cool stuff you guys. ok I got home late but I'll try'n make some stuff quick
monger cool!
you have that one avatar in a picture?
pumkin but and boobs?
was gunna put a lady on a nikkid body but didn't think it would fly

Good one Monger, I guess I should be grateful that you didn't make me a Shar Pei (although it
might be marginally better than a poodle).
I'm going to show Montana the ropes today,so stand back you guys....... :wink:
N.B.....note Montana looking on in sheer awe.......
Hahaha. These are a riot. I missed Jill's photo lesson today, but she will be helping me next week and then I'll be out of control. (Evil Grin)
Let me brag:
I am a total photoshop expert. I am proud of my photoshop skills. I use 6.0, don't want to pay for the new one because it's not different enough for me to shell out that much money. I do a lot of freelance jobs with it. I would show some of my work, but I don't have any place on the net for hosting it. One of my ongoing jobs is creating creative watercolor maps of places (I paint the map then scan them in, alter them, decorate etc...), they are 300dpi images that are about 26 x 36 inches. The files can take up to 2 GB each. I can photoshop an image so well you cannot tell it was photoshoped, even if you look at it with a magnifying glass or zoom in all the way. This comes in especially handy for image repair. I use a combination of textures and sample image parts so it looks natural - not like the glossy and crisp adobe illustrator vectors. I do careful color adjustment, and paint in highlights and whatnot for consistency in image. The only problem is, I oftentimes do way more work then I am paid for, which can be time consuming and frustrating - I'm sort of a perfectionist.
I love it folks! I could "Photoshop 'til I drop" - but then it's also part of my"job" - if you can describe such a blissful occupation as a "job". I'm off to track down some cranberry sauce right now but later, folks, later.....!!!
In the meantime, here's one I prepared earlier...
And a Very Merry Christmas to you all!
How'd I miss this thread until now?!?!
Here's a pic of me doing a "Travolta"....hehe!