Sun 26 Oct, 2003 09:37 pm
At another forum I used to frequent, they had a whole section devoted to photoshopping. One part of it was called 'Suicide Photoshop'. This entailed members submitting their pics, and in so doing, gave permission for other members to 'photoshop' their pics. Only members who had submitted their pics were allowed to photoshop other members. There was some funny, funny stuff came out of it all.....Google image search ran hot. Would there be room here for something like that? (I knew nothing about Photoshopping, and I'm still a rank amateur, but this was what inspired me to learn. I only use Arcsoft Photo Studio, I have Photoshop, but it's far too technical for me) I'd love to hear whether this is possible, and whether there'd be much interest from other members. It was one of the busiest parts of the whole site at the 'other forum'.......
That would be fun. I'd love to see some of the results. Great idea, Jill.
Dunno how many photoshoppers there are here. I'm not one but can do limited stuff with graphics so I'm in.
Sounds great! I have limited Photoshop skills, (actually Adobe PhotoDeluxe) but that hasn't stopped me before.
Believe me, my skills are VERY limited, but I always thought that it was the idea that counted, not how skilfully it's executed (well......that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it....) I guess a good place to start would be an album for willing victims......I mean participants, and I suppose that would be a good place to post them too. We'd need Admin to let us know about size of pics etc.......
Post the pics to the member's photo album and just hotlink the images here. Then we can photoshop 'em and post the results.
Or if you wnat your own album use this site:
Sounds great......but will all the members in the members photo album be willing victims? I am.....maybe I'll start with one of me first, just to give an example....
Prolly not, that's why they should post them here afterwards.
Love the idea, Jill. I'm in! I've posted this photo in the gallery before..
..but I'll see if I can get a full body one to provide more room for creative interpretation
Edited to change the image to a link
How did you upload that to here?? (duh......dumb blond). I've got one ready to go and I can't even find the 'Members Pics' section again.....
Hi Jillamanda: I make my living photoshopping. It's fun and close to limitless what a person with a little skill can do. I wonder, however what comes of it. We all know, or should, that you can do almost anything to an image. You can morph, tweak, colorise, emboss and distort til the cows come home. We've all seen sci fi movies, the visual techniques of which are similar. But then, what?
As a professional who has been asked to: add people; subtract people; change people; beautify people; scarify people; and put people anywhere the mind can go (and stock images will allow); I wonder if it matters much.
What about a real picture. Unretouched. The person, the thing, as they are. Representing this real and fragile world of ours.
Isn't that ultimately the most important image?
Yes, most definitely. but this was just for fun - nothing professional. If I could work out how to upload the one I just did, you'd see what I mean. It's not about making people look better or worse, it's more about putting people into funny pictures. And as I said, it's just the idea.
beedle, it's just for shits & giggles (to quote Austin Powers)
Jill, photos can be uploaded to the Gallery: (there's a link at the top of these pages). The photos don't go live instantly though as an admin has to approve it first. (or any other MSN group) is another good place to post photos (and that way there's no need to wait for admin approval -- pictures go up instantly).
once your photo be uploaded you've gotta right click the image and click properties to get its full url, copy the url to the clipboard then "hotlink" it to these forums by using bbcode like this:
(I've disabled BBCode in this post but usually that would display just the image and no text.)
I THINK it's in the Members' Gallery', I'm not sure though..........
Thanks Monger, but I posted a Photoshopped one too, I guess I just have to wait for it to be approved..........
Hey it's up now Jill

I see you've got friends in high places..
:wink: I did one of you with some 'famous friends' too Monger. Coming soon to a gallery near you........
I can't find the one I did to post a link.....

I'm not sure if it uploaded or not. I'd better not do any more til I track that one down...