I think I am getting rid of my tractor, but...
I looked at my big cattle feeder, and I think it will work for goats.
yes, I think I am leaning toward goats...
my friend JB, that works for ol' bob, and is the best mechanic I know, has a boy that is running 200 head or so of goats. I just found out today...
I am going to go over and talk with them, and prolly end up buying a pair to start my own goat herd with.
I also think that he may wanna go in halvsies on an order of araucanas with me. I am getting ready to order some. my sis wants a few, and I think Ima get a dozen hens and one rooster. I took a good look at the chicken pen today (it's still raining steady) if I do a little fence repair and fix the door to the henhouse, I think I am ready. this place used to be a commercial chicken farm, and there is a large amount of equipment left over from those days. stuff I don't even know ywt what it was for. lots of feeders and stuff, too.
smoky will enjoy helping me figger out what it all is...