OmSigDAVID wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:nor should it be, but we will put down into the Constitution that corporations are not people,
and are not afforded constitutional rights.
The special interest groups must be stoutly protected or we shud just
FORGET about democracy.
Indeed. A democracy without protections for minority interests would be a shitty place for anyone to live. JFK hit the nail on the head when he said "The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened." The anti-corporation attitudes on display here betray profound ignorance. Ask any former Soviet how great it is when the government rules private profit as an unworthy endeavor.
To that, I will add that the relationship between government
and the individual citizen is
Government power, the ability to re-shape the polity
according to the tastes of the politicians, is
INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to personal freedom.
The ordinary citizen works, comes home tired, wants to eat,
& sleep. It is absolutely
IMPOSSIBLE for him to defend his interests
from government interference and curtailment by himself.
CANNOT look over the shoulder of all the politicians
in the US Senate, the House, the Presidency and all of its
administrative agencies, each house of his State legislature,
his State Governor, and a variety of local governments,
county, city, boro, villiage, hamlet; its
The only possible way for him to keep those politicians in line
is to have special interest groups who r dedicated to that
(be thay labor union, small business owners, Sierra Club, NRA,
investment opportunity clubs, tax interest groups, retirement finance groups,
educational groups, near
ad infinitum).
The citizens shoud
not find out
TOO LATE about issues of controversy
having been disposed of before he can render his input,
calling or writing his representatives. Without special interest groups:
the citizen is
SCREWED, and the politicians just do
whatever thay damn please with the country, or the county
and his rights are at their discretion. The citizen
to find out to enable his democratic participation
in telling the politician: vote my way, or I'll remember next November.
Yesterday, the USSC put the citizen back in charge,
rescuing democracy from oligarchy.