What on earth happened to the 10 commandments tablet ?

Algis Kemezys
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2003 09:44 pm
THE ARK OF THE COVENANT http://www.crystalinks.com/ark.html

The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a chest - vessel - box - or container. It was supposedly the chest in which Moses placed the Ten Commandments.

The Ark measures two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It is made of setim wood (an incorruptible acacia), it was overlaid within and without - with pure gold, and a golden crown or rim ran around it.

At the four corners, very likely towards the upper part, four golden rings had been cast. Through them passed two bars of setim wood overlaid with gold, to carry the Ark. These two bars - rods - were to remain always in the rings, after the Ark had been placed in the temple of Solomon. [The bar are electromagnetic rods. The rings are metaphors for the spheres linked to harmonics and the Tree of Life - Qabbalah - the tones of creation.]

The cover of the Ark, termed the 'propitiatory' (the corresponding Hebrew word means both "cover" and "that which makes propitious"), was likewise of the purest gold. [Gold refers to alchemy - the transition of consciousness.]

Upon the chest were two cherubim of beaten gold, looking towards each other, and spreading their wings so that both sides of the propitiatory were covered. [Wings = a metaphor for ascension or the return to higher levels of frequency consciousness].

What exactly these cherubim were, is impossible to determine; however, from the analogy with Egyptian religious art, it may well be supposed that they were images, kneeling or standing, of winged persons. It is worth noticing that this is the only exception to the law forbidding the Israelites to make carved images, an exception so much the more harmless to the faith of the Israelites in a spiritual God because the Ark was regularly to be kept behind the veil of the sanctuary. [Veils mask or hide information. Soon they will be lifted].

The form of the Ark of the Covenant was probably inspired by some article of the furniture of the Egyptian temples. But it should not be represented as one of those sacred bari, or barks, in which the gods of Egypt were solemnly carried in procession; it had, very likely, been framed after the pattern of the naos of gold, silver, or precious wood, containing the images of the gods and the sacred emblems.

According to some modern historians of Israel, the Ark, in every way analogous to the bari used upon the banks of the Nile, contained the sacred objects worshipped by the Hebrews, perhaps some sacred stone, meteoric or otherwise. Such a statement proceeds from the opinion that the Israelites during their early national life were given not only to idolatry, but to its grossest form, fetishism; that first they adored Yahweh in inanimate things, then they worshipped him in the bull, as in Dan and Bethel, and that only about the seventh century did they rise to the conception of an invisible and spiritual God. But this description of Israel's religious history does not tally with the most certain conclusions derived from the texts. The idolatry of the Hebrews is not proven any more than their polytheism; hence the Ark, far from being viewed as in the opinion above referred to, should rather be regarded as a token of the choice that Yahweh had made of Israel for his people, and a visible sign of his invisible presence in the midst of his beloved nation.

The Ark was first destined to contain the testimony, that is to say the Tables of the Law. Later, Moses was commanded to put into the tabernacle, near the Ark, a golden vessel holding a gomor of manna, [source of light energy] - and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed. [Rods are a metaphor for poles - polarity - duality - the electromagnetic energies which create our reality grid programs. They are used to created magic and illusion within the reality. They are the tools of the Magician, the Trickster, Hermes, Thoth - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth etc.

Continued - Catholic Encyclopedia


The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. It resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his own and the people of Israel's sins.

The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.6 metres long .95 metres wide and .95 metres high. It was carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.

Inside the Ark

1. The Two Stone Tablets of the Law - Ten Commandments - writen by the finger of god
2. Aaron's rod that budded
3. The golden pot of 'hidden' manna.

Together these three items form the Testimony hence the Ark is called the 'Ark of the Testimony'.



The Ark of the Covenant

By Ellie

The Ark is a metapor for a container - or box - vessel which contains a source of creational light or energy - a consciousness that looks like a sphere of pulsating white light. There are many metaphors here - all needed to help us remember who we are as soul sparks. We exist 'inside the box' - the virtual reality grid program created by this consciousness. We are created by that energy of light. We are each a soul spark that spirals into 3D consciousness - Phi Ratio - Sacred / Creational Geometry - to experience.

When you enlighten you begin to think outside the box.

Many have quested after the Ark of the Covenant in ancient and modern times. It is the thrill of the quest - he who shall unfold the secrets of the creation of the planet and the direct link to god or creational forces.

It is no different that questing for the Hall of Records [which are the EM grids that create our reality] or the Holy Grail. Our journey - quest - mission- is to remember who we are as soul sparks of light - and that we are returning to that state of conscious awareness.

Our reality is programmed with endless metaphors, questing vehicles, clues, etc. as if one is playing on a board game.

Some of us work in the 'physical' to find answers - archaeologists, oceanographers - historians, ancient and lost civilizations - their discoveries telling a story about our journey on planet Earth which will help us remember who we are as we come full circle / cycle.

Others are guided to areas that cannot be easily proven - esoteric studies. There include those who have quested after the Ark - as guided by their souls.

The Ark links with:
Kabala / Qaballah - The Tree of Life
The Great Pyramid - triangular energy - 3=triangle - X 4 sides = 12. It is about 12 pyramids around one source - the source of light or conscious creation - that form a matrix or multi-level grid or programmed realities which repeat in cycles called linear time.

The word Ark comes from the Hebrew word 'Aron', which means a chest or box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (62.5 inches by 37.5 inches by 37.5 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.

The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.

The pyramid itself possessed its own force centers: the heart of the King's Chamber, its most vital and sacred points, where divine energy was concentrated and especially powerful. And other chambers not yet discovered. The candidate undergoing initiation was placed in the great granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber at the august moment of the initiation rites (Note: the purpose of Initiation is to bestow upon the disciple certain molecular changes in the body to handle higher energy) because the sarcophagus was in direct alignment with the down pouring ray of cosmic light through the Ark in the Third Eye capstone. The voltage of such a fiery light ray could only be endured by one in whom the physical, emotional and spiritual forces were completely aligned and purified.

The candidate with an unbalanced polarity ran the risk of injury to the physical organism, or even death, because of the accelerated frequencies of manna-loa pouring through the capstone.

When the massive structure was first constructed, the final portion to be levitated into place was the gleaming gold and crystal capstone containing the original Ark of the Covenant, brought from Atlantis. [Atlantis is a parallel grid program running at the same time as our reality. If you connect with it - your soul is experieicning in both realitites at the same time.] This Ark and capstone graced the very summit of Knut. Once this floating capstone was so placed, the Great Ones created several lesser Arks.

The voltage of a second Ark was integrated into the structure of the open granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. Since granite is saturated with minute crystals, it was not difficult to charge the initiatory coffer with incredible cosmic force. [The Ark - in this instance - is an energy generator for the EM program]. Hence the uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments. But they were themselves charged with cosmic power.

Such human Arks supposedly were somewhat immune from the rays of the crystal because each radiated frequencies harmonious with the crystal. Since the Ark radiated an energy destructive to all inharmonious with it, a gold sheath was constructed to insulate it, to partially shield the people from the powerful emanations.

To maintain its potency, each Ark had to be constantly recharged with a creative energy of tremendous voltage. The principal source of that energy was man himself, and only the highest initiates were capable of radiating the particular force required to keep the Ark active.

Much of this responsibility fell upon the high priests, the Arkites or Ptahs of the temple, who, if they so willed it, could raise the frequency of their forms to radiate so powerful a force that an initiate touching their bodies could be struck down, just as if he had touched the Ark itself. Rarely was such voltage require of them, except to recharge the Arks.

The crystals and compounds of which the Ark were supposedly constructed - the silver, brass-like substance, and pure living gold - were charged with seven octaves of energy, from the materialistic charges of electric voltage up to the highest spiritualized forces of celestial planes - pranic forces far beyond the voltage of Earth's electricity.


The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a chest - vessel - box - or container. It was supposedly the chest in which Moses placed the Ten Commandments.

The Ark measures two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It is made of setim wood (an incorruptible acacia), it was overlaid within and without - with pure gold, and a golden crown or rim ran around it.

At the four corners, very likely towards the upper part, four golden rings had been cast. Through them passed two bars of setim wood overlaid with gold, to carry the Ark. These two bars - rods - were to remain always in the rings, after the Ark had been placed in the temple of Solomon. [The bar are electromagnetic rods. The rings are metaphors for the spheres linked to harmonics and the Tree of Life - Qabbalah - the tones of creation.]

The cover of the Ark, termed the 'propitiatory' (the corresponding Hebrew word means both "cover" and "that which makes propitious"), was likewise of the purest gold. [Gold refers to alchemy - the transition of consciousness.]

Upon the chest were two cherubim of beaten gold, looking towards each other, and spreading their wings so that both sides of the propitiatory were covered. [Wings = a metaphor for ascension or the return to higher levels of frequency consciousness].

What exactly these cherubim were, is impossible to determine; however, from the analogy with Egyptian religious art, it may well be supposed that they were images, kneeling or standing, of winged persons. It is worth noticing that this is the only exception to the law forbidding the Israelites to make carved images, an exception so much the more harmless to the faith of the Israelites in a spiritual God because the Ark was regularly to be kept behind the veil of the sanctuary. [Veils mask or hide information. Soon they will be lifted].

The form of the Ark of the Covenant was probably inspired by some article of the furniture of the Egyptian temples. But it should not be represented as one of those sacred bari, or barks, in which the gods of Egypt were solemnly carried in procession; it had, very likely, been framed after the pattern of the naos of gold, silver, or precious wood, containing the images of the gods and the sacred emblems.

According to some modern historians of Israel, the Ark, in every way analogous to the bari used upon the banks of the Nile, contained the sacred objects worshipped by the Hebrews, perhaps some sacred stone, meteoric or otherwise. Such a statement proceeds from the opinion that the Israelites during their early national life were given not only to idolatry, but to its grossest form, fetishism; that first they adored Yahweh in inanimate things, then they worshipped him in the bull, as in Dan and Bethel, and that only about the seventh century did they rise to the conception of an invisible and spiritual God. But this description of Israel's religious history does not tally with the most certain conclusions derived from the texts. The idolatry of the Hebrews is not proven any more than their polytheism; hence the Ark, far from being viewed as in the opinion above referred to, should rather be regarded as a token of the choice that Yahweh had made of Israel for his people, and a visible sign of his invisible presence in the midst of his beloved nation.

The Ark was first destined to contain the testimony, that is to say the Tables of the Law. Later, Moses was commanded to put into the tabernacle, near the Ark, a golden vessel holding a gomor of manna, [source of light energy] - and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed. [Rods are a metaphor for poles - polarity - duality - the electromagnetic energies which create our reality grid programs. They are used to created magic and illusion within the reality. They are the tools of the Magician, the Trickster, Hermes, Thoth - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth etc.

Continued - Catholic Encyclopedia


The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. It resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his own and the people of Israel's sins.

The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.6 metres long .95 metres wide and .95 metres high. It was carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.

Inside the Ark

1. The Two Stone Tablets of the Law - Ten Commandments - writen by the finger of god
2. Aaron's rod that budded
3. The golden pot of 'hidden' manna.

Together these three items form the Testimony hence the Ark is called the 'Ark of the Testimony'.



The Ark of the Covenant

By Ellie

The Ark is a metapor for a container - or box - vessel which contains a source of creational light or energy - a consciousness that looks like a sphere of pulsating white light. There are many metaphors here - all needed to help us remember who we are as soul sparks. We exist 'inside the box' - the virtual reality grid program created by this consciousness. We are created by that energy of light. We are each a soul spark that spirals into 3D consciousness - Phi Ratio - Sacred / Creational Geometry - to experience.

When you enlighten you begin to think outside the box.

Many have quested after the Ark of the Covenant in ancient and modern times. It is the thrill of the quest - he who shall unfold the secrets of the creation of the planet and the direct link to god or creational forces.

It is no different that questing for the Hall of Records [which are the EM grids that create our reality] or the Holy Grail. Our journey - quest - mission- is to remember who we are as soul sparks of light - and that we are returning to that state of conscious awareness.

Our reality is programmed with endless metaphors, questing vehicles, clues, etc. as if one is playing on a board game.

Some of us work in the 'physical' to find answers - archaeologists, oceanographers - historians, ancient and lost civilizations - their discoveries telling a story about our journey on planet Earth which will help us remember who we are as we come full circle / cycle.

Others are guided to areas that cannot be easily proven - esoteric studies. There include those who have quested after the Ark - as guided by their souls.

The Ark links with:
Kabala / Qaballah - The Tree of Life
The Great Pyramid - triangular energy - 3=triangle - X 4 sides = 12. It is about 12 pyramids around one source - the source of light or conscious creation - that form a matrix or multi-level grid or programmed realities which repeat in cycles called linear time.

The word Ark comes from the Hebrew word 'Aron', which means a chest or box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (62.5 inches by 37.5 inches by 37.5 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.

The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.

The pyramid itself possessed its own force centers: the heart of the King's Chamber, its most vital and sacred points, where divine energy was concentrated and especially powerful. And other chambers not yet discovered. The candidate undergoing initiation was placed in the great granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber at the august moment of the initiation rites (Note: the purpose of Initiation is to bestow upon the disciple certain molecular changes in the body to handle higher energy) because the sarcophagus was in direct alignment with the down pouring ray of cosmic light through the Ark in the Third Eye capstone. The voltage of such a fiery light ray could only be endured by one in whom the physical, emotional and spiritual forces were completely aligned and purified.

The candidate with an unbalanced polarity ran the risk of injury to the physical organism, or even death, because of the accelerated frequencies of manna-loa pouring through the capstone.

When the massive structure was first constructed, the final portion to be levitated into place was the gleaming gold and crystal capstone containing the original Ark of the Covenant, brought from Atlantis. [Atlantis is a parallel grid program running at the same time as our reality. If you connect with it - your soul is experieicning in both realitites at the same time.] This Ark and capstone graced the very summit of Knut. Once this floating capstone was so placed, the Great Ones created several lesser Arks.

The voltage of a second Ark was integrated into the structure of the open granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. Since granite is saturated with minute crystals, it was not difficult to charge the initiatory coffer with incredible cosmic force. [The Ark - in this instance - is an energy generator for the EM program]. Hence the uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments. But they were themselves charged with cosmic power.

Such human Arks supposedly were somewhat immune from the rays of the crystal because each radiated frequencies harmonious with the crystal. Since the Ark radiated an energy destructive to all inharmonious with it, a gold sheath was constructed to insulate it, to partially shield the people from the powerful emanations.

To maintain its potency, each Ark had to be constantly recharged with a creative energy of tremendous voltage. The principal source of that energy was man himself, and only the highest initiates were capable of radiating the particular force required to keep the Ark active.

Much of this responsibility fell upon the high priests, the Arkites or Ptahs of the temple, who, if they so willed it, could raise the frequency of their forms to radiate so powerful a force that an initiate touching their bodies could be struck down, just as if he had touched the Ark itself. Rarely was such voltage require of them, except to recharge the Arks.

The crystals and compounds of which the Ark were supposedly constructed - the silver, brass-like substance, and pure living gold - were charged with seven octaves of energy, from the materialistic charges of electric voltage up to the highest spiritualized forces of celestial planes - pranic forces far beyond the voltage of Earth's electricity.





0 Replies
Algis Kemezys
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2003 09:47 pm
The Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is reputedly Christ's burial cloth. It has been a religious relic since the Middle Ages. To believers it was divine proof the Christ was resurrected from the grave, to doubters it was evidence of human gullibility and one of the greatest hoaxes in the history of art. No one has been able to prove that it is the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, but its haunting image of a man's wounded body is proof enough for true believers.

The Shroud of Turin, as seen by the naked eye, is a negative image of a man with his hands folded. The linen is 14 feet, 3 inches long and 3 feet, 7 inches wide. The shroud bears the image of a man with wounds similar to those suffered by Jesus. The shroud is wrapped in red silk and kept in a silver chest in the Chapel of the Holy Shroud in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy since 1578.

The shroud is unquestionably old. Its history is known from the year 1357, when it surfaced in the tiny village of Lirey, France. Until recent reports from San Antonio, most of the scientific world accepted the findings of carbon dating carried out in 1988. The results said the shroud dated back to 1260-1390, and thus is much too new to be Jesus' burial linen.

If the marks we perceive were caused by human body, it is clear that the body (supine) was laid lengthwise along one half of the shroud while the other half was doubled back over the head to cover the whole front of the body from the face to the feet. The arrangement is well illustrated in the miniature of Giulio Clovio, which also gives a good representation of what was seen upon the shroud about the year 1540.

The cloth now at Turin can be clearly traced back to the Lirey in the Diocese of Troyes, where we first hear of it about the year 1360. In 1453 it was at Chambéry in Savoy, and there in 1532 it narrowly escaped being consumed by a fire which by charring the corners of the folds has left a uniform series of marks on either side of the image. Since 1578 it has remained at Turin where it is now only exposed for veneration at long intervals.

That the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin is taken for granted, in various pronouncements of the Holy See cannot be disputed. An Office and Mass "de Sancta Sindone" was formerly approved by Julius II in the Bull "Romanus Pontifex" of 25 April, 1506, in the course of which the Pope speaks of "that most famous Shroud (proeclarissima sindone) in which our Savior was wrapped when he lay in the tomb and which is now honorably and devoutly preserved in a silver casket."

Moreover, the same Pontiff speaks of the treaties upon the precious blood. Composed by his predecessor, Sixtus IV, in which Sixtus states that in the Shroud "men may look upon the true blood and portrait of Jesus Christ himself." A certain difficulty was caused by the existence elsewhere of other Shrouds similarly impressed with the figure of Jesus Christ and some of these cloths, notably those of Besançon, Cadouin, Champiègne, Xabregas, etc., also claimed to be the authentic linen sindon provided by Joseph of Arimathea, but until the close of the last century no great attack was made upon the genuineness of the Turin relic.

In 1898 when the Shroud was solemnly exposed, permission was given to photograph it and a sensation was caused by the discovery that the image upon the linen was apparently a negative -- in other words that the photographic negative taken from this offered a more recognizable picture of a human face than the cloth itself or any positive print. In the photographic negative, the lights and the shadows were natural, in the linen or the print, they were inverted.

Three years afterwards, Dr. Paul Vignon read a remarkable paper before the Académie des Sciences in which he maintained that the impression upon the Shroud was a "vaporigraph" caused by the ammoniacal emanations radiating from the surface of Christ's body after so violent a death. Such vapours, as he professed to have proved experimentally, were capable of producing a deep reddish brown stain, varying in intensity with the distance, upon a cloth impregnated with oil and aloes. The image upon the Shroud was therefore a natural negative and as such completely beyond the comprehension or the skill of any medieval forger.

Plausible as this contention appeared, a most serious historical difficulty had meanwhile been brought to light. Owing mainly to the researches of Canon Ulysse Chevalier a series of documents was discovered which clearly proved that in 1389 the Bishop of Troyes appealed to Clement VII, the Avignon Pope then recognized in France, to put a stop to the scandals connected to the Shroud preserved at Lirey.

It was, the Bishop declared, the work of an artist who some years before had confessed to having painted it but it was then being exhibited by the Canons of Lirey in such a way that the populace believed that it was the authentic shroud of Jesus Christ. The pope, without absolutely prohibiting the exhibition of the Shroud, decided after full examination that in the future when it was shown to the people, the priest should declare in a loud voice that it was not the real shroud of Christ, but only a picture made to represent it.

The authenticity of the documents connected with this appeal is not disputed. Moreover, the grave suspicion thus thrown upon the relic is immensely strengthened by the fact that no intelligible account, beyond wild conjecture, can be given of the previous history of the Shroud or its coming to Lirey.

An animated controversy followed and it must be admitted that though the immense preponderance of opinion among learned Catholics (see the statement by P.M. Baumgarten in the "Historiches Jarbuch", 1903, pp. 319-43) was adverse to the authenticity of the relic, still the violence of many of its assailants prejudiced their own cause. In particular the suggestion made of blundering or bad faith on the part of those who photographed were quite without excuse. From the scientific point of view, however, the difficulty of the "negative" impression on the cloth is not so serious as it seems.

This Shroud like the others was probably painted without fraudulent intent to aid the dramatic setting of the Easter sequence:

Die nobis Maria, quid vidisti in via
Angelicos testes, sudarium et vestes.

As the word sudarium suggested, it was painted to represent the impression made by the sweat of Christ, i.e. probably in a yellowish tint upon unbrilliant red. This yellow stain would turn brown in the course of centuries, the darkening process being aided by the effects of fire and sun. Thus, the lights of the original picture would become the shadow of Paleotto's reproduction of the images on the shroud is printed in two colours, pale yellow and red. As for the good proportions and æsthetic effect, two things may be noted. First, that it is highly probable that the artist used a model to determine the length and position of the limbs, etc.; the representation no doubt was made exactly life size. Secondly, the impressions are only known to us in photographs so reduced, as compared with the original, that the crudenesses, aided by the softening effects of time, entirely disappear.

Lastly, the difficulty must be noticed that while the witnesses of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries speak of the image as being then so vivid that the blood seemed freshly shed, it is now darkened and hardly recognizable without minute attention. On the supposition that this is an authentic relic dating from the year A.D. 30, why should it have retained its brilliance through countless journeys and changes of climate for fifteen centuries, and then in four centuries more have become almost invisible? On the other hand if it be a fabrication of the fifteenth century this is exactly what we should expect.

- Catholic Encyclopedia


This is what the face may have looked like




Turin Shroud Said from Middle Ages - November 2002 - Discovery

Russian scientists say their calculations back the conclusion that the Turin Shroud, believed by some Christians to be the linen cloth in which Jesus Christ was buried almost 2,000 years ago, was in fact made in the Middle Ages.

A 1988 study authorized by the Vatican and conducted separately by carbon-dating laboratories in Britain, Switzerland and the United States estimated the Shroud to have been made some time between 1260 and 1390. That supported skeptics who had contended that the sacred relic - whose documented existence only started to surface in the 14th century - was a hoax.

Then, in April this year, a pair of scientists, Anatoliy Fesenko, a forensic expert at the Russian Federal Security Service, and Alexander Belyakov, director of the Russian Center for the Turin Shroud, said the 1988 study had been skewed.

They pointed to evidence that in the 16th century, the Shroud had been wiped with fresh vegetable oil - olive oil, linseed oil or nut oil - in order to remove surface grime. This, they contended, had left traces of oil in the fabric that had distorted the carbon dating, making the relic younger by some 1,300 years.

But, according to another Russian team, Fesenko and Belyakov got their calculations wrong. The pair did not account for different ratios between two isotopes, carbon 14 and carbon 12, in the vegetable oil, according to the new study.

As a result, this meant that the oil contamination would only change the 1260-1390 timeframe very marginally, by four decades at the most.

The new research is published by Dmitry Voronov from the Institute for Problems of Information Transfer at the Russian Academy of Sciences and Vladimir Surdin from the Shternberg State Astronomy Institute.

"The two authors' research is based on a mistake in the mathematical work and in the pathology," Elena Krasnova of the Informnauka Agency, a Russian scientific news agency which reported the research in a press release, told AFP by phone on Tuesday.

The Shroud, which measures 4.37 by 1.11 meters (14 feet three inches by three feet seven inches), bears the image of a crucified man wearing a crown of thorns and with a wound in his side.

In addition to Fesenko and Belyakov, other critics of the 1988 study say the samples may have contained threads from darning made in the Renaissance period to repair the Shroud after it was damaged by fire.


Tests Show Shroud Of Turin Much Older Than Carbon-14 Date

October 6, 2000 - Sightings - Oviedo, Spain

Scientists and forensic specialists gathered in Oviedo, Spain, this week to examine an obscure relic that many have claimed authenticates the Shroud of Turin - believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

The Sudarium of Oviedo is reportedly the other linen cloth found in the tomb of Christ, as described in the Gospel of John.

The relic, whose dramatic history is intertwined with the Knights Templar, Moors, El Cid, saints and bishops, has been in Spain since 631 A.D.

Meanwhile, in Turin, Italy, the last pilgrims of the Jubilee Year are winding their way past the Shroud of Turin before the exhibit closes on October 23.

Verses 5-8 of the 20th chapter of "The Gospel According to St. John" records, "... he went into the tomb and saw the burial cloths there and the cloth that had covered his head, not with the burial cloths, but rolled up in a separate place."

This head cloth, the sudarium, has become the focus of increasing debates over the validity of the carbon-14 tests on the Shroud of Turin.

The carbon-dating tests set the age of the shroud in the 13th century, which would make the Shroud of Turin a pious icon at best, a clever fraud at worst.

However, the scientific community is divided over the shroud dates because -- with the exception of the carbon dating tests -- medical, artistic, forensic and botanical evidence favors the authenticity of the shroud of Turin as the burial cloth of Jesus.

One example of microscopic testing that supports the Shroud as authentic is the 1978 sample of dirt taken from the foot region of the burial linen. The dirt was analyzed at the Hercules Aerospace Laboratory in Salt Lake, Utah, where experts identified crystals of travertine argonite, a relatively rare form of calcite found near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem.

It is a stretch, say researchers, that a 13th century forger would have known to take the trouble to impregnate the linen with marble dust found near Golgotha in order to fool scientists six hundred years later.

The debate over the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin is elevated by the new discoveries resulting from the studies on the Sudarium of Oviedo.

Unlike the Shroud, the Sudarium, which covered the face of Christ for a short time before the body was wrapped in the longer burial cloth, does not carry an image of a man. Instead, the cloth, held against a face of a man who had been beaten about the head, shows a distinct facial impression and pattern of stains.

The cloth is impregnated with blood and lymph stains that match the blood type on the Shroud of Turin. The pattern and measurements of stains indicate the placement of the cloth over the face.

These patterns have been extensively mapped to enable researchers to compare the markings and measurements with those of the Shroud of Turin.

These measurements and calculations, digitized videos and other forensic evidence indicate that the Sudarium of Oviedo covered the same head whose image is found on the Shroud of Turin.

Part of Jewish burial custom was to cover the face of the dead, sparing the family further distress. The sudarium, from the Latin for "face cloth," would have been wrapped over the head of the crucified Christ awaiting permission from Pontius Pilate to remove the body.

Stains made at that time indicate a vertical position with the head at an angle. There are stains from deep puncture wounds on the portion of the cloth covering the back of the head, consistent with those puncture marks found on the Shroud of Turin, theoretically made by the caplet of thorns

A separate set of stains, superimposed upon the first set, was made when the crucified man was laid horizontally and lymph flowed out from the nostrils.

The composition of the stains, say the Investigation Team from the Spanish Centre for Sindology, who began the first sudarium studies in 1989, is one part blood -- type AB -- and six parts pulmonary oedema fluid.

This fluid is significant, say researchers, because it indicates that the man died from asphyxiation, the cause of death for victims of crucifixion.

Recently, Dr. Alan Whanger, professor emeritus of Duke University, employed his Polarized Image Overlay Technique to study correlations between the Shroud and the Sudarium. Dr. Whanger found 70 points of correlation on the front of the sudarium and 50 on the back.

"The only reasonable conclusion," says Mark Guscin, author of "The Oviedo Cloth," "is that the Sudarium of Oviedo covered the same head as that found on the Shroud of Turin." Guscin, a British scholar whose study is the only English language book on the Sudarium, told WorldNetDaily, "This can be uncomfortable for scientists with a predetermined viewpoint; I mean, the evidence grows that this cloth and the Shroud covered the same tortured man."

Guscin also points to pollen studies done by Max Frei of Switzerland.

Specific pollens from Palestine are found in both relics, while the Sudarium has pollen from Egypt and Spain that is not found on the Shroud.

Conversely, pollen grains from plant species indigenous to Turkey are imbedded in the Shroud, but not the Sudarium, supporting the theory of their different histories after leaving Jerusalem.

The significance of the Sudarium to the Shroud, in addition to the forensic evidence, is that the history of the Sudarium is undisputed. While the history of the Shroud is veiled in the mists of the Middle Ages, the Sudarium was a revered relic preserved from the days of the crucifixion.

A simple cloth of little value, other than that it contained the Blood of Christ, the Sudarium accompanied a presbyter named Philip and other Christians fleeing Palestine in 616 A.D. ahead of the Persian invasion.

Passing through Alexandria, Egypt, and into Spain at Cartegena, the oak chest containing the Sudarium was entrusted to Leandro, bishop of Seville. In 657 it was moved to Toledo, then in 718 on to northern Spain to escape the advancing Moors.

The Sudarium was hidden in the mountains of Asturias in a cave known as Montesacro until king Alfonso II, having battled back the Moors, built a chapel in Oviedo to house it in 840 AD.

The most riveting date in the Sudarium's history is March 14, 1075. On this date, King Alfonso VI, his sister and Rodrigo Diaz Vivar (El Cid) opened the chest after days of fasting. This official act of the king was recorded and the document is preserved in the Capitular Archives at the Cathedral of San Salvador in Oviedo. The King had the oak chest covered in silver and an inscription added which reads, "The Sacred Sudarium of Our Lord Jesus Christ."

Juan Ignacio Moreno, a Spanish magistrate based in Burgos, Spain, asks the critical question. "The scientific and medical studies on the Sudarium prove that it was the covering for the same man whose image is [on] the Shroud of Turin.

We know that the Sudarium has been in Spain since the 600s. How, then, can the radio carbon dating claiming the Shroud is only from the 13th century be accurate?"
0 Replies
Algis Kemezys
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2003 09:47 pm

The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a chest - vessel - box - or container. It was supposedly the chest in which Moses placed the Ten Commandments.

The Ark measures two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It is made of setim wood (an incorruptible acacia), it was overlaid within and without - with pure gold, and a golden crown or rim ran around it.

At the four corners, very likely towards the upper part, four golden rings had been cast. Through them passed two bars of setim wood overlaid with gold, to carry the Ark. These two bars - rods - were to remain always in the rings, after the Ark had been placed in the temple of Solomon. [The bar are electromagnetic rods. The rings are metaphors for the spheres linked to harmonics and the Tree of Life - Qabbalah - the tones of creation.]

The cover of the Ark, termed the 'propitiatory' (the corresponding Hebrew word means both "cover" and "that which makes propitious"), was likewise of the purest gold. [Gold refers to alchemy - the transition of consciousness.]

Upon the chest were two cherubim of beaten gold, looking towards each other, and spreading their wings so that both sides of the propitiatory were covered. [Wings = a metaphor for ascension or the return to higher levels of frequency consciousness].

What exactly these cherubim were, is impossible to determine; however, from the analogy with Egyptian religious art, it may well be supposed that they were images, kneeling or standing, of winged persons. It is worth noticing that this is the only exception to the law forbidding the Israelites to make carved images, an exception so much the more harmless to the faith of the Israelites in a spiritual God because the Ark was regularly to be kept behind the veil of the sanctuary. [Veils mask or hide information. Soon they will be lifted].

The form of the Ark of the Covenant was probably inspired by some article of the furniture of the Egyptian temples. But it should not be represented as one of those sacred bari, or barks, in which the gods of Egypt were solemnly carried in procession; it had, very likely, been framed after the pattern of the naos of gold, silver, or precious wood, containing the images of the gods and the sacred emblems.

According to some modern historians of Israel, the Ark, in every way analogous to the bari used upon the banks of the Nile, contained the sacred objects worshipped by the Hebrews, perhaps some sacred stone, meteoric or otherwise. Such a statement proceeds from the opinion that the Israelites during their early national life were given not only to idolatry, but to its grossest form, fetishism; that first they adored Yahweh in inanimate things, then they worshipped him in the bull, as in Dan and Bethel, and that only about the seventh century did they rise to the conception of an invisible and spiritual God. But this description of Israel's religious history does not tally with the most certain conclusions derived from the texts. The idolatry of the Hebrews is not proven any more than their polytheism; hence the Ark, far from being viewed as in the opinion above referred to, should rather be regarded as a token of the choice that Yahweh had made of Israel for his people, and a visible sign of his invisible presence in the midst of his beloved nation.

The Ark was first destined to contain the testimony, that is to say the Tables of the Law. Later, Moses was commanded to put into the tabernacle, near the Ark, a golden vessel holding a gomor of manna, [source of light energy] - and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed. [Rods are a metaphor for poles - polarity - duality - the electromagnetic energies which create our reality grid programs. They are used to created magic and illusion within the reality. They are the tools of the Magician, the Trickster, Hermes, Thoth - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth etc.

Continued - Catholic Encyclopedia


The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. It resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his own and the people of Israel's sins.

The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.6 metres long .95 metres wide and .95 metres high. It was carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.

Inside the Ark

1. The Two Stone Tablets of the Law - Ten Commandments - writen by the finger of god
2. Aaron's rod that budded
3. The golden pot of 'hidden' manna.

Together these three items form the Testimony hence the Ark is called the 'Ark of the Testimony'.



The Ark of the Covenant

By Ellie

The Ark is a metapor for a container - or box - vessel which contains a source of creational light or energy - a consciousness that looks like a sphere of pulsating white light. There are many metaphors here - all needed to help us remember who we are as soul sparks. We exist 'inside the box' - the virtual reality grid program created by this consciousness. We are created by that energy of light. We are each a soul spark that spirals into 3D consciousness - Phi Ratio - Sacred / Creational Geometry - to experience.

When you enlighten you begin to think outside the box.

Many have quested after the Ark of the Covenant in ancient and modern times. It is the thrill of the quest - he who shall unfold the secrets of the creation of the planet and the direct link to god or creational forces.

It is no different that questing for the Hall of Records [which are the EM grids that create our reality] or the Holy Grail. Our journey - quest - mission- is to remember who we are as soul sparks of light - and that we are returning to that state of conscious awareness.

Our reality is programmed with endless metaphors, questing vehicles, clues, etc. as if one is playing on a board game.

Some of us work in the 'physical' to find answers - archaeologists, oceanographers - historians, ancient and lost civilizations - their discoveries telling a story about our journey on planet Earth which will help us remember who we are as we come full circle / cycle.

Others are guided to areas that cannot be easily proven - esoteric studies. There include those who have quested after the Ark - as guided by their souls.

The Ark links with:
Kabala / Qaballah - The Tree of Life
The Great Pyramid - triangular energy - 3=triangle - X 4 sides = 12. It is about 12 pyramids around one source - the source of light or conscious creation - that form a matrix or multi-level grid or programmed realities which repeat in cycles called linear time.

The word Ark comes from the Hebrew word 'Aron', which means a chest or box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (62.5 inches by 37.5 inches by 37.5 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.

The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.

The pyramid itself possessed its own force centers: the heart of the King's Chamber, its most vital and sacred points, where divine energy was concentrated and especially powerful. And other chambers not yet discovered. The candidate undergoing initiation was placed in the great granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber at the august moment of the initiation rites (Note: the purpose of Initiation is to bestow upon the disciple certain molecular changes in the body to handle higher energy) because the sarcophagus was in direct alignment with the down pouring ray of cosmic light through the Ark in the Third Eye capstone. The voltage of such a fiery light ray could only be endured by one in whom the physical, emotional and spiritual forces were completely aligned and purified.

The candidate with an unbalanced polarity ran the risk of injury to the physical organism, or even death, because of the accelerated frequencies of manna-loa pouring through the capstone.

When the massive structure was first constructed, the final portion to be levitated into place was the gleaming gold and crystal capstone containing the original Ark of the Covenant, brought from Atlantis. [Atlantis is a parallel grid program running at the same time as our reality. If you connect with it - your soul is experieicning in both realitites at the same time.] This Ark and capstone graced the very summit of Knut. Once this floating capstone was so placed, the Great Ones created several lesser Arks.

The voltage of a second Ark was integrated into the structure of the open granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. Since granite is saturated with minute crystals, it was not difficult to charge the initiatory coffer with incredible cosmic force. [The Ark - in this instance - is an energy generator for the EM program]. Hence the uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments. But they were themselves charged with cosmic power.

Such human Arks supposedly were somewhat immune from the rays of the crystal because each radiated frequencies harmonious with the crystal. Since the Ark radiated an energy destructive to all inharmonious with it, a gold sheath was constructed to insulate it, to partially shield the people from the powerful emanations.

To maintain its potency, each Ark had to be constantly recharged with a creative energy of tremendous voltage. The principal source of that energy was man himself, and only the highest initiates were capable of radiating the particular force required to keep the Ark active.

Much of this responsibility fell upon the high priests, the Arkites or Ptahs of the temple, who, if they so willed it, could raise the frequency of their forms to radiate so powerful a force that an initiate touching their bodies could be struck down, just as if he had touched the Ark itself. Rarely was such voltage require of them, except to recharge the Arks.

The crystals and compounds of which the Ark were supposedly constructed - the silver, brass-like substance, and pure living gold - were charged with seven octaves of energy, from the materialistic charges of electric voltage up to the highest spiritualized forces of celestial planes - pranic forces far beyond the voltage of Earth's electricity.


The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a chest - vessel - box - or container. It was supposedly the chest in which Moses placed the Ten Commandments.

The Ark measures two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It is made of setim wood (an incorruptible acacia), it was overlaid within and without - with pure gold, and a golden crown or rim ran around it.

At the four corners, very likely towards the upper part, four golden rings had been cast. Through them passed two bars of setim wood overlaid with gold, to carry the Ark. These two bars - rods - were to remain always in the rings, after the Ark had been placed in the temple of Solomon. [The bar are electromagnetic rods. The rings are metaphors for the spheres linked to harmonics and the Tree of Life - Qabbalah - the tones of creation.]

The cover of the Ark, termed the 'propitiatory' (the corresponding Hebrew word means both "cover" and "that which makes propitious"), was likewise of the purest gold. [Gold refers to alchemy - the transition of consciousness.]

Upon the chest were two cherubim of beaten gold, looking towards each other, and spreading their wings so that both sides of the propitiatory were covered. [Wings = a metaphor for ascension or the return to higher levels of frequency consciousness].

What exactly these cherubim were, is impossible to determine; however, from the analogy with Egyptian religious art, it may well be supposed that they were images, kneeling or standing, of winged persons. It is worth noticing that this is the only exception to the law forbidding the Israelites to make carved images, an exception so much the more harmless to the faith of the Israelites in a spiritual God because the Ark was regularly to be kept behind the veil of the sanctuary. [Veils mask or hide information. Soon they will be lifted].

The form of the Ark of the Covenant was probably inspired by some article of the furniture of the Egyptian temples. But it should not be represented as one of those sacred bari, or barks, in which the gods of Egypt were solemnly carried in procession; it had, very likely, been framed after the pattern of the naos of gold, silver, or precious wood, containing the images of the gods and the sacred emblems.

According to some modern historians of Israel, the Ark, in every way analogous to the bari used upon the banks of the Nile, contained the sacred objects worshipped by the Hebrews, perhaps some sacred stone, meteoric or otherwise. Such a statement proceeds from the opinion that the Israelites during their early national life were given not only to idolatry, but to its grossest form, fetishism; that first they adored Yahweh in inanimate things, then they worshipped him in the bull, as in Dan and Bethel, and that only about the seventh century did they rise to the conception of an invisible and spiritual God. But this description of Israel's religious history does not tally with the most certain conclusions derived from the texts. The idolatry of the Hebrews is not proven any more than their polytheism; hence the Ark, far from being viewed as in the opinion above referred to, should rather be regarded as a token of the choice that Yahweh had made of Israel for his people, and a visible sign of his invisible presence in the midst of his beloved nation.

The Ark was first destined to contain the testimony, that is to say the Tables of the Law. Later, Moses was commanded to put into the tabernacle, near the Ark, a golden vessel holding a gomor of manna, [source of light energy] - and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed. [Rods are a metaphor for poles - polarity - duality - the electromagnetic energies which create our reality grid programs. They are used to created magic and illusion within the reality. They are the tools of the Magician, the Trickster, Hermes, Thoth - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth etc.

Continued - Catholic Encyclopedia


The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. It resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his own and the people of Israel's sins.

The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.6 metres long .95 metres wide and .95 metres high. It was carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.

Inside the Ark

1. The Two Stone Tablets of the Law - Ten Commandments - writen by the finger of god
2. Aaron's rod that budded
3. The golden pot of 'hidden' manna.

Together these three items form the Testimony hence the Ark is called the 'Ark of the Testimony'.



The Ark of the Covenant

By Ellie

The Ark is a metapor for a container - or box - vessel which contains a source of creational light or energy - a consciousness that looks like a sphere of pulsating white light. There are many metaphors here - all needed to help us remember who we are as soul sparks. We exist 'inside the box' - the virtual reality grid program created by this consciousness. We are created by that energy of light. We are each a soul spark that spirals into 3D consciousness - Phi Ratio - Sacred / Creational Geometry - to experience.

When you enlighten you begin to think outside the box.

Many have quested after the Ark of the Covenant in ancient and modern times. It is the thrill of the quest - he who shall unfold the secrets of the creation of the planet and the direct link to god or creational forces.

It is no different that questing for the Hall of Records [which are the EM grids that create our reality] or the Holy Grail. Our journey - quest - mission- is to remember who we are as soul sparks of light - and that we are returning to that state of conscious awareness.

Our reality is programmed with endless metaphors, questing vehicles, clues, etc. as if one is playing on a board game.

Some of us work in the 'physical' to find answers - archaeologists, oceanographers - historians, ancient and lost civilizations - their discoveries telling a story about our journey on planet Earth which will help us remember who we are as we come full circle / cycle.

Others are guided to areas that cannot be easily proven - esoteric studies. There include those who have quested after the Ark - as guided by their souls.

The Ark links with:
Kabala / Qaballah - The Tree of Life
The Great Pyramid - triangular energy - 3=triangle - X 4 sides = 12. It is about 12 pyramids around one source - the source of light or conscious creation - that form a matrix or multi-level grid or programmed realities which repeat in cycles called linear time.

The word Ark comes from the Hebrew word 'Aron', which means a chest or box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (62.5 inches by 37.5 inches by 37.5 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.

The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.

The pyramid itself possessed its own force centers: the heart of the King's Chamber, its most vital and sacred points, where divine energy was concentrated and especially powerful. And other chambers not yet discovered. The candidate undergoing initiation was placed in the great granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber at the august moment of the initiation rites (Note: the purpose of Initiation is to bestow upon the disciple certain molecular changes in the body to handle higher energy) because the sarcophagus was in direct alignment with the down pouring ray of cosmic light through the Ark in the Third Eye capstone. The voltage of such a fiery light ray could only be endured by one in whom the physical, emotional and spiritual forces were completely aligned and purified.

The candidate with an unbalanced polarity ran the risk of injury to the physical organism, or even death, because of the accelerated frequencies of manna-loa pouring through the capstone.

When the massive structure was first constructed, the final portion to be levitated into place was the gleaming gold and crystal capstone containing the original Ark of the Covenant, brought from Atlantis. [Atlantis is a parallel grid program running at the same time as our reality. If you connect with it - your soul is experieicning in both realitites at the same time.] This Ark and capstone graced the very summit of Knut. Once this floating capstone was so placed, the Great Ones created several lesser Arks.

The voltage of a second Ark was integrated into the structure of the open granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. Since granite is saturated with minute crystals, it was not difficult to charge the initiatory coffer with incredible cosmic force. [The Ark - in this instance - is an energy generator for the EM program]. Hence the uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments. But they were themselves charged with cosmic power.

Such human Arks supposedly were somewhat immune from the rays of the crystal because each radiated frequencies harmonious with the crystal. Since the Ark radiated an energy destructive to all inharmonious with it, a gold sheath was constructed to insulate it, to partially shield the people from the powerful emanations.

To maintain its potency, each Ark had to be constantly recharged with a creative energy of tremendous voltage. The principal source of that energy was man himself, and only the highest initiates were capable of radiating the particular force required to keep the Ark active.

Much of this responsibility fell upon the high priests, the Arkites or Ptahs of the temple, who, if they so willed it, could raise the frequency of their forms to radiate so powerful a force that an initiate touching their bodies could be struck down, just as if he had touched the Ark itself. Rarely was such voltage require of them, except to recharge the Arks.

The crystals and compounds of which the Ark were supposedly constructed - the silver, brass-like substance, and pure living gold - were charged with seven octaves of energy, from the materialistic charges of electric voltage up to the highest spiritualized forces of celestial planes - pranic forces far beyond the voltage of Earth's electricity.





0 Replies
Algis Kemezys
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 05:48 pm
I recently saw a doc.on the ethiopia church that houses it and they still claim they have it. But the surrounding area and caerved out church from the rock is incredible.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 11:57 pm
Well that's amazing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 09:12 pm
Asuming they ever did exist, and havent been destoryed since they were created, then they are in one of two places, either still undiscovered or one of the goverments of the world have them in their possesion
0 Replies
material girl
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 03:45 am
Ive got them, they're in my shed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 03:58 am
lol, make sure the goverment, or any religious people find out!!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 07:07 am
McTag wrote:
Well that's amazing.


...if these guys ever get around to talking about a shot from the grassy knoll...lemme know.

I'll come back and comment at that time.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 12:32 pm
material girl wrote:
Ive got them, they're in my shed.

material girl, yours is an obvious forgery. I have the real ones in my attic under the old sofa!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 12:35 pm
I think I may have seen them on ebay...
0 Replies
Merry Andrew
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 04:11 pm
Seen them? I bid on them! But some judge from down South outbid me.
0 Replies
Mr Stillwater
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 06:32 pm
Some 'biblical' archeologist claims to have found them hidden under the Temple Mound in Jerusalem and it only leads him to any every MORE incredible discovery!!

I will find the links again, it is the funniest thing that I ever read!
0 Replies
Bibliophile the BibleGuru
Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 09:12 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Algis.Kemezys - The first question that I would ask before I looked for it is whether there is any proof that it physically existed at all.

Cynical, athiestic, totally agnostic...the guy wants to know, not discuss philosophy. Cool
0 Replies
Bibliophile the BibleGuru
Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 09:15 am
Where are they?

Ask the Knights Templar in Scotland.
They claim to have them in an underground vault that is heavily protected - oh yes, they're inside the Ark of the Covenant.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:31 pm
God will not think the way you think.If you are righteous enough then sure you will understand why God wrote on the tablets.
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:42 pm

The Mormon gold tablets, they went missing too. Damndest thing.
0 Replies
Italian Scallion
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:20 am
I'm still waiting for someone to show me absolute physical proof that they ever existed in the first place. Also, if there is a god, (which I seriously doubt) why does he keep himself hidden? Another thing, what about this guy named Jesus? What proof do we have that he ever existed? This guy who calls himself god is a cold blooded murderer as far as I'm concerned.
0 Replies

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