Mon 22 Feb, 2010 05:51 pm
I watched this show on Presidents Day. Is he the real deal or another fad? Another Dr. Phil?
On the surface he seemed to give some good info, but there are so many of these advice/fad type of things.
So I'm a gram. I can't watch most daytime TV - I did watch part of this episode and found some of his stuff interesting. But not much more than info you can get over the internet.
Just wondering if he is a Dr. Phil type or if he really has some substance.
my gram is 90.
she likes Dr. Phil the walrus as well...
Nice - I am now like a 90 year old woman.
I guess that Dr. Oz age curing suggestion did the opposite for me.
that's ok, I'm a lot like her, too.
(just not the same taste in tv doofuses)
I'm familiar with him from the "Ask Dr. Oz" column in
Esquire magazine and it's pretty good:
I recall one question to him being "What three foods would you want if you were standed on a deserted island?" and his answer being "beer, broccoli and walnuts". He gave his reasons and they seemed to make a lot of sense. I've tried to keep those three items around the house since then.
That does it! Walnuts might be nice and high in omega 3 oils, but they're lousy with omega 6. Don't ask me what that means, it's just bad.
Everything seems highly scripted on his show.
Real Drs would not know that much about such a wide variety of health issues.
The show is for the most part boring, he is a smart guy but ... yawn. That said, I have learned a thing or two. Like about blackheads. Never knew that and am horrified I used to squeeze them. He doesn't give enough time to each subject and seems to bounce of an interesting topic as soon as I am getting into it or learning something. I wish he would pick a topic or two per show and really do into them. I do like the fact he will talk about anything, whether embarrassing or not. I liked his segment on Oprahs show (the couple of times I caught that show) but I don't think he is exciting enough to hold his own show.
That's quite likely possibly - I was watching while doing other household crap - could be good for daytime tv because of it. Not much good on during the day any way.