I confess I would love to know much more about the history of the guild movement and unions than I do. My father knew a lot about all this, but he'd get worked up and pound his fist on his armchair about situations I thought were to stay in the deep past ("Oh come on are talking like we still live in a Dickens novel...there's NO chance we'll ever see sweatshops again!") and at the time, I was likely thinking about my hair, and was impatient with him.
There was a book recently published on the Triangle Shirtwaist Building fire in New York City
link Though this event took on a special symbolism, it did so because it was a paradigm case of the consequences of unfettered greed and of that species of personal ambition that scrambles over others with NO thought to them. Ken Lay, the mutual fund boys, GM selling cars they KNOW will, in some percentage, be involved in accidents where the petrol tank will explode and immolate the passengers, or George Bush with Harken,'s the same animal.
But that fire led not merely to new notions regarding how business ought to be checked, but also to a whole host of notions regarding how the US ought to arrange relationships between those with wealth and power and those without...the New Deal.
It is NO surprise to me that even though the period of American history that followed after the onset of New Deal policies was the period when America's wealth and productivity began to really boom, many folks who are yet among the most advantaged wish to see the New Deal notions and arrangements dismantled. 'Wealth' is relative - it has meaning only as a relationship to others around one. In another culture, Ken Lay would be strategizing to somehow get a third goat, and become the richest guy in the village. And George Bush would be trying to bully some other kid to make sure that other kid understood who was on top.
And as Tartarin points out, it isn't just in human relationships where this pathology plays out, but in the relationship between humans and their enviornment along with the other creatures that share the environment with us.
It's a lousy model we are following. That we are losing jobs to Myanmar and Burma and China isn't because of the New Deal arrangements, it's because we've exported this business model to the rest of the world so as to reap even greater wealth for the few who already have it.