dadpad wrote:
What kind of an Aussie are You?!
Eight years in the NT, where real Aussies go for their initiation ceremony.
dadpad wrote:How dare you say gross in relation to vegemite and anything.
Vegemite goes into all my casseroles and stew dishes. Try it sometime. Mixing it with peanuts is sacreligeous.
dadpad wrote:Thats definitly UN-Australian.
Mixing our native spread with a poor American copy
is sacreligeous.
dadpad wrote:I suspect you are a closet republican.
Send me your contact details. If I'm ever looking for a private detective, you'll be the last one I call.
dadpad wrote:Either that or you're rude, stupid arrogant and agressive...Oh wait...
Rude? Sometimes. Arrogant? Sometimes. Stoopid? Never. Aggressive? Yes and No.