Fri 24 Oct, 2003 09:57 am
Bonehead award six goes to a Canadian woman who caused a full scale
Bio Hazard response from police and fire fighters in Edmonton, Canada,
when she reported to a 911 dispatcher that a letter she received in
the mail had, after being placed down on her table, mysteriously
changed from white to pale yellow and then brown, according to police
who said she put the letter down on top of some spilled coffee.
CHED Radio (Edmonton, Canada) 3-Oct-03
I think you're on to something, dys. Apparently our Homeland Security personnel were on a coffee break when ABC snuck the depleted uranium in country.
Hmmmm....the coffee conundrum.
I got a mysterious letter from the Internal Revenue Service. I put it to scientific tests before opening it, for reasons of personal safety. It quickly turned tan, then brown, and finally turned black and dissolved into small flakes when i used my zippo in the examination.
I've stopped answering the telephone, and hide whenever someone knocks on the door.
Two years ago, in the midst of the US anthrax scares. A maid at a local hotel called 911 to report a mysterious white powder. Panic ensued and the boys in the big white suits came to investigate. Twas the middle of winter, and yep, you got it, the evil white powder was snow. I believe they had several calls that year about Snow. Geez, we live so far off the radar map.
Paranoia isn't just for the crazy, stupid people deserve a fair shot at it too.