A personal relationship with God.

Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 12:44 am
Are we all noticing how concept of "self" can be co-extensive with concept of "God" ? Attack the latter and you attack the former.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 02:09 am
Are we all noticing how concept of "self" can be co-extensive with concept of "atheism" ? Attack the latter and you attack the former.
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 07:18 am
You misquoted me but given your inability to understand, I think that is to be expected

WTF? Listen...if you want me to reply to your posts, you will have to make more sense than this.

My quote was in relation to God not existing and you cant prove a negative.

The same way you can't disprove the existence of Zeus, Baal, Thor, Dragons, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and Santa Claus. What is your point?

You are aware of this rather basic fact, arent you ?

Rolling Eyes


If you do not understand how bias has and will continue to affect scientific work then you know nothing of the subject.

You still going off with the same rant...science eliminates bias by design...it has to because it is an investigation , not a predetermined conclusion like religion is. so every proposition must be requisitely evidential and potentially falsifiable and must be subjected to a perpetual battery of independent and unrestricted tests wherein anyone and everyone who thinks they can is welcome to try to find and expose some flaw in it to correct it....science is not biased...by definition.

God, what a dummy..it was even in the definition you provided and you cant see it ?

2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.

I truly know now that you have lost your damn mind. Admit that you don't know anything instead of pretending to know anything relating to science...the only authoritative institutions that claim to know absolute truth are the religious institutions...science doesn't say that it knows the truth...science investigates and tries to find whether a proposition is true or not based on tests based on facts...science never claimed to have found absolute truth of anything.

Name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

Take out that cerebral enema out of your brain and go and check out the link I gave you that explains the theory of evolution...instead of you approaching with such ignorant statement.

Shouldnt be too hard for someone as self-proclaimed clever as you ?

It is very easy..really...but I'm not jumping through your hoops. Do the damn research and actually learn something in your life.

You have no idea of the meaning of words.

And I'll promise you that I'll adopt you as my pet.

You dont see the difference between truth and fact ?

And you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy.

You think science finds truth ?

Science investigates whether something is true or not by implementing unbiased tests....it's a given....thought you knew this already!

I suppose in your twisted vocabulary religion finds facts.

If you want to say something, say it...stop with the nonsense...you are the creationist here...not me...you tell me.

I repeat, "you dont know the difference do you" ?

Do you know whether this exists in reality?

Can you disprove it?

I wrote this:

if philosophy is an art, it doesn't make it not being part of science...in fact, if we know that philosophy is an art, and it is part of science, we can determine that science is also an art.
You responded:
Try drawing circles that include the statements. See which ones are included in what circles. This is basic logic stuff but it is beyond your means so I repeat get help with it.

"If" (indicating supposition) philosophy is an art, it doesn't make it not being part of science...which means that by knowing that philosophy is considered a science,( and you consider philosophy as being a form of art) science is also an art...because they belong together. Science = philosophy...can't you see the logic?

I'll take that as an admission that I was right when I said "If it is my personal opinion then it is not misinformation".

I get better arguments from a six-year old.

Its as close as you are going to get with that ego of yours.

Twisted Evil

accident Definition :
In general, an unplanned, unexpected, and undesigned (not purposefully caused) event

If evolution is NOT an accident, then it is a planned, expected, and designed event.

You don't understand plain English...but I will explain it to you one more time, hoping that you will understand it better...evolution is deterministic...which means that everything that is alive will evolve through time...what determine evolution? DNA and the environment will determine how life forms will evolve....evolution is not an accident...but if you mean to say something else, choose the right words and stop the nonsense.
You're probably mistaking Abiogenesis with evolution...as I should had known. Evolution explains the diversity of life...and Abiogenesis is the "theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously from inanimate matter; spontaneous generation." You should be talking about Abiogenesis then.

Say hello to the creationist argument for me, dummy.

Hello, creationist argument for me...dummy.

Pity you arent in the room with me, Wonder Boy.

Love you too... Twisted Evil
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 12:15 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
Jason, Ionus does not understand logic, science or even the history of religion and mixed and match a jumbo of phrases together that he hope sound good but are completely without meanings.

Reading too many books without understanding any seem to be his problem.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 12:55 pm
AND BILL is an illiterate ESL whose self worth is mostly manufactured via reading US comic books.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 01:35 pm
There far far more logic in comic books on average then our friend is putting out in his writings.

By the way, farmerman are you claiming to find any logic or any meaning of any kind to the nonsense he is typing here?

Do you claim that he had shown any understanding of the meaning of science or any understanding of the art of applying logic to an issue?

The man is posting somewhat nice sounding phrases that he had pick up from here and there and gluing them together almost at random with no more understanding of their meanings then a parrot would have.

Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 01:54 pm
Yes farmerman there is some challenge for you to point our where Ionus had shown any understanding of logic or science or history in his postings on this thread.

Give us at least an example to two whole sentences together where we could perhaps used to grant him some understanding of science or philosophy or history.

Other then on new age websites farmerman where else on the net could you find postings without meanings to the degree that Ionus is producing here?
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 01:58 pm
BillRM wrote:

The man is posting somewhat nice sounding phrases that he had pick up from here and there and gluing them together almost at random with no more understanding of their meanings then a parrot would have.

You have just described most of your own posts.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 05:05 pm
William we all know you are here because of your real life problems. A lack of friends, a desire to appear intelligent...but your time would be better spent learning english. To all others, I recommend pity for William, not criticism. Somehow he has convinced himself he is knowledgable in science and fluent in english. Lets not criticise someone who needs help but has no friends only enemies on the internet.
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 05:11 pm
I've noticed that Ionus doesn't know the essence of "logic", much less the basis of science... I became aware of this later on, after his last post, that he actually mistook Abiogenesis with Evolution...originally I assumed that he had a standing argument...but all he does is "simply ignores [my] actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of [my] position"...all his arguments look just like this:

Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 05:18 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
WOW ! You can cut and paste ? I can only hope your level of science will one day achieve the same standard.
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 05:25 pm
Some people are very good at just talking without meaning anything...some people are very good at keeping up with a good argument...some people are very good at teaching...and I'm very good at supporting all my arguments with evidence...if it takes a "copy and paste" job...so be it.
Now that I've made myself clear...carry on with the thesis of this thread.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 05:44 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
What is your point?
If you werent so belligerant I could feel sorry for you and explain the obvious. Others got the point.

...science eliminates bias by design...
The work of science is done by people. Science is not an all powerful God, even though it has your worship, probably because you understand so little of it. People have built in bias. The latest fashions in science have strong bias, try getting something popular which later turns out to be wrong overturned. If you do not understand how bias has and will continue to affect scientific work then you know nothing of the subject.

Science finds truths AND science doesn't say that it knows the truth
Are you saying it finds the truth but doesnt know it ? Or are you saying known facts in science are not true ?

Name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

if philosophy is an art, it doesn't make it not being part of science...in fact, if we know that philosophy is an art, and it is part of science, we can determine that science is also an art.
Someone is not going to help you with this so I suppose I will have to. If the statement is true, you still can not prove science is also an art. Some science may be an art, but not all science. Do you understand now ? Inferring the nature of the whole from a part is at best unwise and illogical.

2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.
As you deny this statement applies to science, we can conclude that science has no authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, especially ones considered to be absolutely true. What are the Laws of Thermodynamics that you appear to know so little about ? Why do you argue with creationists if science is false ?

The limiting factor here is either your education or intelligence. I cant help you with either.
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 07:42 pm
If you werent so belligerant I could feel sorry for you and explain the obvious. Others got the point.

others got the point? Don't make me laugh. You are quite the sport. I like you.

The work of science is done by people.

As far as we know humans exercise the work of science. So what?

Science is not an all powerful God,

We have finally agree on something...science doesn't dwell on fantasy.

even though it has your worship,

"worship"? Exclamation I don't pray to science...I don't bow down to science... Come on, I know you can do it...use the right word...I know you mean something else...use the right word....don't use the wrong word as symbolism to something I do.

probably because you understand so little of it.

Do you know the difference between "ignorant" and "indifferent"?

People have built in bias. The latest fashions in science have strong bias, try getting something popular which later turns out to be wrong overturned.

That is exactly my point...you see? I knew you could do it...This is the reason why science is not biased....science is willing to correct mistakes by peer reviews and constant testing, allowing criticism...eliminating any bias ...I'm telling you...you amaze me!

If you do not understand how bias has and will continue to affect scientific work then you know nothing of the subject.

What are your credentials?

Are you saying it finds the truth but doesn't know it ? Or are you saying known facts in science are not true ?

I'm talking about absolute truth...science doesn't claim to know absolute truth, unlike religion... Science makes conclusions by observing and constantly testing…which is the opposite of being biased. Do you want me to explain it in a way that you might understand better? Words have meaning...use them.

Name me one change in evolution that was not an accident.

Go study evolution...I provided you with the links. The podcast is free…so is the link that explains evolution….go ahead…it was provided by Berkeley University.

I wrote this:

if philosophy is an art, it doesn't make it not being part of science...in fact, if we know that philosophy is an art, and it is part of science, we can determine that science is also an art.

you tenaciously answer:
Someone is not going to help you with this so I suppose I will have to. If the statement is true, you still can not prove science is also an art.

You, dimwit...I don't need to prove that science is an art...you implied that science is an art by saying that philosophy is an art. I'm just trying to explain to you that philosophy is also science. You're chasing your own tail because you're denying that philosophy is not part of science...philosophy paved the way to what we now know as modern science...philosophy deals exclusively with the scientific method...have you ever put your ass in a philosophy classroom before? you have no idea what you're talking about.

Some science may be an art, but not all science.

How did you come up with this? Since you're arguing philosophy is not part of science...how come Anaximander, the Greek philosopher, came up with the idea of evolution, adaptation, and the idea that all animals (including humans) evolved from simpler life forms...how is that different from science? Philosophy is science...it relies on critical thinking, investigating a given problem and solving it through the scientific method...it's like saying that all parking lots are not composed of cars...you're incredible, my delusional, misinformed, friend.

Do you understand now ?

I understand...yes...you need psychiatric help...urgent!

Inferring the nature of the whole from a part is at best unwise and illogical.

What's your point? Is that directed to me?


As you deny this statement applies to science, we can conclude that science has no authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, especially ones considered to be absolutely true.

Exactly! I explained it earlier....


What are the Laws of Thermodynamics that you appear to know so little about ?

Don't waste valuable time....just Google it...you'll be surprised.

Why do you argue with creationists if science is false ?

If science is false, I wouldn't be arguing.

The limiting factor here is either your education or intelligence

And your problem is that you resemble and act like one of these:

I cant help you with either.

But I can help you with both... first I have to remove indoctrination out of your brain and place you in one of these:


The one I have for you has a nicer view to the street through a 3' by 2' glass window.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 09:38 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
As far as we know humans exercise the work of science. So what?
Your attempts at pretending to be stupid are very convincing. Oh, and your cut and pasting is excellent. Lovely pictures by the way. Perhaps you should go on to finger painting ?

Do you know the difference between "ignorant" and "indifferent"?
I think we have discovered the limits of your language ability. I am indifferent to your ignorant posts.

That is exactly my point...you see?
Have you given up trying to be stupid and now you are trying to be funny ?


As you deny this statement applies to science, we can conclude that science has no authoritative principles, beliefs, or statements of opinion, especially ones considered to be absolutely true.

Exactly! I explained it earlier....
Damn if you arent the dumbest little bunny I have ever met.

People have built in bias. The latest fashions in science have strong bias, try getting something popular which later turns out to be wrong overturned.

That is exactly my point...you see? I knew you could do it...This is the reason why science is not biased....
People are biased, science can have strong bias, but science is not biased ? Please tell me you are doing hard drugs, otherwise your stupidity seems endless.

Since you're arguing philosophy is not part of science...how come Anaximander, the Greek philosopher, came up with the idea of evolution, adaptation, and the idea that all animals (including humans) evolved from simpler life forms...how is that different from science?
Philosophy by definition can not use the scientific method. Apply it and see how far you get. You write this garbage and you think you have been clever ? Admit to trolling and get some formal training.

science doesn't claim to know absolute truth,
The Laws of Thermodynamics that you have read a comic book about are not true ?

Name me one change in evolution that was not an accident. Stop pretending, you know you cant do it. Admit you are wrong and grow up.

What's your point? Is that directed to me?
Stupid again ? What happened to humuor ? Did you give up ?

If science is false, I wouldn't be arguing.
Dont blame science. You are arguing because you have no real knowledge of the use of the english language. Read back and see how many words you have learnt so far. For a belligerant fool you have learnt a lot.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 09:41 pm
A lack of friends, a
You mean you are not my friend?
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 09:44 pm
Try not to insult me and I will be a polite associate. You have already been too rude and insulting to be my friend.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 09:51 pm
Try not to insult me and I will be a polite associate. You have already been too rude and insulting to be my friend.
Tears are keeping me from seeing my computer screen..............
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 09:55 pm
Tears are keeping me from seeing my computer screen..............
One day you will have real friends who arent digitalised. Try going to some Japanese theme parks. They might cheer you up.
0 Replies
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 10:23 pm
Grrr. How about a new challenge Jason/Ionus/Bill?
I wonder- who can make the most valuable contribution to the thread?

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