Thu 18 Feb, 2010 02:36 am
Not a question about the crosswords but one about how long it takes you to do the book. This month I am on track and nearly finished. On other months I'm usually running late and finishing the book the day before. The only thing I've won is the Do It Yourself quite a few years back. Was pretty stoked at that.
Thanks Dutchy for all the help you give.
I have absolutely no idea of what you speak, but Dutchy is pretty cool in his own right.
(for an Auzzie...)
dutchy is an Aussie gentleman.
Quote:Thanks Dutchy for all the help you give
Dutchy is of course the bot designed by lovatts and sub- contracted by a2k to assist the needy and the greedy in the cruciverbalist community
And you may not know this, since we are now all small-d democrats around here, but in a2k v1.0, several revisions back, people could earn various levels of titles, based on their participation, and Dutchy became the first, and only, person ever to be named "Cosmic Eagle"--a title created especially for him, when he posted his 100,000 th post, an achievement at which the mind truly boggles (hence his avatar). He must be well on the way to 200K by now.
She'll be apples cobber. This bushy is about to pull up stumps and head for the mulga to polish off his Darwin stubbie.
∞ cheers for Puzzlemaster Lord
∞ cheers for Puzzlemaster Lord
∞ cheers for Puzzlemaster Lord
AHAAAHAA! You one funny beatch!
ooooh, how do you do that lazy 8 infinity sign, stepan?
Dut-chy! Dut-chy! Dut-chy!
i'm going to stop by tim hortons and have a dutchie in his honour
I'm thankful for Dutchy - he's such a nice person- and always willing to help even if it has nothing to do with puzzles. He's good at acronyms too.
@Region Philbis,
While I can't imagine our Dutch tokin', if there is something out there, I'm sure he's sitting on his left hand side.
"Quit smoking" that is what you would here him say

Trust me, I know.
What an honourable thread, had to be re-opened. Loved Jespah's love heart