Suffices to say Oswald didn't do it and the maffia couldn't have done it alone. Hence, JFK's murder must have been a political coup. The argument 'conspiracy theories abide' is irrelevant to that premise. Cliques within the Bush administration -- most of all Bush Sr. himself -- knew very well what was going on that november day, or were actively involved. There is a lot of evidence in private research to indicate this. Listen to the archives on
Blackop Radio. I know it's painful, believe me, but you can not just 'let this go'. If you don't fight these kind of malpractices in politics, you anihilate your own democratic power and leave all daily decisions to oligarchic dominion. Be a citizen, or be a slave.
As far as Real player is concerned, I also refuse to use Real player One on my computer. But Real player Plus 8, which you can find on Kazaa and co, can be trusted, and works fine.