Haiti’s poverty is the result of the theft and exploitation of Haiti by the world’s wealthy countries and their corporations. Haiti’s poverty is not, as asserted in Amiel Blajchman's article, directly linked to deforestation. But, if one repeats this assertion long enough, as has been done with Haiti, it becomes sort of a journalistic boilerplate. But that does not mean it's the truth, the whole truth and based on verifiable facts.
Haiti's poverty began with a US/Euro trade embargo after its independence, continued with the Independence Debt to France and ecclesiastical and financial colonialism. Moreover, in more recent times, "the uses of U.S. foreign aid, as administered through USAID in Haiti, basically serves to fuel conflicts and covertly promote U.S. corporate interests to the detriment of democracy and Haitian health, liberty, sovereignty, social justice and political freedoms. USAID projects have been at the frontlines of orchestrating undemocratic behavior, bringing underdevelopment, coup d'etat, impunity of the Haitian Oligarchy, indefinite incarceration of dissenters, and destroying Haiti's food sovereignty essentially promoting famine. Recall, for instance, USAID project such as the slaughter of the Kreyòl pigs that greatly impoverished the peasants, the Peligre dam that made landless peasants, the Miami rice that destroyed Haiti's domestic rice, the trade laws that brought sweatshops enticing rural Haitians to the capital and created the slum of Site Soley when the US companies closed shop and went elsewhere." (See, HLLN on oversight needed on USAID).
Throught its "democracy enhancement program," USAID financed the projects of subversion, infiltration, military deception and psychological operations that the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the International Foundation for Election Systems ("IFES") carried out in Haiti t0 destabalized the Constitutionally elected Aristide/Preval government and ouster it in 2004 bringing the UN proxy occupation for the U.S." (See, Matters to be investigated.)
But, if we stick only to deforestation here, Haiti’s deforestation is due as much to the use of wood for charcoal as the soil erosion occurring right now in Haiti (because of the current destruction of Haiti's mountains) is due to digging up for cement, marble, granite, aggregate, gold and copper by the Haitians peasant for constructing their houses! Haiti's peasants could be using charcoal and raw mountain materials for construction to meet their sustainable daily needs for centuries and would not have denuded the mountains or dug them up to the extent visible today, leaving Haiti with the soil erosion it is currently experiencing and the craters that will be left when Haiti’s remaining mountain ranges and natural protection have been more thoroughly exploited and mined by the transnational corporations now in Haiti. Mining Haiti's mountains for extraction of raw materials for the foreign construction industry has been steadily going on for decades in Haiti and since before the 1980s. The digging up of Haiti, for the construction industry and, to a smaller scale at present, for its mineral wealth (gold, copper...), post-Bush Regime Change/2004 coup d'etat, has intensified.
The Euro/US companies carting off Haiti's natural resources, by digging its mountains right now, and before that, by razing whole Haitian forests to the ground for lumber to meet Western profit needs, along with the destruction of Haiti's peasant economy (elimination of Haiti’s indigenous black pigs and dumping of US rice that destroyed domestic agriculture) so that the peasant could not afford other fuel, are the primary reasons for the environmental degradation in Haiti.
It's a process that started in colonial times, continued under the 19-year US occupation (1915-1934) and now, it's Haiti's mountains that are being dug up, mined and destroyed by the International companies taking the mineral wealth of Haiti that are in the mountain rocks (gold, copper, uranium, iridium, granite, marble, coal, limestone oil and gas explorations) behind these UN guns. That's why, contrary to, the article's assertions, Haiti is no longer the "poorest in the Western Hemisphere, Nicaragua is! But that little colonial narrative - also having NOTHING to do with the realities of Haitian lives - will also be repeated and reprinted, ad nausea, and also readily believed by uninformed readers. For more, go to:
Ezili Dantò/HLLN's counter-colonial narrative on Haiti's deforestation;
Interview on the Mining of Haiti's Resources;
Haiti Riches;
Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth; and,
Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti
The poor Haitian peasants' meager and what would otherwise - without the centuries of plunder of Haiti forests and mountains by Western profit extraction companies - have been a sustainable use of charcoal for daily fuel is primarily blamed for Haiti's poverty, Haiti's soil erosion and deforestation. The multiple causes which accelerated the deforestation in Haiti and that don’t involve blaming the poor Haitian are simply not addressed in most writings about Haiti's soil erosion and environmental degradation.
Ezili Dantò
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN")
May 11, 2009
[email protected]