@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
In "flat" discussion systems each post to a topic is in chronological order and that is that. The advantages are that it's simple and usually more visually appealing than threaded systems, which can also suffer in terms of usability, requiring more clicks in some implementations.
.... a flat system is that it represents a single unified conversation
obviously, for me personally and the people I talk with daily, this works.
Quote:So let me hear your thoughts. In practice we can pretty much accommodate both sides and we could keep a flat version for those who prefer it, the only downside for them is that there would not be a "reply all" because for those in the threaded context they won't notice, for example, that you are addressing someone merely by virtue of your post immediately following theirs in chronological order.
glad you will keep the flat system for those of us who can work with this format.
I rarely use "reply all" so... not so much of an issue - unless I feel compelled to throw in my

on a subject and do not wish to talk to a poster who I can't tolerate - then I would wish to use "reply all"
with a threaded system it sounds as tho it would accomodate those who debating one on one... which means - someone like me could have a point of view but whose opinion by the ones who "shout a bit louder" is then totally ignored. Maybe I am misunderstanding how this threaded thing works.
Also, it's actually quite good at times for some inane person to come along and "cool" a thread down - some of the disucussions become very heated and end up as just a shouting match - having someone come in and try to inject a little humour or whatever puts a little perspective back into the conversation.
Personally I'd prefer to see the 'whole' conversation/debate/answers, who is responding and how they are responding as opposed to seeking out various peoples posts on different threads on the same topic tho I could see how it work for a lot of opinionated people who don't want any kind of banter or social interaction ...
Also - there are people here on A2K who I wouldn't normally engage in the conversations they are having, like quantum phsyics etc... but it's good to go to a thread, say a hey or wave, and step back out without having to send PM's. You could lose talking to people if everything is "just on topic all the time"...
simple... I like simple, as it is
I reckon the folk who play the trivia games would find flat preferable.
I think it totally depends on what you are using the forum for. Some use it for conversation, some use it for debating, some use simply as using another poster as a battering ram on any given subject ... amongst the million and other reasons people use the internet. Even tho some threads go off topic - you can scroll thru quickly if needs be, and you can ignore if you wish to, but you also find out lots of stuff about people from how they respond to others...
again, this is using the forum more in a social context!