DECLINES IN FISH STOCKS WORLDWIDE_the ecology of exinction

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 02:05 am
There is no debate at A2K. If you have the gall to disagree you are ridiculed and insulted. This is not done by scholars, and it certainly isnt done by someone in the same room as me. Not twice, anyway.

Do you really think that Spendy and I have the entire guilt between us ? Just because you like the other members and hate us doesnt mean you or them are right and we are wrong. Go back and see where these clowns have apologised or admitted being wrong. I have. Why havent they ? Because they dont think it is possible to be wrong. They seize on what they think is a critical error.

Your complaint is simply that I give back more than I give. But if they dont like it they can stay civil, but its not possible with so many personality disorders in people who are here to show off.

Newsflash to all dickheads here - someone can reference poorly, argue badly, go against the "latest" thinking, have limited english, be of limited intelligence, a racist, a sexist, a non-greenie, a religious nut, and still be right. You are not God. And even if they are wrong - they are still entitled to their opinion without hindrance. I am stunned that so many of these pricks come from USA...dont they believe in freedom of speech ? Perhaps only if it agrees with them.

What justification do they fall back on for these attacks ?

If you don't respect other forum members, how the hell do you expect us to respect you?
I have the respect of men who have been in combat. Ask yourself where is your respect going to fit on my list of importance when you side with bullies.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 02:31 am
So IGNORE the people you thus categorize!!!

You have simply joined them in filling the thread with crap.

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 02:36 am
I have never and will never ignore any attempt to intimidate or bully me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 03:07 am
There is no debate at A2K. If you have the gall to disagree you are ridiculed and insulted.

Not always true, Ionus.
But if you are going to disagree, (in my experience) you'd better provide some solid ground for disagreement. Otherwise, especially if you persist & persist on fairly flimsy grounds (possibly repeated over & over) , people will tire of your "arguments" & become annoyed.

Do you really think that Spendy and I have the entire guilt between us ? Just because you like the other members and hate us doesnt mean you or them are right and we are wrong.

Well I am a member & I do not hate either you or spendy. (I have my moments of fondness for spendy, actually), but I find it extremely tiresome & annoying when you (especially) attempt to take over a discussion like this one with your own arguments. I don't know how many times I heard the dismissive "cute" response, when someone was attempting to contribute something constructive to the discussion. And just because you appear to have an "all or nothing" attitude to conservation issues, and other people rejected that approach on the basis of "do-ability" does not mean that anyone hates you. They have every right to have a very different opinion to yours.
I don't know, Ionus, you seem to become overly hostile & repeat the same things over & over when others disagree with your perspective. When it is not you who is being judged or commented upon, but the ideas you put forward. And your unwillingness to allow the discussion to proceed beyond that point.

Your complaint is simply that I give back more than I give. But if they dont like it they can stay civil, but its not possible with so many personality disorders in people who are here to show off

No. My "complaint" is that you seem not able to allow the cut & thrust of the discussion to proceed, because people have disagreed with you. It is the destructive way you react when you when you take the disagreements with your arguments to heart. To most other people, it's just responding to arguments (or lack of), it is not about you. As for "personality disorders", well .... Confused



[msolga quote]If you don't respect other forum members, how the hell do you expect us to respect you?

[Ionus quote]I have the respect of men who have been in combat. Ask yourself where is your respect going to fit on my list of importance when you side with bullies.

What I meant by "not respecting other forum members" was that you & spendy where not allowing discussion to proceed, because of some perception of unfairness (or something?) on your part. You were in the process of trashing this thread. Thing is, there were quite a number of us who were actually interested in the thread subject, but you weren't considering any of us at all by your actions.

I don't know what relevance combat experience has to how one conducts oneself on a community forum. This isn't combat, it's discussion & debate. And I don't think I've "sided with bullies" at all. Heck, I just wanted the thread to get back on topic & proceed! I think that's pretty much what others might have wanted, too.

And now, I've said just about everything I have to say on this, Ionus. You can accept or reject what I've said. Up to you. But I won't be continuing. I'm off to cook dinner in a minute.

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 03:25 am
When it is not you who is being judged or commented upon,....it is not about you
That is exactly what it is about when they say I have given up and it is too hard for me and so on...I am sure you dont want me to list them all. I do not come into this thread a new member...it seems others are quite prepared to say "Ionus was wrong in the other thread so he must be wrong in this thread " how childish and silly is that ? Then they dont do justice to the debate in the other thread. That is pure ego and if you prefer them to me I can live with that but not their stupid attacks. I will continue to respond to little dicks with big egos whenever they attack.

I don't know what relevance combat experience has to how one conducts oneself on a community forum...
It has no relevance to my conduct. It was addressing your attempt to sway me by saying you didnt respect me. I dont care if you dont respect me. That is what it was addressing.

You have provided a typical example of how people on this forum distort what is said to their own ends. I dont think many of them can read unless they are looking for something to pin their opponent with...very few read and understand...Spendy is one of them and he cops a lot of ridicule for it.

I have said this many times...show me an instance where I was the first to insinuate or ridicule ....

The thread can get back on topic any time the posters want it to...they simply have to debate the science, politics or whatever and not personalities. But they are not here for debate. They are here for praise.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 03:30 am

The thread can get back on topic any time the posters want it to...they simply have to debate the science, politics or whatever and not personalities.

Well I hope this will happen .
It probably will too, if you & spendy have now stopped trashing it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 05:06 am
For what it's worth, can I just throw my two bob's worth in?

Of course you can.

I am finding this ongoing mindless debacle quite depressing.

Yes--things mindless do do that to some folk. But it's your definition of mindless. I find it very interesting. If you changed your definition of mindless you might do too.

Right now I'm finding fewer & fewer threads on A2K that actually hold my interest.

Perhaps you prefer conversations to be always up your street. Conversations are much more to do with the participants rather than the purported subject. The subject here has been flogged to death in media.

Thanks a lot, Ionus, spendy. You've really done yourselves proud.

Why not? We are all here to strut our stuff. dadpad was threatening violence yesterday. Your silence on that presumably indicates approval.

But what exactly do you think you're achieving here by this troll-fest performance?

Like with mindless so with troll. But both of us are a bit sick of people posing as saving the earth who are in the top 2% of destroyers of it. Mr Gore is in the top 0.1%. All the Copenhagen summit acheived was to dump a few hundred thousand tons of pollutant into our environment and a nice bonus for a raft of whores. You saw my U-tube entry I hope. The "Green Bank" one fronted up by another 0.1%er who must need money real bad to tell the world lies.

Do you honestly think your destructive input holds the remotest bit of interest to anyone but you?

As with mindless and troll so with destructive. Our input might interest some people just as your's might do. In fact I am proving here that your's does as you proved our's does by taking your precious time over it.

What you are actually doing is shitting on people who actually try to create interesting, informative threads here.

You're at it again Olga. Asserting. They don't look to be trying so hard to me. They are posing as morally superior whilst driving 40 miles in a gas guzzler for a pizza and sailing a boat mindlessly around the bays on the east coast and then having to get seafood out of the bow thrusters in gobbed up masses. Each organism being equal to any whale from its own point of view. I'm a veggie so imagine what I think about tender lamb cutlet producers pretending they love little furry creatures.

And let me say, that in your desire to disagree, pour **** on someone you might dislike or disagree with for whatever reasons ... whatever your motive for trying to make this thread dysfunctional by your antics .... that you are also pissing on other fellow A2Kers who have had some real interest in the subject under discussion. You are putting **** on us, too.

We are debating. I don't dislike anybody. I like fm. He likes me. We have a symbiotic cyber relationship of long standing. I like Cyclo. He likes me. Thei would very quickly get bored if everyone agreed with them. Tell us what your interest in the thread is. I'm agog to know. If you're a Greenie we are entitled to examine your lifestyle to see if you mean it or suggest ways you might enhance your Greeniness.

I'm really sick of this & wish you would both either desist, participate, argue the issues, or else start your own thread/s which actually reflect your particular points of view ... whatever they might be. I'm not quite sure, to be honest.

Do you mean participate in a manner you approve of? Our points of view are quite plain. If you read our posts you will see that we have made a good few practical suggestions all of which might actually acheive the asserted aims of the side you claim we are shitting on whose ideas we think are hopeless and only serve to puff up their self-righteous egos. I even suggested a way to kill whales as humane as that used for turkeys and 20 week old lambs. I asked about whale populations if nobody hunted them. So did Io.

Methinks you protest too much Olga.

Now you can pour **** on me, too, if you like.
But you know what? I'm so pissed off with the pair of you right right now I couldn't care less. I'm losing respect for both of you over this little performance ... fast. If you don't respect other forum members, how the hell do you expect us to respect you?

Nobody respects either of us and I'm not interested in whether anybody does. I'm not up for flattering people who talk one way and live another in order to have their respect.

And George has poured some polite scorn on your claque.

Are you certain that the Greenies aren't just out to stop poorer countries catching us up whilst piling on their own growth as fast as they can.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 05:10 am
OK, spendy, now you've had your say can we get back to the thread topic?

(without the trashing?)
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 05:15 am
It is virtually axiomatic that the arrival of Spurious in a thread will spell its demise. It has reached the point at which the arrival of Ionus means the same thing. It's wonderful how Ionus displays this persecution complex, when he is the one who introduces the invidious and often scatological comments. Although i've not read his posts in literally years, i don't recall that that was ever a fault of Spurious.

Nice try ladies, but a wasted effort.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 06:27 am
Are you certain that the Greenies aren't just out to stop poorer countries catching us up whilst piling on their own growth as fast as they can.
I dont know about olga but I am very suspicius that is exactly what they are doing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:30 am
It is virtually axiomatic that the arrival of Spurious in a thread will spell its demise.

I certainly don't think anybody is entitled to come on a thread when they not only have other participants on Ignore but actually boast about it as if it somehow means they are very clever and have thereby won the argument. I don't think the Ignore function was introduced to A2K for such a purpose.

Imagine being sat around a table debating and Setanta shoot his mouth and then puts headphones over his ears playing Elton John recordings. He would be shown the door.

I ignore lots of threads and posts but I don't contribute to them nor respond to them. That would be trolling.

What is one to say about that coming from someone who hasn't seen my posts? And what does "virtually axiomatic" mean? Setanta hasn't even the manners to refer to posters, or Jesus, by their correct names.

And the thread is not in demise mode either.

I cannot understand Americans allowing clowns like Setanta to present to an international forum a one sided (one hopes) picture of what the American educational system turns out after 15 years of time consuming and expensive efforts.

And Setanta goes out of his way to accuse Ionus of scatology and in two posts on the previous page farmerman indulges his vast panoply of scatology with the following---Hemorrhoid (twice), anal, **** (twice), dipshit, turd and Butthole. And he can't even be bothered looking up how to spell haemorrhoid. The "hae" denoting a biological meaning and "hem" an aspect of a lady's skirt. And farmerman's scatological frequency is not unusual for him as anybody who reads the evolution threads will know.

You line yourself up with that lot Olga if you like. It's a free country.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:36 am
It is virtually axiomatic that the arrival of Spurious in a thread will spell its demise. It has reached the point at which the arrival of Ionus means the same thing. It's wonderful how Ionus displays this persecution complex, when he is the one who introduces the invidious and often scatological comments. Although i've not read his posts in literally years, i don't recall that that was ever a fault of Spurious.
And will olga be criticising **** for brains for the above after she asked for a return to topic ? Or perhaps she thinks it is OK for her favourites, her little pets, the cute ones, to insult anyone and derail any thread because they are not at fault...heavens no, they are not at fault !
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:50 am
(without the trashing?)

Look Olga--neither Ionus or myself are doing any trashing. We both think that some twee posters are distracting attention from the real issues, population and rampant consumerism, by indulging their emotions on a few "cute" species and using them to draw attention to themselves as compassionate and concerned citizens when even a cursory examination of their activities shows that they are nothing of the sort and are in actual fact simply an offshoot of consumerism.

Gas in the UK is now £5.40 a gallon. Which is about $8.10. And watch the American media bleat and whimper when their gas gets above $2.00. Do you think farmerman would go 40 miles in one of his gas guzzlers at $8.10 to get a pizza?

He's having us on. He hasn't the slightest interest in saving any bloody thing at all except his own preciousness.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 10:23 am
It's wonderful how Ionus displays this persecution complex, when he is the one who introduces the invidious and often scatological comments. Although i've not read his posts in literally years, i don't recall that that was ever a fault of Spurious.

There is no one, absolutely no one that I've ever encountered that is a greater hypocrite than you, Setanta. How you can even begin to suggest this of others when you are the real deal when it comes to persecution complex, invidiousness, and more than your fair share of scatological comments.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 10:24 am
Look Olga--neither Ionus or myself are doing any trashing. We both think that some twee posters are distracting attention from the real issues, population and rampant consumerism, by indulging their emotions on a few "cute" species and using them to draw attention to themselves as compassionate and concerned citizens when even a cursory examination of their activities shows that they are nothing of the sort and are in actual fact simply an offshoot of consumerism.
You are delusional. Youve been stalking me for years > I always thought it was a pheromonal thing , but indeed, you are just a troll.

IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU CAN DO A GOOD JOB AT THIS THREADS CONTENT, I gladly turn it over to you and the squirrel. Im just tired of how you two have fucked up a decent conversation.
How YOU bring anything of value to this discussion , Im anxious to read.

"As far as my foray into cussin, you really are delusional. Your squirrel friend had been on a crazy man shoutfest at everyone for several pages before I lost my patience. Im amazed at how your inability to be objective rules your every post.
SO, you and the squirrel , its your thread now. DO something great .
WHile your fellating the squirrel, Im gonna be filleting some fish for lunch.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 01:01 pm
It says --the ecology of extinction.

Such a term does not apply outside of human activity. Advanced human activity. There are no extinctions outside of human consciousness.

So it is really the effect of humans on Nature.

Reduce humans and reduce extinctions. Reduce their consumption and reduce extinctions. Reduce humans and their consumption and reduce the Dow. Reduce the Dow and reduce pensions.

Do you want to reduce all those things. If you don't you don't give a flying **** about extinctions and bleating about the cuties makes not a shite of difference except that it might increase extinctions of organisms you are too snooty to look at because you can't eat them or because they are not photogenic.

You lot have spent the kid's inheritance. Consuming.

Name calling will get you nowhere. You are useless at it anyway.

Here's an example of the real deal--

His face was so ugly, his person so ill made, and his carriage so awkward that every feature was a blemish, every limb an incumbrance, and every motion a disgrace. But, as disagreeable as his figure was, his voice was still more so, and his address more disagreeable than either. He had a great flow of words that were always uttered in a lulling monotony borrowed from commonplace maxims and sentiments of moralists, philosophers, patriots, and poets, crudely imbibed, half digested, ill put together, and confusedly refunded.

I'll not say who wrote it or who it referred to. Some people thought quite the opposite about the target. They said he was a master of style as of every other excellence. I wouldn't know who was right. It was written in the 18th century.

Now, intelligence has a synergy and a development. So your 21st century insults are hopeless by comparison and a measure of your attributes in other areas than the technique of insult.

And they are just as meaningless. Meaninglessness is an absolute.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 01:37 pm
Look Olga--neither Ionus or myself are doing any trashing. We both think that some twee posters are distracting attention from the real issues, population and rampant consumerism

But this topic was about the decline in fish stocks in the world's oceans.
That's what I was interested in learning more about, spendius.

Why didn't you simply start your own thread on the subject of population growth & consumerism (there might have been interest)... rather than destroying this thread?

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 02:09 pm
Why didn't you simply start your own thread on the subject of population growth & consumerism (there might have been interest)... rather than destroying this thread?

Those things are interrelated, MsOlga. You seem to be just a little too dogmatic about what should and should not be in a thread. And it seems that when you or one of the folks "on your side" go off on a tangent, you are quiet as a church mouse.

The whole first two pages of this thread were Setanta going on about the Japanese capitalist system plundering the oceans.

Where were you then?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 02:10 pm
msolga wrote:

Look Olga--neither Ionus or myself are doing any trashing. We both think that some twee posters are distracting attention from the real issues, population and rampant consumerism

But this topic was about the decline in fish stocks in the world's oceans.
That's what I was interested in learning more about, spendius.

Why didn't you simply start your own thread on the subject of population growth & consumerism (there might have been interest)... rather than destroying this thread?

Is it not obvious? Because destroying the thread is the point.

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 02:17 pm
Is it not obvious? Because destroying the thread is the point.

Stop being such a little crybaby, Cy. I remember Foxy registering many a complaint, even against you, if I'm not mistaken, for trashing her thread.

Did it stop you? Not for a second.

First, it was the troll nonsense, then it's "I'm putting you on ignore", then it's whining about someone wrecking a thread. What'll be the next sandbox taunt?


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