Perc...LOL...very funny indeed.
Ok, if you wanna.
The American Heritage gives at least two definitions (in the online version, this is the second) for 'ideology' - A set of doctrines or beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system. So, we might correctly say 'liberal ideology' or 'christian ideology', etc.
You said "Liberalism is primarily a socialist ideology". Actually, that's not so.
I truly have no complaint with any religious notion or practice (with one caveat, which I suggested in the earlier post). I hold that any individual ought to be able to hold any idea at all, or involve themselves in any practice at all, without the threat of coercion from his neighbors or from the state (given no one else is negatively affected). I also hold this for any group of individuals.
"Fundamentalist' faiths are normally defined as such by themselves, believing that they are engaged in a version of their faith which is closer to some perceived original version. Like Luther, they hold the established church to be overburdened with ritual or malfeasance or some other set of failings accrued over time, and so they 'reinstitute' a simpler version - taking what they believe to be core fundamentals of the faith. The Taliban considers itself a fundamentalist version of Islam, for example.
Again, I have no problem with anyone who believes such a thing.
I've never defined myself as a socialist. I don't think the state ought to 'control the economy'.