See I like the unsightly seep through. and there has to be enough jelly that it almost falls out of the bottom so you have to act fast to catch it!
Quote:First, spread the PB on both slices.
Then, spread the jelly over the PB on one slice.
This avoids messy and unsightly seep-through.
I expect Region to have a comment to make about this technique.
as a matter fact i do...
copious amount of jam (strawberry, preferrably) on one slice.
copious amount of PB (S or C) on t'other.
eat with fork.
warsh down with big glass of milk...
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:
. . . eat with fork. . .
Not the comment I was expecting, but -- with a fork?
I look for organic, peanuts only, or with a bit of salt. The chunks are not large in this kind of peanut butter. I eat it with low salt triskits. (sp)
In natural food stores they have bins of peanuts that grind up the peanuts into peanut butter. The texture is in between the other two; gritty would be the best description. Nothing else is added, and it's best keeping it in the refridgerator to avoid separation.
what, you never ate a loaded burger that way?
Man, did I just have a flashback!
Kennedy's Butter & Eggs in East Boston, way back when.
They made their own peanut butter.
Oh the heavenly aroma when they ground up the peanuts.
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:
what, you never ate a loaded burger that way?
Nope. Lost a shirt or two.
For you EB, and those who recommend peanuts only PB, i suggest you check out
the Krema Nut Company in Columbus, Ohio. They're great, and they do other nut butters and cashew butter, too.
Thanks, setanta. The 16 oz. is very reasonably priced and is pnuts ony. I will get me some and also check the rest of the stuff. I bookmarked it.
Mr B and I like crunchy whereas the girls prefer smooth.
See if you can get some other people to order with you, and that will keep down your share of the shipping costs.
Smooth. Definitely. Though I wouldn't scrape chunky off of my bread the only peanut butter in the house.
Quote:Smooth for dressing wounds
What in the name of all that is quakery?!
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:
what, you never ate a loaded burger that way?
An overloaded burger is much more difficult to handle than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then again, I sparingly use the preserves on my PB&J's.
Okay, so are we all ordering the peanut butter from the Krema Nut Company?
Oh and PBJ construction --
1. Toast 2 pieces of bread
2. Spread jam, preferably blackberry or blueberry, on one piece
3. Spread peanut butter (I'm on a chunky kick these days, after years of smooth, hence the original question) on the other piece
4. Add copious amounts of either broccoli sprouts or soy sprouts to center. If sprouts are not available, a slice or two of Granny Smith apple is acceptable. If neither are available, eh, live with a regular ole PBJ.
5. Place halves back together. Eat, and not with a dang fork!
Lather, rinse, repeat.

The two greatest accompaniments to go along with peanut butter.