Asherman wrote:Whoa! Just who is it that you think has the authority, or right, to interfere with the religious convictions of someone else?
These artifacts should be taken out into the light and examined using the best techniques available. If they are found to be what they purport to be then all well and good. If they are not then the respective religions can stop murdering people over them because of their misguided and ill informed views.
Quote:Are you suggesting that Christian or Islamic radicals stage a raid into Ethiopia? Would Israel be justified in stagng a commando raid to recover their long-lost property? Perhaps the United Nations could threaten force if the Ethiopians don't deliver up a religious article they believe God gave into their care. A group of religious scholars might institute an embargo on Ethiopian goods and services until the rascals give up the Ark. Let's fight a war against the Ethiopian tyrants for withholding the Ark, we can deal with international terrorism later.
That is completely specious and absurd.
I want the
facts about these artifacts. Not some cobbled together belief system that is based on nothing but speculation and revealed knowledge.
Quote:When the Ark was housed within the Holy of Holies, no one was allowed to see it except the High Priest who only entered the sanctuary once, or twice a year.
Why ? One must ask.
Is an artifact from g*d not a possession of the entirity of the human species ?
Or do the priesthood have something to hide ?
*hollow laugh*
Quote:Do you think that if the Ark was still in the possession of the Jews that it should be taken from them and opened on national television?
If I could pay to be there in person I would.
I wish to know what's in there and what it is.
Facts again. Investigation. Removal of the garbage that surrounds these artifacts and the political uses religions put them to.
If they are what they are claimed to be then use them for the benefit of all humans not just some self-serving minority who think they have a hot line to g*d.
If they are found not to be what they are claimed to be then they are worthless and should be discarded.
Quote:Surely there are more important, and significant things in the world, to be "bugged" about than what happened to a religious artifact a couple of thousand years ago.
Indeed. But I haven't even begun to demonstrate the depths of what "bugs" or interests me.
I suggest you not imply that my interests are limited to such "unimportant and insignificant things" and keep your oblique insults to yourself.