That little aviator 's hat
on the squirrel 's head is really cute.
I am a pro-squirrel person.
We have them here n I give them peanuts n bread or pastry.
JPB wrote:Confession....
I didn't actually eat bear meat, although they had some stored away in the freezer.
It was a holiday meal... Thanksgiving, I think. I'd gobbled down a few bites of stuffing and a fork-full was on it's way to my mouth when my future MIL uttered, "isn't it the bear meat that G^(& gave us that you used in the stuffing?" My fork literally stopped in mid-air. Me, the fussiest eater ever known to mankind was about to about stuff bear meat into my mouth.
"No", says future FIL, "this is sausage stuffing."
In my childhood, I too was fussy qua what I ate.
To this day, I have never eaten anything that I did not want,
but my tastes have changed; e.g., in childhood, I shunned onions.
Now, I
order a half inch slice of raw onion on hamburger and enjoy its contribution.
Of course, the concept of eating dog or cat are repugnant . . . but,
bear. . . . .
I know that he woud eat me, if he got the chance n he was hungry.
I have ordered from New Orleans' menus
LOVE New Orleans n just
love its people: thay treated me like a King)
both alligator and (on other occasions) crocodile.
I know for a fact that either of them 'd eat me, if he got the chance.
(It fascinates me that the crocodiles go back to the dinosaurs
and thay r older than some of the dinosaurs.)
Truth be told: I 'd be willing to
try a steak of Grizzly Bear;
if only in retaliation for anti-human depredations. At least try a bite.
He 'd bite me.