DECLINES IN FISH STOCKS WORLDWIDE_the ecology of exinction

Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:45 am
back to the barn. thanks for the support but I feel that all hes doing is turning on you.
You are a hero by your own admission. What a guy !!
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:55 am
When all you can say is nonsesne , all your insults are easily seen as mere covering up your lack of scholarship with insane volume .
You couldnt leave well enough alone could you. I dont care if you are senile, I can not let that slide.

Lets look at it so far. I said another type of tuna could eventually take their place, or even another species evolve altogether. You said it couldnt because this species of tuna was warm blooded. I said that was silly because warm blooded animals do exist in the tropics. That is how they move into colder climes. They dont move into the cold and then adapt warm blood. In the case of whales, they adapted size and blubber to MAINTAIN warm blood. They were probably driven there by predators. Although I dont expect tuna to evade man as a predator, it is only in the rediculous time frame of one human life is any of this a problem. The loss of one species that would impact the rich sushi eaters is meaningless if we think globally.

Ionus : Whales were tropical but evolved to be able to maintain warm blooded when they moved into cold waters.

farmerman said : ITS STILL WRONG. Whles were NEVER COLD BLOODED
You have clearly lost your ability to read and comprehend. Show me how I said whales were cold blooded ?
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 05:01 am
Ionus quoted farmerman saying-

It restores my original belief that Australians are a civilization composed of inquiring minds. (I was having doubts recently)

That's from a materialist who daren't read Professor D.M. Armstrong's Materialist Theory of Mind, Professor Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch and Sex and Destiny or watch Australian beer commercials.

His belief is restored from one cheapskate cut and paste job which confirms what he already believes and which was found by accident rather than being the result of a year or two of serious scholarship. A rather shallow belief I must say. A nose powdering job actually.

farmerman has accused me of stalking him and I am not in the elite band of 20 who are designated to be following him--stalking is following determindly.

I find Ionus to be a very refreshing change to A2K even though I don't agree with his global approach unless he means a strict human population control policy and the eradication of advertising on TV or, in view of how clever the ad industry is, the eradication of TV altogether on the basis that it is the most dangerous experiment the human race has ever attempted and is corrupt to the very core of its being and corrupting everything it comes into contact with.

One scientist I read claimed that we humans will eventually eradicate every species of animal except those we like to eat or those which look appealing to feminine sensibilities. Those will be kept in factory farms, zoos or reservations to provide cheap food or somewhere to go when boredom becomes intolerable.

Which really means that conservationists are in denial about their own nature and are cynically exploiting feminine sensibilities for money or attention with very temporary high sounding hypocrisies which are no sooner spouted than they go back to polluting, eradicating and imposing their egos on as wide a range of locations as their income allows.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 05:04 am
IONUS said, pretty clearly that:
Whales were tropical but evolved warm blooded when they moved into cold waters.

If this doesnt say that whales werent originally cold blooded, Ill clean your birdcage for two months. Why dont you just admit to saying something incorrect and wed have been past this several pages back and you wouldnt be tweaking my nose and I wouldnt be shitting on your head.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."
Thanks Dr Pope, now as Petronius has written;

"This is the right armour of genius"
'Drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring.'
Only then pour out your heart."

Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 05:04 am
I, more likeley represent the many here on A2K that think.

I can't argue with that. I'll leave what is thought for another time.
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 05:10 am
This is awful to watch.

You should stop watching then Olga. When conversations between men become acceptable to ladies they cease to be conversations.
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 05:19 am
Out of deference for the bad feeling it is causing you I shall exit this thread.

Hey Io--I was enjoying it all. Don't allow Olga to hand the choice spring lamb cutlet producer the run of the floor. That's how to lose the argument.

You have contributed many interesting ideas which is more than can be said about the platitudes of your opponents.

All Olga has shown is that women should be kept out of councils where anything significant is hammered out.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 06:03 am
Whales were tropical but evolved to be able to maintain warm blooded when they moved into cold waters.
May I refer you to the post ?

(seriously) famerman, you are not well. Take a holiday, see your doctor ...
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 06:42 am
Stop the patronizing useless crap about my mental health , youre being ridiculous . As far as your SECOND poast. (I suppose you realize that your initial one WAS a bit fucked up and incorrect wasnt it?) AS far as your second one (Your feeble attempt at self correction)

Whales were tropical but evolved to be able to maintain warm blooded when they moved into cold waters.
Thais one isnt much better because it states that that whales "evolved" some better means of temperature regulation when they "moved into cold waters". What puerile crap. Youre saying basically the same thing except now "warm bloodedness was done by degrees" when every eleven year old knows the evolution of whales proceeded from a series of ungulate mammals who presumably already carried the equipment for thermal regulation even before they ventured into the water. They were, placental mammals and, as far as wqe know, there arent any placentals that "evolved a higher order of thermal regulation", because they already were so endowed.
As I said before, precision in communication is not one of your strong points. Id suggest really boning up on something you wish to opine over, itll save you vast amounts of personal embarrassment to 11 year olds who know more than you.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 10:02 am
All Olga has shown is that women should be kept out of councils where anything significant is hammered out.

no, but it does show why we are in desperate need of a revivial of men only clubs. Women dont get men, never will, and and they cant bring themselves to keep quiet while we do our thing.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:18 pm
Thais one isnt much better because it states that that whales "evolved" some better means of temperature regulation when they "moved into cold waters". What puerile crap. Youre saying basically the same thing except now "warm bloodedness was done by degrees" when every eleven year old knows the evolution of whales proceeded from a series of ungulate mammals who presumably already carried the equipment for thermal regulation even before they ventured into the water. They were, placental mammals and, as far as we know, there arent any placentals that "evolved a higher order of thermal regulation", because they already were so endowed.

I don't think this is puerile crap, Farmer, though I certainly can't say that it's 100% accurate. You yourself have noted that these are "presumably", "as far as we know" issues... .

Aren't there peoples of the world that have adapted, genetically and in an evolutionary sense to colder/hotter climates, higher altitudes, ... ?
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:20 pm
And our thing is making sure women and their children are well fed, warm and safe.
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:24 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
All Olga has shown is that women should be kept out of councils where anything significant is hammered out.

no, but it does show why we are in desperate need of a revivial of men only clubs. Women dont get men, never will, and and they cant bring themselves to keep quiet while we do our thing.

spendius wrote:
And our thing is making sure women and their children are well fed, warm and safe.

jesus, the quicker that something slams into this planet and extinguishes all life on earth the better
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:30 pm
Farmerman thinks that declaring something "puerile crap" is scientific evidence that it is and needing no further verification.

He's been thinking like that for the six years I have been trying to discuss certain matters with him.

He wants to have evolution taught in all the nation's schools without him bothering to demonstrate that it is not a dangerous idea and after repeated requests for him to do so. He wants to extirpate "ignorance, dogma and myth" (by which he means the Christian religion) from schools without him considering even whether that is either possible or useful.

He cannot bring himself to imagine a society from which those things have been removed. He thinks he doesn't need to. He thinks we should do it on his say-so.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:32 pm
That's a bit negative djjd. What is your grounds for wishing that upon us all?
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:41 pm
I don't think that it's simply FM's say so, Spendi. Much as I value much/some?? of his info, I'd hardly be willing to put it all in Farmer's hands.

Societies have always taught the current science in schools. Is that really so surprising? The current science is evolution and I agree fully with any and everyone that wants to extirpate Christian or any religion from schools.

There's just too many of them, each with their own little prides and prejudices, the prides on the whole are okay, the prejudices are not.

You and I have discussed this before, though not at great length. I doubt very much that a society without religion would be much better than the societies we've had with religion. You have to note that it is often those with the greatest religiosity [or they trumpet the same] that commit the most heinous of sins and transgressions against their fellow man/woman.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:44 pm
Isn't it ironic?
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:45 pm
presumably", "as far as we know" issues...
Well while thats true because I wsnt there in the Triassic when mammals first appeared , nor was I there at the 58 Million year line when cetaceans began diverting from their hoofed -predecessors. However, Fossils of the proto cetaceans and their ancestors are available, including several that definately showed that they were milk producing placental mammals. Lets say that I was being "kind" about that statement since Im used to stating the same among colleagues. Its a sport of science to never say never.

I wouldnt bet your paycheck against the "total warmbloodedness" issue or that whales evolved from colder blooded ancestors. Because if that were so , wed probably have to go back to the pre Permian times before the pre mammalian reptiles even diverged from primary reptilian stocks. When the modern three groups of mammals made it through the KT boundary, they were already warm blooded (ALL of them), they didnt spend time developing thermoregulation since it was already developed 100 million years prior.
If thats what your pal meant then he should have not copped out to the sillyness that he did. I can imagine him opening his yap at some symposium on evolution with his whale tale. The audience would think that he was a "stand up comedy skit" about science.

If he wishes to troll me I wont step down when hes just being dumb. Many people here say to ignore such clowns but , as a teacher I dont want to leave the last post as one which is just flat silly, If any colleague would drop in as a guest or a member, (and weve had several) Theyd ask me whether I believe the story about TRex DNA or cold blooded whales. I have to make the distinction that I tried to dissuade your buddy of these notions and want able for whatever reasons.

Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:51 pm
Well- I would agree with getting rid of the little prides and prejudices. And the big ones.

But the side farmerman is on has pushed the issue using very strong vituperations and they have polarised the debate un-necessarily and it is inevitable that a provoked opposition, particularly one with a majority seeing a president sworn in on the Bible and ministers of religion in attendance at funerals of soldiers, will itself get more extreme.

Media love it.
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:54 pm
The upshot of all this is that "my pal" could be accurate in his assertion, ie, it's certainly possible that evolutionary changes occurred in cetaceans as they made their way from warm to colder waters.
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