Fri 24 Oct, 2003 03:56 pm
Noam Chomsky on Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest For Global Dominance
Democracy Now!
by Noam Chomsky - 22 Oct 03
'If you repeat it loudly enough it will become the truth' - MIT Institute Professor of Linguistics and author Noam Chomsky speaks out on U.S. hegemony, controlling the domestic population through fear and the historical parallels of current U.S. foreign policy [read full transcript].
nti-war protesters from across the country are planning to march in Washington and San Francisco this weekend [see United for Peace and Justice and A.N.S.W.E.R.] to oppose the U.S. occupation in Iraq. The demonstrations are also timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the passing of the USA Patriot Act.
We spend the hour hearing a speech by institute professor and professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Noam Chomsky. He is the author of Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest For Global Dominance, 9-11, Power and Terror and many other books.
Professor Noam Chomsky, speaking at Illinois State University on October 7th, 2003.
Noam Chomsky's latest article in Boston Review: Dominance and Its Dilemmas The Bush Administration's Imperial Grand Strategy
Hegemony - interesting word. Had to look that one up. Haven't seen it in use before.
Links, BBB? Butrflynet -- hegemony is the way of the world. The NBC Peacock would be a better symbol for the US instead of the Eagle but not by much. That raptor is doing what it does best right now.
Lightwizard, sorry, I forgot to post the link---BBB
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