bulldogcoma wrote:
Well, considering the way electrons and molecules travel in the brain, whatever part of your brain your using to form a cohesive thought would have more mass due to electrons bundling in a certain area. Therefore, at the place where the "thought" occurs there would be more mass than existed previously. I don't want to act like I believe that we create mass just by thinking, but rather that our minds put more molecular emphasis on the task we are focusing on. Also, the brain tends to rewire itself due to shifts in perspective, therefore the neurons are pointed more in a particular direction than before, allowing us to adapt to situations our brains have recognized as being more frequent than others (look at the brain scans of yogi monks during meditation.) But, hey, I'm no scientist, I'm just ruminating about nonsensical conclusions which seem accurate to me...
I once met a neuroscientist many years ago, over twenty five years ago, when it may be presumed science of the sort was primitive compared to this moment, and at th time, they could give a mouse some sort or experience, kill them instantly, and find chemical traces of the experience in transmitters and inhibitors, and etc... Science can tell us a lot, and give us a great deal of predictability... Same with brain scans, that they can confirm when people are, for example, psychopathic... Yet, such scans only confirm what would otherwise be obvious to at least some observers if they took time to look... Psychopaths gravitate to certain positions in society, study behavior on their own, and mimic enough to fit in...
General conclusions are not difficult to draw... Predictability may be had concerning human behavior and possible outcomes of life almost from the delivery room... We might say as much simply by looking at house hold income, parental drug use, or level of education... We do not need to look too closely or long and the human brain to draw relevant conclusions, and we certainly do not have to flash freeze it, and disect it to know enough to do some good.. We can say, simply by looking at the results -that thought has moment if not weight... Still, the problem of physics, of uncertainty, makes all hard and fast conclusions regarding the brain inapplicable to any individual at any given moment...
We tend toward determanism, and uncertainty gives life to free will... We can look at the most pathological people like hitler, or the fictional Hanibal Lecter, and see that even they could find some excuse for doing good when it suited their purpose or did not conflict with it... The difference may be that the moral person can be moral without thought, and the pathological can only be logically moral... I am inclined to believe, and to accept that people do much evil in trying to do good, and can do good even by way of doing evil simply because it is impossible to be pathological for long without the ability to conceal ones personality and purpose which reveals a consciousness of good and evil, of morality and immorality...They can conceal their character from us... I do not think they can conceal their character from themselves...