I would argue that "consciousnes" is not
within any mathematical model of "reality" like string theory. It is that process which
allows us to interpret such a model in terms of observations.
Speaking of multidimensionality for example, consider a process in statistical testing called "factor analysis" which yields the minimum number of dimensions with which some behaviourial trait might be characterized..."intelligence" say. Now suppose the method yielded that five dimensions are needed for this, then what it
means is that you and I can be "compared" with each other using five numbers, and our
similarity is calculated by the
size of the angle between our numbers expressed as vectors in 5-space. The concept of "intelligence" has thus been modelled in order to
predict the similarity of observed behaviour, thereby satisfying the predictive aspect of "a satisfactory explanation". But are we any the wiser as to what intelligence
is ? No !
What I draw from this example is that concepts like "intelligence" and in our case "consciousness" are functional as opposed to material. The "is-ness" is about what it can do for us, not its separate ontological status. And in the case of "consciousness" it is that which can underpin the nature of modelling such as factor analysis or string theory. In more general terms, models a "
representational" in the sense that they allow us to
reexperience or
preexperience aspects of observation.