Can you tell us more about what you mean by this?
Quote:I believe that the degree to which immigrant groups adapt and, in their own way, reinforce the common culture here is a valid criterion for future immigration policy, now, just as it has been in the past.
If we have the Ten Commandments in governmental buildings, don't we have to have some statue representing Islamic law? Or some statue representing those of who doubt the existence of God?
For instance, take me as an example. If I don't "adapt and, in my own way, reinforce the common culture of Christianity," that should be the criteria for.......... what? My loss of the right for a government that doesn't impose Christianity on me or on my children? Government is secular, or IMO should be. Religion is religious.
If everyone had your version of Christianity, then you flaunting it in my face (with public school prayer, etc.) and behaving as if it's the only true way to view life might be tolerable to me. It would be benign enough. It wouldn't be fair, but I could manage it. And so could my children. But your party is in bed with the devil. Because they don't believe as you do that:
Quote:the message of Christ is replete with references to the importance of substance over form, and in behaving well as opposed to merely believing well.
as you said you believe. They believe their Christ offers the only way to salvation. And it's not only belief in "Christ" they want to impose. They believe I and others should live as they believe we should live to be moral, i.e. heterosexuality; imposing unwanted or uncared for children on the weak, poor, and starving; women submitting to their husbands; capital punishment, etc. And further, they believe it's their duty, God given, to impose that belief on everyone, willing or not.
If you believe as you say you do, that substance is more important than form, then you should be fighting, doing whatever you can to defeat this particular brand of "Christianity". Because they do not practice your form of self sustaining religion. They are against your form of religion. They see it as heresy, no joke. Have you visited their web sites, read their literature? You can't have it both ways. If their doctrine is extreme and dangerous to personal freedom (and it is) you say that it's not important because they're a small portion of the members of your party, just the nutters. If they are in large numbers (and they are) you say why shouldn't they be in control? They are in control and they intent to take more. And once in power, you and your form of religion, will be their victim along with the rest of us.
Do you really not see, george how dangerous it is to let this group control your party and our government?
I've been accused of hysteria (on another thread) because I liken these Christian fundamentalists to the Islamic fundamentalists. But those who say it's hysteria simply do not know, or will not see. And we will all see, but will it be too late? I'm afraid it will.