A personal relationship with God.

Jason Proudmoore
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 10:50 pm
Your attempts at pretending to be stupid are very convincing.

It may appear to be that way from your perspective... my patients don't run the asylum...I do.

Oh, and your cut and pasting is excellent. Lovely pictures by the way.

Thank you...you're so kind. Twisted Evil

Perhaps you should go on to finger painting ?

I already did. I usually use my middle finger when I'm at it.

I think we have discovered the limits of your language ability. I am indifferent to your ignorant posts.

This comment is so irrelevant. How the hell asking you whether you know the difference between "ignorant" and "indifferent" limits my "language ability"? But I'm not expecting you to answer me coherently, since you happen to dwell on the irrational. You have no education...you're arguments are poorly grounded...and you're completely biased...

I wrote this:
That is exactly my point...you see?

you answered:
Have you given up trying to be stupid and now you are trying to be funny ?

If you find my quote to be funny, then your insanity is more serious than I thought...you should consider my offer...the one that consists of four padded walls and the view to the street.

Damn if you arent the dumbest little bunny I have ever met.

I expect you to insult me like this...you have no argument...you ran out of fuel...no comeback.

People are biased, science can have strong bias, but science is not biased ?

People are biased, indeed...the system in which science is designed won't let bias be part of science...I have already refuted your BIASED assertion.

Please tell me you are doing hard drugs, otherwise your stupidity seems endless.

Yeah, I'm doing drugs....the drugs that you sold to me.

Philosophy by definition can not use the scientific method.

What do you know about philosophy? Do you know the definition of philosophy? Have you studied philosophy?
What is your answer to Anaximander and evolution...how the hell did he come to that conclusion that all animals evolved from simpler life forms? Did he guess it, or did he follow the scientific method?

Apply it and see how far you get.

Farther than the idea that the world is flat...that the sun revolves around the Earth...farther than thinking that demons make you sick instead of the work of micro organisms....farther than finding out that mental disorder is not caused by demon possession rather than mental disorder (similar to the one you have)... yeah...it will get me very far.

You write this garbage and you think you have been clever ?

Anybody who has read a scientific article is clever than you...you know nothing about science.

Admit to trolling and get some formal training.

Twisted Evil

The Laws of Thermodynamics that you have read a comic book about are not true ?

But how would you know this? You don't even know what the theory is about, much less from a comic book. You have to learn about it in order to know it.

Stupid again ? What happened to humuor ? Did you give up ?

I thought the comedian was you. You amuse me.

Dont blame science. You are arguing because you have no real knowledge of the use of the English language.

Listen, Moe Jumbo...this is not a Bible study...in order to make sense, you have to tell between something said literally and something said allegorically... use the proper words...this is something you learn from philosophy....a field you have no clue about.

Read back and see how many words you have learnt so far.

I thought it was you who was doing all the learning...not me...the only thing I've learned from you is that there are more delusional people who claim to know something when in reality they don't know jack.

For a belligerant fool you have learnt a lot.

Since we're at it...you have to know how to spell first before correcting anything coming from me....it is not"belligerant"...it's "belligerent"...learn it for tomorrow...you're going to be quizzed on it...you're so clueless...I like you.

Twisted Evil

Jason Proudmoore
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 11:00 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
As you wish, my queen...


But first I have to get rid of the troll infestation.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 03:52 am
@Jason Proudmoore,
I usually use my middle finger when I'm at it.
No doubt you have to use it a lot. It is the only philosophy you understand. You do not understand evolution depsite having read a whole couple of pages on it : Name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

Science has dogma, by definition dogma is :
2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.
As you deny this statement applies to science, we can conclude that science has no authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, especially ones considered to be absolutely true. To which you responded :
Exactly! I explained it earlier....
and you also provided your version of the scientific methodology :
This is the steps of the "scientific method."
1. Ask and define the question.
2. Gather information and resources through observation.
3. Form a hypothesis.
4. Perform one or more experiments and collect and sort data.
5. Analyze the data.
6. Interpret the data and make conclusions that point to a hypothesis.
7. Formulate a "final" or "finished" hypothesis.

But you cant see authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, in the scientific method ? You say stupid things like science finds truths...no, science finds facts. There is always a differing opinion, as in a dogma. In the most basic sense, a scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation. Note it is NOT a truth.

People are biased, science can have strong bias, but science is not biased ? How do you justify that ?

Did he guess it, or did he follow the scientific method?
If he guessed it, then he is a philosopher. If he employed the scientific method, then he is a scientist.
phi·los·o·phy (f-ls-f)
n. pl. phi·los·o·phies
1. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
2. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
3. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry: the philosophy of Hume.
4. The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs.
5. The disciplines presented in university curriculums of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology.
6. The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
7. A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory.
8. A system of values by which one lives.
How is the scientific method applied to that touchy feely bullshit ? There are no facts in philosophy - only opinion.
You argue philosopy is science but science has no dogma. If you can read the definitions above you will have to make a choice.
Since we're at it...you have to know how to spell first before correcting anything coming from me... it is not "belligerant" ...it's "belligerent"....
I understand you are unemployed and wish to work at a meaningless job like spell checker. However, I have gone back through your spelling and find you unsuitable. Maybe you can get a job digging ditches if you dont philosophize too much.
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 10:28 am
No doubt you have to use it a lot (the middle finger).

I'm not restricted from using any part of my body the way I want...I use my middle finger from time to time...to finger paint what I feel in my heart.

It is the only philosophy you understand.

One of many....this is the one I especially use with people like you.

You do not understand evolution depsite having read a whole couple of pages on it :

You've nailed it once again...that's exactly what it takes to understand evolution...a couple of pages...but according to your understanding...you haven't even read a paragraph...other than the opinion of some creationists who deliberately have changed the concept to conform to their own agendas.

Name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

I have already figured you out...even if I provided you with the evidence, explained it to you in great details...you would not get it, much less agree with the explanation...because your ideas are centered on logical fallacies derived from creationism...again...be scientific about it and do the research...I provided you with the link.: http://evolution.berkeley.edu<br /> /evosite/evo101/index.shtml

Just in case your lack of attention span affects your reading skills, I'll leave you with the podcast from Dr. Zachary Moore.. He will explain evolution to you in fantastic details :http://www.creationism.org/griggs/index.htm

Science has dogma,

It is not...and I'm going to dissect it for you.

by definition dogma is :
2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.

Can you read your own "copy and paste" job? Can't you read where it says "ESPECIALLY one considered to be absolutely true." This means that the authority that claims to know absolute truth is the one that falls under the definition of "dogmatic"....only the religious institutions claim to know the nature of reality... the religious institutions claim to have found the truth...meaning that they don't need to search anymore...not science... science is in pursuit of the truth....get it in your head.

As you deny this statement applies to science, we can conclude that science has no authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, especially ones considered to be absolutely true. To which you responded :

Finally...you've got it!

and you also provided your version of the scientific methodology :

My version? This is where it gets novel for you...you're so full of **** that you don't even know what you're talking about. it is not my own version...it is the scientific method... you're not just a troll...you are so tremendously indifferent to reason that you are invulnerable to public embarrassment.


But you cant see authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, in the scientific method ?

That only applies to religion, my delusional friend...
This is what you think about science:
no, science finds facts.

Don't you think that quote of yours contradicts the definition of science above as being dogmatic? Isn't "fact" something we know to be true, in terms of data, information? How is that a belief? How is that claiming to know the nature of reality?
Again, this is the steps of the "scientific method."
1. Ask and define the question.
2. Gather information and resources through observation.
3. Form a hypothesis.
4. Perform one or more experiments and collect and sort data.
5. Analyze the data.
6. Interpret the data and make conclusions that point to a hypothesis.
7. Formulate a "final" or "finished" hypothesis.
It is a set of rules that science has to go by to find whether a proposition is true...or factual.

You say stupid things like science finds truths.

Meaning that science is in pursuit of the absolute truth...science observes, tests a given problem in order to find its true nature...if you're talking allegorically, say so...stop with the symbolism.

..no, science finds facts.

What's your point?

There is always a differing opinion, as in a dogma.

There are different opinions, indeed...but they're not all valid (like in religion)...but only the one that has been rigorously tested and submitted to the most scrutiny and supported with evidence will be considered true...not absolute truth...because nobody knows what the nature of reality is. In the end, the only thing that counts is the data...don't you agree with that...or will I have to explain this again?

In the most basic sense, a scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation. Note it is NOT a truth.

Your problem is very serious...This is the reason why I think you have to home-school yourself...because you would prove to be a nuisance to any professor who comes across with your stubbornness. I told you before that you have to know the difference between the context in which something is said...to avoid misunderstanding...it is human logic. I told you that scientists find whether a proposition is true (factual, based on data) by submitting it to rigorous tests. Science doesn't say that it has or it will find the nature of reality...religion is the one claiming to know the truth...meaning that it claims to know the nature of reality...get it in your head and stop embarrassing yourself even further.

I understand you are unemployed and wish to work at a meaningless job like spell checker.

What's the purpose of this? Are you saying that people don't know anything and aren't able to teach ignorant people because they're unemployed? This is rich!

However, I have gone back through your spelling and find you unsuitable.

You have found this whole argument unsuitable. You have found reality unsuitable...and you have also found the four padded walls with the view to the street unsuitable...there is no way to please you.

Maybe you can get a job digging ditches if you dont philosophize too much.

I thought I was your consiglieri...I'm having too much fun with you.
Until the next post...
Twisted Evil

The Pentacle Queen
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 10:41 am
I'm sorry but you're both pathetic.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 10:49 am
@The Pentacle Queen,
Now, now Queenie. They are trying their best. A thread mistress should try to encourage her acolytes. I rather liked Jason's colourful visual aid. It makes everything simple enough for even nitwits to understand don't you think?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 03:47 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
I'm not restricted from using any part of my body the way I want...
Except your brain..it remains unusable.
that's exactly what it takes to understand evolution...a couple of pages...
Darwin writes an introductory book but you know it all from a couple of pages ? Because you watched a video on Evolution 101 ???
other than the opinion of some creationists who deliberately have changed the concept to conform to their own agendas.
There is no end of guessing with you. I have never read a creationist argument in detail. But dont let facts stop you. They havent yet...
even if I provided you with the evidence, explained it to you in great details...you would not get it
What an excuse...I suppose the sun was in your eyes too ! My Poor Baby. I repeat, name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.
because your ideas are centered on logical fallacies derived from creationism
Your lack of knowledge and assumptions are boundless. I subscribe to evolution, not creationism, dickhead. But dont let facts stop you..they only confuse you, dont they ?
Isn't "fact" something we know to be true, in terms of data, information?

I write :
Science has dogma
To which you reply :
It is not
Can you see how stupid you are ?
it is not my own version
Yes, it is because you have memorised it without understanding any of it.You cant see that it has authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion. Perhaps a reference ?

Antony van Leeuwenhoek (an introduction to this unlikely scientist, who discovered bacteria, while struggling against the scientific dogma of the contemporary scientific establishment);

Kary Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (Pantheon: January 2000); [This is a review of a book by Kary Mullis, a Nobel Laureate scientist, who has been seriously at odd with the dogmas of the scientific establishment and community.]

Robert D. Reynolds, "Heresy or Nobel Prize Winning Work?", Trends, May 1994; [The author narrates how a young, eccentric professor of science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, faced opposition of his dogmatic colleagues against his application for tenure, who subsequently received a Nobel Prize.]

Rosalyn S. Yalow, "Review and Scientific Progress", R&D Innovator Volume 2, Number 1 January 1993; [Nobel-Prize winning physiologist explains that there are scientific dogmas and how those dogmas have sway over the scientific establishment and the scientific community.]

(dogma) That only applies to religion
Are you certain ?
scientists find whether a proposition is true (factual, based on data) by submitting it to rigorous tests.
And you think philosophy is a science ?

science is in pursuit of the absolute truth
But it is never successful ? Evolution is half thought out ? The Laws of Thermodynamics are vague ? The Speed of Light is a maybe ? Damn if you arent the dumbest dipshit I have ever met.
I look forward to you checking my spelling and not your own. It is a mindless task that is suited to your ability.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 05:34 pm
Ionus and Jason Proudmore,

I suggest both of you read Kuhn's "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" which assigns your "bickering" to "barber shop pontification".

PQ's enquiry about "personal God experiences" has little to do with "science" unless it can be demonstrated that such experiences can be experimentally induced. Even then the ontological question remains. Nor does it have anything to do with belief in "an afterlife" unless that is part of the experience itself. The issue here is NOT about "religion" itself or its supposed "benefits", but the concept of "a personal God". Spinoza's rejection of the concept was taken up by Einstein and theologians such as Don Cupit.

Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:16 pm
PQ's enquiry about "personal God experiences" has little to do with "science" unless it can be demonstrated that such experiences can be experimentally induced.

I have experimentally induced such experiences. Many times in fact. More than I dare admit. And "Oh my God!!" was a constant theme.
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:47 pm
Very nice Spendius, such an ego boost, I imagine.

Is anyone other than Fresco capable of keeping things relevant?
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 07:08 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
I apologise for the sidetrack but if someone asks questions or comments about my post then I am entitled to a reply. He thinks it is a pissing contest and wants the last word.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 07:10 pm
OK, now you have me curious. Several native tribes experience a closeness to God with minor amounts of drugs. Our early ancetsors used rhythmic chanting to induce halluciantions. What was your technique ?
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 09:10 pm
Except your brain..it remains unusable.

If this is the work of an unstable brain...you're a vegetable... Twisted Evil

This is what I wrote:

that's exactly what it takes to understand evolution...a couple of pages...

This is you:
Darwin writes an introductory book but you know it all from a couple of pages ? Because you watched a video on Evolution 101 ???

Today I will teach you reading comprehension...see where it says that a couple of pages is enough in order to understand evolution? Did I say I ONLY read a couple of pages? Not only have I read a couple of pages on evolution, but also books on cellular biology, taxonomy, and cosmology....oh, oh, and videos on evolution.

There is no end of guessing with you.

No guessing, please...just think rationally.

I have never read a creationist argument in detail.

You haven't read anything in detail...
...But you quite like to provide lots of material from creationists.

But dont let facts stop you. They havent yet...

Sure...I won't let them stop me.

Quotes you provided from dead links:
Antony van Leeuwenhoek (an introduction to this unlikely scientist, who discovered bacteria, while struggling against the scientific dogma of the contemporary scientific establishment)

Kary Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (Pantheon: January 2000); [This is a review of a book by Kary Mullis, a Nobel Laureate scientist, who has been seriously at odd with the dogmas of the scientific establishment and community.]

Robert D. Reynolds, "Heresy or Nobel Prize Winning Work?", Trends, May 1994; [The author narrates how a young, eccentric professor of science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, faced opposition of his dogmatic colleagues against his application for tenure, who subsequently received a Nobel Prize.]

Two can play this game...
These are my links:

Creationists and other science-haters often claim that scientists are dogmatic. Frequently they’ll say something about “dogmatic Darwinists” keeping “Intelligent Design” or “Creation Science” down, but just as often the accusation will be directed toward science and scientists in general.


Carlin claims that Absolute Truth "is essential" to science. It is not. In fact, the best science recognizes the basic uncertainty of human knowledge, and by this recognition frees itself from the dogmatic belief that once a problem appears to be solved, it is solved for good.


Unlike Kuhn, we believe that dogmatic teaching of science is not advisable in any sense or stage of the educational process, for scientific practice depends on rational inquiry, and rational inquiry in turn depends on critical thinking.

Source: http://www.jstor.org/pss/1314063
Let me see you explain these quotes.

I wrote this:
even if I provided you with the evidence, explained it to you in great details...you would not get it

Anus wrote this:
What an excuse...

It's not an excuse...you're the one giving me the excuse of not being scientific...you didn't forget how to do a research, did you ? Oh, I almost forgot that you taught yourself in the art of science. I can teach you if you want...keep up asking the same question.

I suppose the sun was in your eyes too!

Huh? What sun? Are you seeing things again?

My Poor Baby.


I repeat, name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

These are not dead links...I challenge you to know...learn:
<br /> http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/evo_01

Your lack of knowledge and assumptions are boundless.

It may appear that way from the ignorant/delusional.

I subscribe to evolution, not creationism, dickhead.

You do? For someone who approves of evolution, you know squat about it...you didn't even know that evolution is deterministic.

But dont let facts stop you..

I won't...

they only confuse you, dont they ?

The only thing that confuses me here is someone who says that he's an evolutionist, when he shows that all his ideas revolve around creationism...get an identity...hurry!

You write :

Science has dogma

To which I reply :

It is not

You post:
Can you see how stupid you are ?

No...I can see how SMART you are...

I wrote:
it is not my own version

You wrote:
Yes, it is because you have memorised it without understanding any of it.

So, if I memorized a methodology that is essential to that field of study, would that make it my own version...even if I didn't understand it? What other versions of the scientific method are there? This is very interesting.

You cant see that it has authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion.

It is not religion, my special friend.

Perhaps a reference ?

Reference from people who are creationists? Come on....you can do better than that...oh, wait...you can't.

Are you certain(whether dogma applies to religion) ?


And you think philosophy is a science ?

I know that philosophy is science...so is psychology.

I wrote this:
science is in pursuit of the absolute truth

You wrote this:
But it is never successful ?

Neither is religion...

Evolution is half thought out ?

This is the evidence I needed to unveil your true self... you're disguising yourself as an evolutionist, but in actuality you are a creationist...how honest of your part.

The Laws of Thermodynamics are vague ?

It's not vague...in order to understand it you have to have an IQ greater than 60.

The Speed of Light is a maybe ?

"The Speed of Light is a maybe "? You're the king of bullshitters. Anybody in his right mind should know that you're a fraud.

Damn if you arent the dumbest dipshit I have ever met.

Run, Forrest...RUN!


I look forward to you checking my spelling and not your own.

You have to go back to elementary for that...because the only thing I'm teaching you right now is human logic...

It is a mindless task that is suited to your ability

Twisted Evil
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 12:11 am
@Jason Proudmoore,
You cant read can you. I write unusuable and you read unstable.
Not only have I read a couple of pages on evolution, but also books on cellular biology, taxonomy, and cosmology....oh, oh, and videos on evolution.
Obviously you didnt understand any of it so no one is going to believe that.
You haven't read anything in detail...
You know what I read but you cant read correctly what is in front of you ?
There is no end of guessing with you.
And your reply is
No guessing, please...just think rationally.
This is the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I "? How old are you ?
Sure...I won't let them(facts) stop me.
I give you books written by 4 different Noble prize winners and you give me a counter reference of some dickhead on the net ? It was probably only you on a different site. Some of us dont live in awe of your cut and paste ability, and use libraries. Say it with me ...libraries...good boy.
Your argument shows your lack of intelligence but you are too dumb to know it.
If your main argument is to tell me I am a Creationist when I am not, then others can see how pathetic that is even if you cant.
I repeat, name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.
You need to be proudless and clevermore. Dumbest dipshit yet.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 05:13 am
Just checking to see if any maturity and relevant content has returned to this thread. Guess not.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 05:22 am
Just checking to see if any maturity and relevant content has returned to this thread. Guess not.
Hard to have such a discussion that you are looking for on a thread that deal with taking a fairy tale or tales at face value.
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:30 pm
You cant read can you. I write unusuable and you read unstable.

Once again...I'm forced to remind you that you have to understand the context in which words have been used...it is very important in order to avoid misinterpretation of things...I know you wrote "unusable"...meaning that I have a brain and I don't use it (according to you)...But when I said "If this is the work of an 'unstable' brain...you're a vegetable..." means that if my brain doesn't function properly, like you already implied, based on my discussion, your brain is in a vegetative state...meaning that you're brain dead. But, let's just use the word you used and apply it to my sentence: "If this is the work of an unusable brain...you're a vegetable Twisted Evil" ...see? Twisted Evil

Obviously you didnt understand any of it so no one is going to believe that.

We can virtually spend all week discussing my credentials, but I won't...because I don't need to...
Let me explain this one more time...Psychology and philosophy are social sciences; Biology and cosmology are natural sciences...and the following five fields of study are also sciences
The reason why theses are called "sciences" is simply because they ALL follow the scientific method...if you can't understand something simple, you are just in denial.

You know what I read but you cant read correctly what is in front of you ?

I can read, but can you comprehend? You need a lot of explanation with ideas that are self-explanatory.

I wrote:
No guessing, please...just think rationally.

You wrote:
This is the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I "?

What else can you see:

How old are you ?

Old enough to teach you one or two things about life.

I give you books written by 4 different Noble prize winners and you give me a counter reference of some dickhead on the net ?

I accept that I was wrong about you taking all those quotes from creationist website...however, I have done all the necessary work to expose you as an dishonest creationist...This is how it's done:

You provided to me a series of quotes taken from a website...which you provided dead links to (I wonder why). I read three of the four articles (one is unavailable), and none of those three says that Science is dogmatic, like you said. The articles center in how sometimes scientists are discriminated by some other scientists. These quotes you have provided are good example of quotes mining, when a quote is taken out of context to suit your own believe.
These are the thesis of this argument:
“--don t let the stigma of scientific dogma rear its repressive head too high because by doing so, it just might suppress real scientific progress.” (paragraph 6)

No mention of science as being a dogma...it means that you have to be scientific in order for science to be science.
Source: http://www.indiana.edu/~poynter/tre1-2.html

Another quote:
“I'm troubled that MANY RESEARCHERS ARE BECOMING LESS PRODUCTIVE because they divert their skills away from the goals of producing quality science and technology. Too many people in the scientific community now are driven by motives aside from the desire to make practical or basic discoveries. The accoutrements of success"large laboratories, significant funding, travel to many meetings at home and abroad"have overshadowed the joy of discovery. And too many scientists feel tempted to cut corners due to competitive pressures and the rapid pace of contemporary science. Science advances most productively when we focus on scientific merit rather than on the potential for attracting fame or increased funding.”

Does this paragraph say that science is dogmatic?

Source: http://www.winstonbrill.com/bril001/html/article_index/articles/1-50/article19_body.html

Antony van Leeuwenhoek was an unlikely scientist. A tradesman of Delft, Holland, he came from a family of tradesmen, had no fortune, received no higher education or university degrees, and knew no languages other than his native Dutch. This would have been enough to exclude him from the scientific community of his time completely. Yet with skill, diligence, an endless curiosity, and an open mind free of the scientific dogma of his day, Leeuwenhoek succeeded in making some of the most important discoveries in the history of biology. It was he who discovered bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic protists, sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic nematodes and rotifers, and much more. His researches, which were widely circulated, opened up an entire world of microscopic life to the awareness of scientists.
Source: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history

This one doesn't say that science is dogmatic...it just implies that there were biased people who were very selective...that doesn't mean that the process that led van Leeuwenhoek discover the existence of micro organisms ,"sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic nematodes and rotifers, and much more" were biased or dogmatic... in order for van Leeuwenhoek to make these scientific breakthroughs, he had to followed an unbiased system of sets of rules. This set of rules the scientific method.

I have never argued that there are no discrimination in science...there is discrimination in all fields of study...but the method implemented to find whether something is true or not based on facts (things that we agree are true) is not biased...people can be biased...but not the method...the method determines whether something is biased or not.

If you try to refute this, I'll present to you two or our quotes from a previous post:

You said:
There is always a differing opinion, as in a dogma.

I said:
There are different opinions, indeed...but THEY’RE NOT ALL VALID (like in religion)...but only the one that has been rigorously tested and submitted to the most scrutiny and supported with evidence will be considered true...not absolute truth...because nobody knows what the nature of reality is. In the end, the only thing that counts is the data...don't you agree with that...or will I have to explain this again?

You see that I actually agreed with you that science has different opinions but they are not all valid? That if you applied the scientific method properly, this will sort out any disagreement between the scientists? Which means if you're able to do that within science, science is not a dogma...

Let me give you another example of what I mean:

If some English professors are corrupt and don't follow the guidelines on how to teach some students how to read, understand sentences, annotations and connotations, doesn't mean that the whole English department is corrupt, or the guidelines that would lead to an enrichment of knowledge for the students in this field doesn't work...it just means that there are good English professors and bad English professors.

It was probably only you on a different site

You have no way out...you're quite the comedian.

Some of us dont live in awe of your cut and paste ability, and use libraries.

But some of us like it...I've already received positive feedback.

and use libraries. Say it with me ...libraries...good boy.



If your main argument is to tell me I am a Creationist when I am not, then others can see how pathetic that is even if you cant.

No, my main argument is to expose you that you are either a creationist in disguise or you have a very serious identity crisis....let me explain it to you further:

These are quotes taken from our initial conversation:

I wrote:
From what I know, nobody has returned from the dead.

You wrote:
Not in the experience of two others and I.

These are other quotes from you:

Your said:

Evolution is half thought out ?

The Laws of Thermodynamics are vague ?

The Speed of Light is a maybe ?

Only an uneducated creationist would say something like this...someone with no knowledge of natural science...just the insane ideas of some creationists.

I repeat, name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

This is very entertaining...you thinking that evolution is my weak topic...but let's make a deal...lets address all the arguments that still unclear to you, and I'll explain to you why evolution is deterministic...deal?

You need to be proudless and clevermore. Dumbest dipshit yet.

If it swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck...but if you think like a creationist...then you're a:


Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:33 pm
Intrepid wrote:

Just checking to see if any maturity and relevant content has returned to this thread. Guess not.

Not as long as Jason and Ionus are still in the sandbox, hogging all the toys. They're cute, though, those two little imps, ain't they?
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 10:43 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
I know you wrote "unusable"
Sure you did.Worst attempt to recover yet.
you're a vegetable
Very Happy Your lack of a volcabulary is very hurtful. Very Happy
We can virtually spend all week discussing my credentials
A week has seven complete cycles of the earths rotation. For you, that is going to school 5 times plus 2 holidays. Now do you see how long that is ?
The reason why theses are called "sciences" is simply because they ALL follow the scientific method
Do you really believe philosophy is a science ? Two people can reach the same conclusion ? One persons philosophy is empirical to another's ? Philosophy is a bar fight between people with dictionaries. It is not science.
I can read, but can you comprehend? You need a lot of explanation with ideas that are self-explanatory.
Never occurred to you your ideas were wrong. This is called arrogance and stupidity.
Old enough to teach you one or two things about life.
I have no interest in homosexuality, thank you for your interest though.
I accept that I was wrong about you taking all those quotes from creationist website
I also accept that you were wrong.
I have done all the necessary work to expose you as an dishonest creationist
In your own mind you are a legend. But I am not a creationist.
which you provided dead links to (I wonder why).
Books are not DEAD LINKS. Some people even hold them in high regard.
and an open mind free of the scientific dogma of his day,
and you think this is a quote supporting a LACK of scientific dogma ?
it just implies that there were biased people who were very selective...that doesn't mean that the process that led van Leeuwenhoek discover the existence of micro organisms ,"sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic nematodes and rotifers, and much more" were biased or dogmatic... in order for van Leeuwenhoek to make these scientific breakthroughs, he had to followed an unbiased system of sets of rules.
I couldnt have agreed with me better myself. Science is dogmatic because the vast majority of scientists are dogmatic. When true genius comes along they correctly use science to advance humanity. Lets have a guess...99% of the time science is dogmatic.
Which means if you're able to do that within science, science is not a dogma...
It is not within science. It is within the scientific method. Science is dogmatic.
(Ionus)Some of us dont live in awe of your cut and paste ability, and use libraries.
(dumbmore) I've already received positive feedback.
Your boyfriends probably had bias. Remember that word ? Bias ?
Evolution is half thought out ? The Laws of Thermodynamics are vague ? The Speed of Light is a maybe ?
It is obvious you are having a great deal of trouble understanding anything. You quote mine but you cant even do that properly, but still manage to accuse me of doing it. Can you see the question mark ? You should have left it out because it gives you away. I was asking you if those were absolute truths. Do you think they might be right ? (you see that is another question mark).
By the way, you then posted a dead link.
I repeat, name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.
Only an uneducated creationist would say something like this...someone with no knowledge of natural science...just the insane ideas of some creationists.
This statement is dogmatic. Despite a lack of knowledge you have followed your faith based on previous experience. Now do you understand ?
If it swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck...but if you think like a blind fool...then you're a philosophiser.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 11:56 pm
@Merry Andrew,
Intrepid wrote:

Just checking to see if any maturity and relevant content has returned to this thread. Guess not.
Sad thing is it's impossible to conger up a reason to read all the stuff the trolls are posting. Too boring and, no, it ain't cute.
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