a donkey,ll eat abot a bale of hay every three days. (They arent as messy as the sheep who, without good hay ricks, will walk all over their dinner(Never feed by just dumping hay on the ground, the sheep will **** and sleep in it and then eat it and spread parasites . We use a series of hay ricks and a cattle feeding set up that came with the dairy barn at the farm.
A Sicilian donkey os about 40" high , They asre sweethearts with people and will pay for themselves better than a gard dog. If youve got coyotes, this is a real concern (what kind of protection do you want)
I sed to travekl a LOT and my wife was always "rnning shotgun" with wold dogs and "Coy-dogs" we had more of a dpomestic dog problem bt wed lose sheep every year . We installed an intercom and a radio transmitter around the paddocks.Yo can always tell panic in the herd and it was always dogs or cor dogs, and the problem was always in the middle of the night.
MArrema , Komondoor, Great Pyrenees, etc are all great sheep dogs bt they live with the herd fll time and get like really rank after a few weeks out in the mud and the barn.
The dogs still like the family and want to be pet and acknowledhged as the top dog and they really STINK. SO a donkey is already sed to being a hoofed animal (NO we dont shoe a donkey but we do trim hooves ourselves). A dokey is actually less maintenance than a dog or a horse for animal protection. Id say that a donkey would take one acres worth of forage (pasture). YOU want to maximize the se of pasture and either grow or buy in your winter hay. We do both and we dont waste time on really fancy hays any more. We grow a good pastre mix of primarily orchard grass that we had tested several times and our raw protein is about 17% (as compared to alfalfa which is 23-25%). ALfalfa, for us, is abot 300$ a ton and orchard grass is abot half that. SO its mch more economical to feed orchard grass hay. AND, they are working on newer orchard grass hybrids that prodce 20% protein.
Good orchard grass and some dry weather grass are good(Your ag extension service is great for help as to whats the best forages for your area). NEVER plant clover or any other high leaf stuff like sudan or sudax, it will cause toxicity when the frost hits it and can give off cyanide.