The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a chest - vessel - box - or container. It was supposedly the chest in which Moses placed the Ten Commandments.
The Ark measures two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It is made of setim wood (an incorruptible acacia), it was overlaid within and without - with pure gold, and a golden crown or rim ran around it.
At the four corners, very likely towards the upper part, four golden rings had been cast. Through them passed two bars of setim wood overlaid with gold, to carry the Ark. These two bars - rods - were to remain always in the rings, after the Ark had been placed in the temple of Solomon. [The bar are electromagnetic rods. The rings are metaphors for the spheres linked to harmonics and the Tree of Life - Qabbalah - the tones of creation.]
The cover of the Ark, termed the 'propitiatory' (the corresponding Hebrew word means both "cover" and "that which makes propitious"), was likewise of the purest gold. [Gold refers to alchemy - the transition of consciousness.]
Upon the chest were two cherubim of beaten gold, looking towards each other, and spreading their wings so that both sides of the propitiatory were covered. [Wings = a metaphor for ascension or the return to higher levels of frequency consciousness].
What exactly these cherubim were, is impossible to determine; however, from the analogy with Egyptian religious art, it may well be supposed that they were images, kneeling or standing, of winged persons. It is worth noticing that this is the only exception to the law forbidding the Israelites to make carved images, an exception so much the more harmless to the faith of the Israelites in a spiritual God because the Ark was regularly to be kept behind the veil of the sanctuary. [Veils mask or hide information. Soon they will be lifted].
The form of the Ark of the Covenant was probably inspired by some article of the furniture of the Egyptian temples. But it should not be represented as one of those sacred bari, or barks, in which the gods of Egypt were solemnly carried in procession; it had, very likely, been framed after the pattern of the naos of gold, silver, or precious wood, containing the images of the gods and the sacred emblems.
According to some modern historians of Israel, the Ark, in every way analogous to the bari used upon the banks of the Nile, contained the sacred objects worshipped by the Hebrews, perhaps some sacred stone, meteoric or otherwise. Such a statement proceeds from the opinion that the Israelites during their early national life were given not only to idolatry, but to its grossest form, fetishism; that first they adored Yahweh in inanimate things, then they worshipped him in the bull, as in Dan and Bethel, and that only about the seventh century did they rise to the conception of an invisible and spiritual God. But this description of Israel's religious history does not tally with the most certain conclusions derived from the texts. The idolatry of the Hebrews is not proven any more than their polytheism; hence the Ark, far from being viewed as in the opinion above referred to, should rather be regarded as a token of the choice that Yahweh had made of Israel for his people, and a visible sign of his invisible presence in the midst of his beloved nation.
The Ark was first destined to contain the testimony, that is to say the Tables of the Law. Later, Moses was commanded to put into the tabernacle, near the Ark, a golden vessel holding a gomor of manna, [source of light energy] - and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed. [Rods are a metaphor for poles - polarity - duality - the electromagnetic energies which create our reality grid programs. They are used to created magic and illusion within the reality. They are the tools of the Magician, the Trickster, Hermes, Thoth - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth etc.
Continued - Catholic Encyclopedia
The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. It resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his own and the people of Israel's sins.
The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.6 metres long .95 metres wide and .95 metres high. It was carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.
Inside the Ark
1. The Two Stone Tablets of the Law - Ten Commandments - writen by the finger of god
2. Aaron's rod that budded
3. The golden pot of 'hidden' manna.
Together these three items form the Testimony hence the Ark is called the 'Ark of the Testimony'.
The Ark of the Covenant
By Ellie
The Ark is a metapor for a container - or box - vessel which contains a source of creational light or energy - a consciousness that looks like a sphere of pulsating white light. There are many metaphors here - all needed to help us remember who we are as soul sparks. We exist 'inside the box' - the virtual reality grid program created by this consciousness. We are created by that energy of light. We are each a soul spark that spirals into 3D consciousness - Phi Ratio - Sacred / Creational Geometry - to experience.
When you enlighten you begin to think outside the box.
Many have quested after the Ark of the Covenant in ancient and modern times. It is the thrill of the quest - he who shall unfold the secrets of the creation of the planet and the direct link to god or creational forces.
It is no different that questing for the Hall of Records [which are the EM grids that create our reality] or the Holy Grail. Our journey - quest - mission- is to remember who we are as soul sparks of light - and that we are returning to that state of conscious awareness.
Our reality is programmed with endless metaphors, questing vehicles, clues, etc. as if one is playing on a board game.
Some of us work in the 'physical' to find answers - archaeologists, oceanographers - historians, ancient and lost civilizations - their discoveries telling a story about our journey on planet Earth which will help us remember who we are as we come full circle / cycle.
Others are guided to areas that cannot be easily proven - esoteric studies. There include those who have quested after the Ark - as guided by their souls.
The Ark links with:
Kabala / Qaballah - The Tree of Life
The Great Pyramid - triangular energy - 3=triangle - X 4 sides = 12. It is about 12 pyramids around one source - the source of light or conscious creation - that form a matrix or multi-level grid or programmed realities which repeat in cycles called linear time.
The word Ark comes from the Hebrew word 'Aron', which means a chest or box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (62.5 inches by 37.5 inches by 37.5 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.
The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.
The pyramid itself possessed its own force centers: the heart of the King's Chamber, its most vital and sacred points, where divine energy was concentrated and especially powerful. And other chambers not yet discovered. The candidate undergoing initiation was placed in the great granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber at the august moment of the initiation rites (Note: the purpose of Initiation is to bestow upon the disciple certain molecular changes in the body to handle higher energy) because the sarcophagus was in direct alignment with the down pouring ray of cosmic light through the Ark in the Third Eye capstone. The voltage of such a fiery light ray could only be endured by one in whom the physical, emotional and spiritual forces were completely aligned and purified.
The candidate with an unbalanced polarity ran the risk of injury to the physical organism, or even death, because of the accelerated frequencies of manna-loa pouring through the capstone.
When the massive structure was first constructed, the final portion to be levitated into place was the gleaming gold and crystal capstone containing the original Ark of the Covenant, brought from Atlantis. [Atlantis is a parallel grid program running at the same time as our reality. If you connect with it - your soul is experieicning in both realitites at the same time.] This Ark and capstone graced the very summit of Knut. Once this floating capstone was so placed, the Great Ones created several lesser Arks.
The voltage of a second Ark was integrated into the structure of the open granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. Since granite is saturated with minute crystals, it was not difficult to charge the initiatory coffer with incredible cosmic force. [The Ark - in this instance - is an energy generator for the EM program]. Hence the uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments. But they were themselves charged with cosmic power.
Such human Arks supposedly were somewhat immune from the rays of the crystal because each radiated frequencies harmonious with the crystal. Since the Ark radiated an energy destructive to all inharmonious with it, a gold sheath was constructed to insulate it, to partially shield the people from the powerful emanations.
To maintain its potency, each Ark had to be constantly recharged with a creative energy of tremendous voltage. The principal source of that energy was man himself, and only the highest initiates were capable of radiating the particular force required to keep the Ark active.
Much of this responsibility fell upon the high priests, the Arkites or Ptahs of the temple, who, if they so willed it, could raise the frequency of their forms to radiate so powerful a force that an initiate touching their bodies could be struck down, just as if he had touched the Ark itself. Rarely was such voltage require of them, except to recharge the Arks.
The crystals and compounds of which the Ark were supposedly constructed - the silver, brass-like substance, and pure living gold - were charged with seven octaves of energy, from the materialistic charges of electric voltage up to the highest spiritualized forces of celestial planes - pranic forces far beyond the voltage of Earth's electricity.
The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a chest - vessel - box - or container. It was supposedly the chest in which Moses placed the Ten Commandments.
The Ark measures two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It is made of setim wood (an incorruptible acacia), it was overlaid within and without - with pure gold, and a golden crown or rim ran around it.
At the four corners, very likely towards the upper part, four golden rings had been cast. Through them passed two bars of setim wood overlaid with gold, to carry the Ark. These two bars - rods - were to remain always in the rings, after the Ark had been placed in the temple of Solomon. [The bar are electromagnetic rods. The rings are metaphors for the spheres linked to harmonics and the Tree of Life - Qabbalah - the tones of creation.]
The cover of the Ark, termed the 'propitiatory' (the corresponding Hebrew word means both "cover" and "that which makes propitious"), was likewise of the purest gold. [Gold refers to alchemy - the transition of consciousness.]
Upon the chest were two cherubim of beaten gold, looking towards each other, and spreading their wings so that both sides of the propitiatory were covered. [Wings = a metaphor for ascension or the return to higher levels of frequency consciousness].
What exactly these cherubim were, is impossible to determine; however, from the analogy with Egyptian religious art, it may well be supposed that they were images, kneeling or standing, of winged persons. It is worth noticing that this is the only exception to the law forbidding the Israelites to make carved images, an exception so much the more harmless to the faith of the Israelites in a spiritual God because the Ark was regularly to be kept behind the veil of the sanctuary. [Veils mask or hide information. Soon they will be lifted].
The form of the Ark of the Covenant was probably inspired by some article of the furniture of the Egyptian temples. But it should not be represented as one of those sacred bari, or barks, in which the gods of Egypt were solemnly carried in procession; it had, very likely, been framed after the pattern of the naos of gold, silver, or precious wood, containing the images of the gods and the sacred emblems.
According to some modern historians of Israel, the Ark, in every way analogous to the bari used upon the banks of the Nile, contained the sacred objects worshipped by the Hebrews, perhaps some sacred stone, meteoric or otherwise. Such a statement proceeds from the opinion that the Israelites during their early national life were given not only to idolatry, but to its grossest form, fetishism; that first they adored Yahweh in inanimate things, then they worshipped him in the bull, as in Dan and Bethel, and that only about the seventh century did they rise to the conception of an invisible and spiritual God. But this description of Israel's religious history does not tally with the most certain conclusions derived from the texts. The idolatry of the Hebrews is not proven any more than their polytheism; hence the Ark, far from being viewed as in the opinion above referred to, should rather be regarded as a token of the choice that Yahweh had made of Israel for his people, and a visible sign of his invisible presence in the midst of his beloved nation.
The Ark was first destined to contain the testimony, that is to say the Tables of the Law. Later, Moses was commanded to put into the tabernacle, near the Ark, a golden vessel holding a gomor of manna, [source of light energy] - and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed. [Rods are a metaphor for poles - polarity - duality - the electromagnetic energies which create our reality grid programs. They are used to created magic and illusion within the reality. They are the tools of the Magician, the Trickster, Hermes, Thoth - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth etc.
Continued - Catholic Encyclopedia
The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. It resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his own and the people of Israel's sins.
The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.6 metres long .95 metres wide and .95 metres high. It was carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.
Inside the Ark
1. The Two Stone Tablets of the Law - Ten Commandments - writen by the finger of god
2. Aaron's rod that budded
3. The golden pot of 'hidden' manna.
Together these three items form the Testimony hence the Ark is called the 'Ark of the Testimony'.
The Ark of the Covenant
By Ellie
The Ark is a metapor for a container - or box - vessel which contains a source of creational light or energy - a consciousness that looks like a sphere of pulsating white light. There are many metaphors here - all needed to help us remember who we are as soul sparks. We exist 'inside the box' - the virtual reality grid program created by this consciousness. We are created by that energy of light. We are each a soul spark that spirals into 3D consciousness - Phi Ratio - Sacred / Creational Geometry - to experience.
When you enlighten you begin to think outside the box.
Many have quested after the Ark of the Covenant in ancient and modern times. It is the thrill of the quest - he who shall unfold the secrets of the creation of the planet and the direct link to god or creational forces.
It is no different that questing for the Hall of Records [which are the EM grids that create our reality] or the Holy Grail. Our journey - quest - mission- is to remember who we are as soul sparks of light - and that we are returning to that state of conscious awareness.
Our reality is programmed with endless metaphors, questing vehicles, clues, etc. as if one is playing on a board game.
Some of us work in the 'physical' to find answers - archaeologists, oceanographers - historians, ancient and lost civilizations - their discoveries telling a story about our journey on planet Earth which will help us remember who we are as we come full circle / cycle.
Others are guided to areas that cannot be easily proven - esoteric studies. There include those who have quested after the Ark - as guided by their souls.
The Ark links with:
Kabala / Qaballah - The Tree of Life
The Great Pyramid - triangular energy - 3=triangle - X 4 sides = 12. It is about 12 pyramids around one source - the source of light or conscious creation - that form a matrix or multi-level grid or programmed realities which repeat in cycles called linear time.
The word Ark comes from the Hebrew word 'Aron', which means a chest or box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (62.5 inches by 37.5 inches by 37.5 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.
The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.
The pyramid itself possessed its own force centers: the heart of the King's Chamber, its most vital and sacred points, where divine energy was concentrated and especially powerful. And other chambers not yet discovered. The candidate undergoing initiation was placed in the great granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber at the august moment of the initiation rites (Note: the purpose of Initiation is to bestow upon the disciple certain molecular changes in the body to handle higher energy) because the sarcophagus was in direct alignment with the down pouring ray of cosmic light through the Ark in the Third Eye capstone. The voltage of such a fiery light ray could only be endured by one in whom the physical, emotional and spiritual forces were completely aligned and purified.
The candidate with an unbalanced polarity ran the risk of injury to the physical organism, or even death, because of the accelerated frequencies of manna-loa pouring through the capstone.
When the massive structure was first constructed, the final portion to be levitated into place was the gleaming gold and crystal capstone containing the original Ark of the Covenant, brought from Atlantis. [Atlantis is a parallel grid program running at the same time as our reality. If you connect with it - your soul is experieicning in both realitites at the same time.] This Ark and capstone graced the very summit of Knut. Once this floating capstone was so placed, the Great Ones created several lesser Arks.
The voltage of a second Ark was integrated into the structure of the open granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. Since granite is saturated with minute crystals, it was not difficult to charge the initiatory coffer with incredible cosmic force. [The Ark - in this instance - is an energy generator for the EM program]. Hence the uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments. But they were themselves charged with cosmic power.
Such human Arks supposedly were somewhat immune from the rays of the crystal because each radiated frequencies harmonious with the crystal. Since the Ark radiated an energy destructive to all inharmonious with it, a gold sheath was constructed to insulate it, to partially shield the people from the powerful emanations.
To maintain its potency, each Ark had to be constantly recharged with a creative energy of tremendous voltage. The principal source of that energy was man himself, and only the highest initiates were capable of radiating the particular force required to keep the Ark active.
Much of this responsibility fell upon the high priests, the Arkites or Ptahs of the temple, who, if they so willed it, could raise the frequency of their forms to radiate so powerful a force that an initiate touching their bodies could be struck down, just as if he had touched the Ark itself. Rarely was such voltage require of them, except to recharge the Arks.
The crystals and compounds of which the Ark were supposedly constructed - the silver, brass-like substance, and pure living gold - were charged with seven octaves of energy, from the materialistic charges of electric voltage up to the highest spiritualized forces of celestial planes - pranic forces far beyond the voltage of Earth's electricity.