A (hair) do over..

Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 10:43 pm
I just got my hair redone today.
normally I have large sections of super blonde put into my hair just at the top of my head. The usual stylist uses only 4, maybe 5 foils. There is a large section of my natural hair between these chunks of highlight so that it creates a rather dramatic coloring.
Well, I go to the same place and see a woman who has done my daughters hair, ians hair and a few other people I know. She has been there for years. I like her.. but I have never had her work on me . The lady I usually see is out for the week for christmas. SOOOOOO

I make the decision to see this lady. I will call her S.

S is not very talkative. Very.. in herself.. when she is working. No matter. Just a personality type.
I explain what I want and show here where i want the highlights. i explain to her that generally , because I dont know what they call it, I only have about 4-5 foils used . She starts referring to a 24-7 highlight.
that goes right over my head. Dunno what it is.

So she says " I see it, You want that again?"

" Yes. I like thick chunks of highlights here, and ends here ( showing her ) "

She takes me back, preps my hair, goes to the back and preps the color.
I dont SEE what she chooses, but I know for a fact that you can tell what color is in my head, because what is left there is still in perfect shape. No fading.

She comes out and gets started.

About half way through she asks.. " Do you usually blend the bangs too? "

uh.. what?
No. Just large chunks. No blending.

" i mean, do you leave a few darker hairs in the bang, or do you just do the whole thing?"

" Oh. No. generally I have the entire bang done as well. But blend the bang this time. That might look good too! "

So she does.

Normally, this is a two step process, getting my hair blonde. A stripper is put on, THEN the color goes in.
Not this time.
Once over and done... leaves me confused when she is washing my hair before the color is put in.
Hmmm. Ok.
So I look in the mirror when she is done and I see blonde, in the right places, Ok.. still odd but .. ok. It is still super bright.
but I notice.......... no chunks.
In fact, I look like I have grey hair.
I ask her about that and she says " The hair is wet right now and kind of mopped over itself. once it dries because i did not take the color too far across your head, you will see the chunks."

I pay. I go. Im trusting her at this point..

Hair dry and done, this does not look like a thick hair color. In fact it looks like thin strands.


Im not saying that I dont like it.. I DO.. I mean, it is the color i want.. there is just no obvious difference in the color layers. They are not thick enough. It is pencil thin layers of color and not enough dark hair between them. I like STREAKS not just a few light hairs. I want contrast, extreme color difference..

this looks like one of those at home plastic cap jobs.

So, if I approach them about this, what can I expect?
I dont think they can fix it. i mean, they would have to re color the top of my head with dark brown , THEN add the blonde.
Would a salon even offer to do that?
Would that really dry my hair out?
It looks good. But... this isnt my hair style. this is hers..

My hair style is bold. Its super blonde with dark dark hair. Its contrast. Its big blocks of color.
This is mild, tepid, and not at ALL a match for me.
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 10:51 pm
A fantastic comparison.

THIS is how it looked the very first time I got this done.
I had it done just like this the last time I got it done.
Thick CHUNKS of blonde. not strands...

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 10:52 pm
I'm thinkin' since you are already in this deep, you try some hot pink in the mix...
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 11:01 pm
Has anyone ever tried violent pink polka dots?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 11:06 pm
I had mine re-done because I wanted the color lighter and more streaks. The girl that does my hair was able to do it and she didn't charge me anything additional.

btw I like the color and a little more blonde would look good too
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 12:30 am
I like the new highlights, shewolf. It looks quite natural and blends in well.
This way it is much softer around your face than with the chunks of blond.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 05:28 am
You know, shewolf, I have to agree with Jane. (not that you asked, or anything.)
I like it better. I think it really suits you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 06:10 am
I agree with Jane and msolga. Not that I was asked or my opinion would mean anything. Hell, I don't even have much hair. But, I agree with them anyhow.
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Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 06:39 am
You all are missing the point....shewolf has already agreed that what she got looks good. It is however not what she wants, not what she requested.

I dont know enough about beauty shop etiquette to know who you should deal with, the gal who messed it up, the normal gal, or the owner of the shop. But if I were you I'd be pissed off too, and would expect the work to be fixed for free or a small charge.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 07:19 am
You shouldn't have any problem getting it fixed, especially if you're a regular at the shop -- they'll be glad they get to keep your business instead of having you ditch them altogether. Call the shop manager and tell her what happened.

They should fix it for free but you should be prepared to tip generously -- whoever fixes the mistake still has to pay booth rent and buy dye/chemicals from the shop.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 07:39 am
I'm, going to register a vote for the new do, as well. It really flatters your face.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 07:55 am
Shewolf - and you are a FOX!
I like the new look too. Looks 2010.
My daughter is a hair stylist in DC and she does this all the time. The big chunks are out, subtle shine is in. Get some shiner too.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 08:22 am
I am not subtle.
Subtle does not work for me Smile

I have been using thick chunks of highlights since 1994. In style has never applied to me. Thick chunks look good in my hair and is exactly what I like.
i wish i wish I wish I had a better photo to show the drastic difference.

The one I have here ... my hair is not done.. not even combed .. and I was ready for a touch up.

I am not saying she didnt do a good job. And I am not saying that it does not look good. She did it well! And it does look good.

but this. is . not. what. I . wanted. At all.

This blended look does not give a strong enough contrast to my hair to get the extreme color difference that I like. It looks messy to me. Like there is just color every where.. I dont like that.

I feel though that I already HAVE tipped generously. 20.00.
and I have paid for it.
And I told her exactly what I wanted, even restated it when she asked about blending. She should not have said " blending too" if she heard me and did what I asked for in the first place.

What is on top of my head looks exactly like the style SHE has on her head.

Not what I want on my head.

I will call the main office today if they are open.. If not, i will first just ask another salon branch ( same company of course) and see what they say about having it corrected. I dont want to approach her directly until I know if it can be fixed. They may not offer to. Or they may just be able to offer to put in the highlights with thicker foils...
Which will just make the entire top of my head blond. I REALLY dont want that either.

I am glad though that the job at least looks good. I do like it. It was done well.
It is just too subtle of color for me and not my style. In the least.
i dont DO subtle Smile
Green Witch
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 08:56 am
I like it. It makes me think of Tina Turner. You're entitled to be happy with the results, but I don't think you should make yourself to nuts about it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 09:03 am
Oh, Im not nuts over it. At all.
Im not stressed out or pissed off. Quite the contrary.

I just have to keep saying over and over.. this is not what I wanted because I dont think that is being heard.
Which is exactly how I felt in the salon when she was 1/2 way through my hair and said " blending bangs too"
No. I said specifically thick chunks. Chunks are not blended.

So I kept the conversation going with her, which is really hard. She is not a big talker at all. I said several times about 4 or 5 foils. Thick chunks. Solid color... etc etc etc.

What came out, was not what I asked for.

Im not that upset about it and I would wear this style because it does look good.

I just really want what I paid for. And I really want the style I like. And I dont know if that can be done at this point....... thats all.
This is just not my style. No way. No how.
but i agree.. it really DOES look good. Im very lucky there.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 09:15 am
It can be done. It will be a several step process, as they will have to (if they're going to do it right), dye it all back to the dark colour and start over.

Depending on the overall condition of your hair (i.e. how dry/damaged is it? do you generally oil your hair between treatments? ...), you might want to wait at least 4 weeks and give it a couple of really really good conditioning treatments during that time.

I'm generally not a fan of the thinner hilites either, but I understand that technicians have difficulty understanding that. Most people are trying to keep their hair looking natural when they have this kind of process done (and yes, the thick chunks are "passe"). However, I always make the point - when I have a new technician - of explaining that I don't want my hair looking natural. If I wanted it to look natural, I wouldn't be colouring it.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 09:15 am
boomerang wrote:

They should fix it for free but you should be prepared to tip generously -- whoever fixes the mistake still has to pay booth rent and buy dye/chemicals from the shop.

I had to think about this but now it makes sense.
You mean if someone else has to correct the mistake?
Oh yes. By all means i will tip them very well.

But I do not think i should re-tip the same woman.
Because I get a partial highlight job, and not the whole head, it only costs me 32.00. I tip her 20.00 on top of that.
If she has to fix it, I will not retip. That tip should cover what ever salon costs she will have to bear for this.

A new person?
Absolutely. They should not have to carry the weight of repair costs on a job they did not do..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 09:20 am
ehBeth wrote:

However, I always make the point - when I have a new technician - of explaining that I don't want my hair looking natural. If I wanted it to look natural, I wouldn't be colouring it.

ding ding ding!
we have a winner.

I do not naturally have blond hair.
That is a duh statement. Im a black woman. Where in the world am I going to get blond hair from? ha!

But it is the contrast that I like and the thick chunks do that.
Not this .
It looks very good. She did a good job for that style. I wont argue that, but I wont repeat it.

I only shampoo my hair once a week. Lotions and oils , very light, are used all the time. My hair is not naturally dry or frizzy and I trim it every 4 weeks or so to keep the ends strong.
I rinse it every other day and use conditioner. I just dont shampoo a lot. I dont want to remove the natural oils.
My hair is in fantastic condition. Not only do I know that, but every technician who has ever done my hair says the same thing. I get asked by THEM what I do..

It will stand up to another coloring no problem. But, it did not dawn on me to wait a few weeks either. that does make sense.
I would be ready for them to fix it now.
But, in a few weeks, I may not care anymore.

maybe I could just die the bottom part of my head a darker color..
thats a contrast..
that might work..
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 09:38 am
shewolfnm wrote:
maybe I could just dye the bottom part of my head a darker color..

that's how mine is done these days.

I explained that I wanted all the hair from the top of my ears down dyed a darker colour than my natural base colour, with a few streaks of that darker colour mixed in at the top/front.

I have thick sections (not quite chunks, but definite 1" - 2" sections) of ultra-light champagne blonde in the front third of my hair. The final section (about 1/4 of my head has some blonde and some of the darker colour on top of an almost natural base. A fair bit of time and work but I love the effect. Other people can go for a natural look <shrug>.

I re-do the hilite chunks and root base colouring myself about every 3 weeks. I've been doing it long enough that the technician has approved of it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 01:36 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

You all are missing the point....shewolf has already agreed that what she got looks good. It is however not what she wants, not what she requested.

I dont know enough about beauty shop etiquette to know who you should deal with, the gal who messed it up, the normal gal, or the owner of the shop. But if I were you I'd be pissed off too, and would expect the work to be fixed for free or a small charge.

No, we are not all missing the point at all. We fully understood shewolfe's point. OUR point was that the new hairdo looks good to us and WE suggest that she keep it.

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