OmSigDAVID wrote:U can 't pet the Jellyfish, but thay have other exhibits
with shallow pools, wherein u can pet the fish to make friends.
AbbieMcKenley wrote:Possibly the funniest thing i've read in several days...
I'm considering making it my signature line, have you copywrited it?

I have not; much too lazy to copyright.
Please consider it my gift to u.
AbbieMcKenley wrote:Pet the fish? Really?
I'm a little bit worried about you

Yes; I did that in New Orleans, too, at its Aquarium in 2005. We were there for a convention.
LOVE New Orleans, especially for the
Its exceptional -- unique in my experience.
ANYWAY, thay inverted a bullshark and let us pet him on his belly.
It turns out that when a shark is turned upside down, he gets sleepy, quiescent.
Additionally, (no kidding) when his mouth is above water,
he can bark; he sounds a lot like a dog.
That 's not a joke. There were also some other petable fish in shallow pools.
AbbieMcKenley wrote:(p.s, I hope you realise how long it took me to work out how to do that "OmSigDavid wrote" thing.

I 've been posting on these fora for about ten years.
I 've only found out the fastest way of doing that a few weeks ago.
Like quote something: XXXXX[ quote ]XXXXXX[/quote]
and then to put my name on it,
I put an = sign into the first [ quote ]
like so: [ quote=David ]
and it gives me what I want.
(There shoud be no spaces between the square brackets.)
AbbieMcKenley wrote:Las Vegas does sound good by, unfortunately, it's not on the agenda

YET, but the future is a
LONG time, especially for a girl your age.
U can return sometime with your family or anytime after u have entered adulthood
to vacation in America 's more fun places,
which definitely include Orlando (Kissimmee for Disneyworld),
Las Vegas and New Orleans. U have an abundance of years n decades to enjoy them all optimally.