If I ever get my book written, I'll send you a signed copy. So far, all I have is the cover's a picture of the universe viewed from outside, and there's a sign tacked to it "Danger: God at Work".
But I want to ensure you understood, if you didn't already, that I think PD's remarks on your post above are on the money.
PDiddie wrote:That up there, george, is the finest opinion you have ever posted.
Hmmphh ! Faint praise indeed, coming from a liberal wacko such as yourself. You probably didn't like ANY of my other, very eloquent conservative pieces.
georgeob1 wrote: Hmmphh ! Faint praise indeed, coming from a liberal wacko such as yourself. You probably didn't like ANY of my other, very eloquent conservative pieces.

Damn... right again... you're on a roll... :wink:
The only good republican is a humble republican. What!? Where!?
Hey, I'm a sensitive guy. I have feelings too.
You are also forgetting my proper role on this site.
I am a teaser, not a teasee.
Hey, George -- welcome back!! Tucked in the middle of one of the pages backaways is a message to you (and PDiddie, for that matter) about a corporation/government collaboration newly underway in Texas. Did you see it or shall I repost?
Also -- I heard Bush's statement as he signed the abortion bill today, about the fact that only Our Creator and not the government could take a life. Hmm. Capital punishment about to be struck down with one swipe of a pen in the Oval Office?
Well, we wouldn't want to bring that punishment being a little too close to Sharia in historicity, woldview, and intent.
I did see the post you cited, but had been occupied with the tempest that surrounded it. I tried, but was unable to open the link you posted. Would you put it up again please?
Won't help to repost the link, there is a quotation mark in the url that is fouling up the forum software and causing a JavaScript error.
It'll take a few hours to fix and I have other things to do so for no you'll have to make do with a workaround to the problem.
This link will redirect to the link that is causing problems:
That's the San Antonio Express News for you. I almost reposted the link and -- fortunately! -- decided if it didn't work the first time, why try again. (I had to Google in.)
George -- Texas is smelly politically at this point, very smelly. I think what will undo these guys eventually is the dislike, on both sides of the aisle, of the manipulation of Texas politics from Washington. But I think this is a great example of ol' fashioned shameless corruption!
ps to deb
A warm hug to your note. We'll clambor up on the bridge for a while though, and let someone else go after Grendel...she's too much for me.
Thanks Craven - as always you keep this thing going for us all. I'm very glad you do.
Tartarin wrote:That's the San Antonio Express News for you. I almost reposted the link and -- fortunately! -- decided if it didn't work the first time, why try again. (I had to Google in.)
I got there by copying the link into my browser's address bar.
(I'm going to change my handle to Ctrl + VDiddie, if that's OK with Craven... :wink: )
I read the piece you posted. Unfortunately the practices described there are much more ubiquitous and widespread than perhaps you suppose. They are a common practice in nearly every state and in the Federal government - techniques practiced by Presidents, Cabinet officials, prominent senators and representatives, governors, county commissioners, all across the country and of both political parties.
You may recall the tempest over the schedule of tariffs/contributions the Democrats used in the 90s for coffees in the Clinton White house, with and without the president, and even overnight stays in the Lincoln bedroom. I have attended the annual duck hunt of Congressman John Dingell (D, MI) - a very heavily attended event when he was Chairman of the House Energy and Water Committee (the required contribution was $10,000): I I also served on various "advisory committees" for Alameda County California, the U.S. Department of Energy, the city of Los Angeles, and other venues, the real purpose of which was controlled access to people in power, all in exchange for contributions. The paid Washington lobbyists of large companies, Unions, and special interest groups such as NOW, NEA, NRA, the ACLU, Judicial Watch, and many others, all spend their days and evenings at various fundraisers for elected officials of all types. Generally the minimum entrance fee is at least $1000. All of this (at least for Federal elections) has been somewhat modified by the McCain Feingold act, but i believe only the formalities have changed.
So far the techniques of the Bush administration in this area have not yet received the notoriety earned by those of the Clinton administration. That is likely only because they have been more discreet. They all do it.
There is nothing at all unusual in the Texas program you cited. They all do it and sometimes the various committees created for access actually do some good,
There are worse things. Selling Presidential pardons has been so far a rare event practiced by only a few.
I was afraid you might go down that path, George. I'd hoped we could deal with this as a common problem, not one where you think of all the Dems who've cheated and I counter with all the Repubs! The point is, we have a problem when our "democratic" legislature and executive court and do much business with entities and not people. Where, as in the Texas example, the interests of the people are set aside (though their taxes are gladly utilized), in scheme to create a better future for the participating politicians! It's got to be stopped, and I'd start with the biggest offenders. Not all that many politicians run after the ACLU in order to secure a well-paid retirement position on its board!
Nice to see everyone is getting on better. I agree with everyone that said it (george first) that this forum would be nothing without the disagreements. We've truly become a community with all the little group dynamics that go along with it (not to mention individual dynamics.) I love this place and I get frightened when I think it's going to blow apart.
I'm going to dinner, will be back and read in a bit.
I love you all, even the recalcitrant ones. And then there's george who, in spite of his getting-it-problem is great. But SHOW OFF? Boo hoo.

Kiss to george.