Hey, I dont really trust how accurate the online translators are. I was wondering anyone who knows Latin quite well would be able to translate this phrase into Latin for me:
'Those who have been there ill always remember, those who ive lost ill never forget.'
Those who have been there ill always remember, those who ive lost ill never forget
I'd like to be sure it's what you really want to say.
Btw, what does ive mean?
Sorry for your health...
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Merry Andrew
Sun 13 Dec, 2009 11:04 am
Technically, those aren't really spelling errors, but, rather, ones of punctuation. You're missing a whole bunch of apostrophes there, pal. Here, have a few:
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
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Sun 13 Dec, 2009 12:39 pm
Grammar police are out today eh. I thought it would of been common sense to realise what i was trying to say. Ill edit it with the apostrophes just so there are no more complications...
'Those who have been there i'll always remember, those who i've lost i'll never forget.'