You ought to be careful, what with Tartarin and Lola watching, in the use of metaphors like 'flaccid'. For all the chunkiness and solidity with which we guy-types fancy ourselves blessing the world, I've always been a little unsettled by how accurately women can describe the terrain directly behind our imposing shoulders.
Quote:I don't for a moment think we are the focus of Islamist rage because of any supposed virtue.
Agreed. But then, Bush ought to quit saying it. The consequence of a leader loudly repeating a dull and false simplicity is to encourage the citizenry to become dullards and simpletons with a wrong idea. This is hardly what your Founding Fathers, educated and sophisticated men all, had in mind. george
Quote:Perhaps a better question is why Europe is not also a target. I suspect the answer to that one lies in the equivocal policies the major European powers have taken on these issues, no doubt because of their greater proximity to the Moslem world.
Europe, too, has been a target of of terrorism, but the central aim from the Muslim world has been towards the US, yes. The support of client state Israel is, without question, the single most critical element here. But let's not forget that America helped bring to power, or have openly and substantially supported, truly ugly regimes in Iran, in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, etc. This is on-going, as the link I posted on another thread demonstrates (involving US support for a regime in a previously Soviet controlled state which has, among other things, boiled folks). You suggest European countries have been equivocal in their policies towards Muslim states. I suggest that America has been entirely equivocal in support of human and civil rights, justice, and democracy in this part of the world. These are real sins, and they didn't go unnoticed.
Quote:Are you suggesting that the "great wave of sympathy and solidarity" that followed 9/11 was dissipated because we struck back in Afghanistan?
No, I'm not. The dissipation followed a trajectory beginning with "you are with us or against us", through "we are good, they are evil", through clear contempt for the notion of international consensus, through active demonization of Blix and the UN, through deceit upon deceit regarding the rationale for moving on Iraq (craven speaks to this somewhat just above). Hubris, george. Pompous self-interested bullying.
Quote:Indeed the flaccid self-absorbtion of Western Europe during that period was so great that it was only with great difficulty and after several years of pressure from us that we were able to induce them to act to stop some rather systematic and brutal 'ethnic cleansing' at the hands of Serbia in the very midst of Europe. Of what possible value is the approval and support of countries such as this? On what basis do they who would have continued tolerating Slobodon Milosovech's crimes in their midst, now criticize us for our actions in Iraq?
Here we have ground upon which we can agree, but only in part. The active involvement in this situation was far too long in coming, and Europe failed the humanitarian obligation to its great discredit while the US did what we all hope and expect from a powerful modern democracy which values liberty and freedom. But the US shines here not simply in comparison to Europe, but because it is such a singular case.
But more importantly, george, it is not that approval from the a European head of state is the proper measure, it is the citizens beneath that head of state, all over europe, all over the world, did not approve of the trajectory the US has taken. Where did support arise? Two leaders who moved against the overwhelming wishes of their constituencies, people within the white house and pentagon, and folks in the 'heartland' of the US who believed.
Craven's post above is astute.
Quote:It takes a special type of person to waste all that political capital, the only excuse I can give for that is that the management of domestic political capital has been nearly flawless.
Yes. But now, it seems that the marketing whizzes have got their product out to a demographic they don't understand, because they don't really give a damn about that other demographic.