Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2012 07:28 pm
I'm assuming you got rid of Finn, yes?
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2012 09:20 pm
I was thinking the same thing. Cool
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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2012 10:35 pm
mr vw returned home later that evening and put him back in the population.

he said thet he was very docile and meek. mebbe he learned his lesson from the 2 hours in cold solitary. who knows...

but, yes. finn will be in the 12 that leave. if they leave. now he's gotta ask the wife. that is always the death knell for car deals. we will see what it portends with respect to poultry...

planted my marigolds and morning glories. after cleaning out the bed. had a few returns from last year, but not enough. and I expanded the bed. it's now 40 feet long and four deep. and seeded. and watered...

then I decided to mow, since tomorrow is nickelback day, and Saturday will be recover from nickelback day...

my garden is finally taking shape for this year. mowing made it all stand out.

the year of the elephant ear and the giant sunflower.

the sunflower forest outside the cabin door is now almost 3 feet tall. and my sentry flowers over along the path to the chicken pen are already 7 foot tall and three around. they will go 12 to 14 feet and need ropes to hold them up before we are done...

tard and filthy. got a shower boiling up and some tots in the oven...
Reply Fri 8 Jun, 2012 04:42 am
Sounds like a good day. Your garden sounds amazing. Is it too late to plant sunflowers?

I am keeping a six week old baby now. I get to take her with me to the ball games. I am a bit rusty on the baby mama thing. She is adorable though. And I finally have a GIRL!

The re-learning curve is a bit tough. But it pays and I do get to stay home with the boys and haul them around. Smile And I am helping out a new mama who is incredibly weepy at having to leave her sweet little baby.
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2012 03:23 am
no weepy new mommas for me, thanks...

I'm over to mr vw's awaiting his sister to finish packing. her plane leaves about dawn. I'm the taxi. he's sleeping...

having a big cuppa Earl Grey with honey. (I keep a stash here for emergency purposes)

we worked together tonight, and I took the heavy lifting to spare him.

now I hurt rahther significantly.

I'll take a pill before I crash on his couch. I'll catch enough z's to go home and do my chores. then I'll see if I stay up. dunno yet...

If I don't see another 50 amp cable this summer, it won't hurt my feelings any.

at least we didn't have to run them under the stage. it was all done overhead in the trusses...

been hanging with my 27 baby chicks.

they rock...
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 08:59 pm
there is nothing quite like the smell of a good rain when you really need it...

and we did.

got my goats securely (I hope) located in the pasture. they will truly appreciate the leanto I build for them tomorrow after being out in the rain tonight...

cleaning up dishes to make some dinner now. been working on garden and fence while I could. been watching the storm come in...

I better go empty my buckets.
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2012 06:03 am
Smile Don't blame you. Not too many men deal very well with crying wimmins. Wink

Glad you are getting the rain. Glad the goats are all secure and I am sure they are going to love the lean-to you build. Smile How's the chicks?

The rain down here has made pool play for the tournament next weekend very difficult. A wee bit frustrating really. We will not be able to advance as we had hoped. Anyway...really no big deal in light of everything. Razz

Hugs to you. Hope you have a good day.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2012 05:37 pm
Kansas is good summer baseball weather. as long as you like it hotttt...

it almost never rains, but when it does, there is no ball. big storms are the norm for a while...

instead of building a leanto, I moved the two old falling apart doghouses out there for the goats. set them next to each other.

good move. they are playing king goat of the hill. Agnes is winning, of course.

they are having a blast. and there is nothing as cute as a jumping butting baby goat...
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Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2012 11:04 pm
I need more hours in my days...

got half my foundation laid out for the room addition I hope to do in the fall. (it also will fix my leaky roof)

and I set up my fans in the cabin so my a/c cools the whole joint better.

and I cleared a path through the sunflower forest outside my door, and cypress mulched it so it stays clear.

I had a late night visitor the other day that really crushed some stuff trying to find my door in the dark. I moved some solar lights so that it is well defined now.

and it looks really cool. they are only about 3 feet high now, but when they get to 7 or so, I think the effect will be awesome. (and you can't see the broken down trailer next to me so much this way)

the goats have been contained for over 24 hours now. Earache came over and helped me finish pulling the fence tight, and lugging the doghouses in. we also tossed out the giant volunteer elms that I cut down in the chicken yard.

gonna get it all ready so my chicks can come home soon...
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 12:24 am
decided I better give the garden a big midnight drink. the sun is gonna be up long before I am...

and then I got hungry.

go figure...

having a leftover pork cutlet.

got smoky's laundry all done. gonna go take him for a haircut tomorrow, I think.

there is a barber down a coupla blocks on the corner. Ima take him for a long walk in his chair and bring him back looking all dapper...
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 05:28 am
You are so busy! I know Smokey appreciates you. Hope you get lots done today.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 06:36 am
G'day, Rocky.
Just checking in to see what you've been up to ....
Busy, busy, busy, I see!
Chickens & goats, gorgeous garden on the go & building stuff going on... say nothing of all the rest!

Don't exhaust yourself, will you?
And keep talking about the heat, please.
It makes me feel better as I sit at this computer freezing my bum off! Smile
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 06:38 am
Rockhead wrote:
gonna get it all ready so my chicks can come home soon...

you and your chicks

Very Happy
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 08:31 am
msolga wrote:
And keep talking about the heat, please.
It makes me feel better as I sit at this computer freezing my bum off! Smile

105 degrees F here in Phoenix today, MO.
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 08:54 am
105 degrees F here in Phoenix today, MO.

Thank you, Tico!
That felt great! Smile Wink
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 10:50 am
TWo of my chickens hatched a bunch of chicks. Now I got me 15 more future egg laying girlsw and about 7 grill bound capons.

They are all cute at this stage, the chicks will all run under the hens wings for protection and she sits in a corner with her wings partially spread. If thats her only means of protection its amazing that proto- chickens got through the Eocene.
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 11:52 am
Freezing? Is that even possible in Oz?
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 07:12 pm
we've not hit triple digits yet, to my knowledge.

so I'm not gonna complain on the weather...


I got some gluten/dairy free chocolate covered ice cream bars.

I think I'm in heaven.

(as long as I don't look at the receipt...)
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Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2012 09:47 pm
started getting woozy, so I come in to eat something.

damn, it's almost 11.

noodles it is...

sunk me a new post in the chicken pen. concreted it and everything.

and put the damn goats back where they belong. firkin houdinis...

my sunflower forest rocks.
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Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2012 04:34 pm
it's amazing what I can get done when I stay home and leave the phone inside...

gonna have the chicken yard all ready by the weekend.

sinking my last post today, and restretching fence. haven't seen my goats, so if they are out, they are exploring the world to the east.

they'd hafta go a full mile that way to get into serious trouble...
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