Lola wrote:Perc,
You confuse me. You speak of the left as using different, more elitist tactics than the right. How can this be? After all the discussion, how can this be? The articles Blatham posted to guide the discussion on this tread demonstrated the untruth of this idea. Observe the postings I've made of the FRC.
If I may ask that you, for a moment, put aside your one specific condemnation (and rightly so) of the use by the religious right of arrogant fundamentist dogma to influence political decisions and to just try to take a look from my point of view. I'm now talking about the general tactics used by the opposition ( Bush bashers, liberal elitists, intellectual pundits, and just plain Dems who are now on the outside looking in----all lumped together) to save face and regain some semblance of stature once held by the Democratic party.
Let's start with the nearly illiterate rants of Michael Moore in his contemptible attacks on Bush which now have been brought to a new level by that obese, unloveable non-swimming coward-----Ted Kennedy on the floor of the US Senate. Moore is merely a hypocritical opportunist who has capitalised on his brilliant recognition of a vast pool of Bush haters who would buy his trashy books just because he insulted Bush in several different ways. Kennedy's motivations appear to be much more complex but none of which would get him nominated for the statesman of the year award. He is an embarrassment to any well meaning Democrat.
Next you have the very cleverly hidden agenda of the ACLU which is intent upon changing the face of American culture and to revise the intent of the constitution their way. This is very evident in their selectivity in choosing only those cases that will further their agenda. Fainess in protecting your and my liberties is not among their criteria for selecting cases. Fairness is replaced with prejudice against any form of religious tradition ----- pure revisionism as their objective.
And last the most dangerous of all ----- the insidious but relentessly patient (like the drip----drip ---drip of a leaking fauset) of liberal intellectuals in their vicious attempt to demean and demonize the traditions of this country. Patriotism is evil and causes wars-----religion is for non thinkers----if you work hard and pay taxes without complaint you're stupid-----only those who dissent are patriotic, anyone else is a stupid dolt----marriage with committment is a myth to be shattered----ethical behavior is myopic and old fashioned-----we have inalienable rights which need not be defended-----appeasement is the true road to peace.
Last but not least----maintaining discipline in the schools is somehow old fashioned and despotic----we should instead let the little darlings indulge every whim lest we stunt their intellectual growth