We make a mash with sweet potatoes, turnips and carrotses in it, and you have to peel those, so i peel the taters, too. After they're all smashed we add sour cream, milk, butter, spices, salt and pepper. They end up pretty smooth. Which is just the way i likes 'em . . . you heathens!
That sounds cool.
Potatoes are a special treat for me...and I like 'em boiled with skin on and a bit of butter, salt and pepper.
I loves boiled taters, too . . . and it's so damned quick and easy . . .
Setanta wrote:
We make a mash with sweet potatoes, turnips and carrotses in it, and you have to peel those, so i peel the taters, too. After they're all smashed we add sour cream, milk, butter, spices, salt and pepper. They end up pretty smooth. Which is just the way i likes 'em . . . you heathens!
Wow, that sounds decadent. We've just been using butter and a little roasted garlic. But I'm gonna try your recipe!
The carrotses take longest to cook, so peel them and throw them in a big pot of water, and set it on the stove to boil. Then peel the sweet potatoes and turnips, and put them in next. Save the taters for last--peeled and chopped up, they don't take nearly as long to cook. I test if it's ready by spearing a piece of carrot or of sweet potato. When they're done, and ready to fall apart, it's all ready to go.