing how "Americans" live, is so different, in the outbacks, compared to here, caught me some huge fleas that tried to come home with me, made me sick for 7 weeks.
Reading your thread everyday, makes me smile, reminds me of "those dear friends", him tinkering on the cars to make money. I love "listening" to what you cooked for yourself and felt over the moon about that first shower, not that way off course
More importantly, you make me laugh and Ifeel your excitment of yet, another win.
Mind you the chickens going missing worried me till they came home again.
Love reading your thread Rock.... love, love, love.