Sun 14 Feb, 2010 12:22 pm
I am not used to how the site is set up, it has been a while, so bear with me!
Figured I'd say hi! How is everyone doing? I lost contact after I had my little one. Lot's has changed since I last logged in!
My daughter will be two in one week, time flies! I got married in September. I moved back home after my grandmother died to help out my grandfather. I changed jobs, cut my hours. And we are having another little girl, due 5/24/10!
I have been super busy but all is well. Looking forward to the warm weather!
How is everyone doing!!!
How do I post pics here? I will post some of Dakota and stuff!!
Hi, who are you again?
Congratulations on your kids and marriage!
Quote:How do I post pics here?
same as before --
imageshack, photobucket, or other hosting site
wrap photo url with [IMG] [/IMG] tags...
Hi CL, always good to read a happy update. I assumed mommyhood was keeping you busy. Do try and to pop in from time to time between the chaos. Looking forward to the pictures.
Beautiful....and Mazel tov to all the above.
Welcome back, crazielady, and thanks a lot for sharing the family photos.
Of course I remember you! I used to read about your adventures as a single person.
Thanks for the photos. Your little family is beautiful.
There she is!!!
Wonderful to see you and your family.
Congrats on all the good things that have happened to you over the past couple years.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.
Welc0me back Crazielady! Congrats on mariage and children! She's adorable!
Crazielady, you are looking remarkably normal, but welcome back anyway.
How wonderful, Crazylady! You deserve all those blessings. Glad you stopped by and hope you will stay.
Beautiful as always! Great to see ya again!
Great to see a happy beginning to your new life. Your little girl is precious and you look very happy. Congratulations!
I remember that you sort of disappeared a few years ago. It's nice to hear the news. Welcome back.
Of course we remember you! So glad to hear how well your life is going. Your little girl looks so happy!
How great to see you and your happy family.