Hey MzOlga
I have two real life friends who knew about A2K because I was very open to them about posting here when I felt I couldn't talk out loud at home. One of them only ever goes on one thread and she reads between my lines and knows when she needs to call me, the other friend posts here regularly and has her own established identity and threads on A2K after she lost her husband, and couldn't talk out loud either.
One other person knows the name of the forum and he chooses not to come here (maybe he does, or doesn't, I wouldn't know) but I didn't try to hide it from him - however....
I would prefer him not to be here in that this is where I talk and it's my private space - I hope he would respect that. I would not change the way I talk or whom I talk to even if he was looking. If he chose to participate - well, I would lose my comfort zone.
Another friend whom I'm very close to... I have never told her the forum name because she has a relationship with my eldest son - so, I wouldn't ever wish her to know my feelings about some things - I wouldn't risk telling her about A2K because she may read things that she'd hurt about.
If any of my family or acquaintances came here and listened to me or ever commented on my threads, I think I would have to leave A2K. It's the only place that I've got a comfort zone to be me - being that I'm hermit like anyhoo, I would not wish anyone in "real" life invading my life here. A virtual world is safer to me than my real world.
Of course, my youngest son is very much part of the forum in the respect he has met people here - I wouldn't wish him to participate here either, or read a particular thread, but, I know one day that may happen if he gets curious as he gets older. He completely respects that I talk here all the time and knows that the folk I know here are more my every day life, unlike the people I have in real life who haven't a clue who I am, despite knowing me my whole life.
I guess it depends on what level you talk on the forum. If you wish to talk openly about private issues (which of course, being on the www makes them public knoweldge

) then ... maybe keep the forum name to yourself. Go with your gut instinct, I reckon gal.
I'm prolly not a good person to answer here - I have very little trust in real life and I trust rarely, so I choose not to let anyone in the real world know what I'm thinking or feeling about things. I have a few folk here who I will PM/email, who I've met and who I would wish to meet in the future - strangely, I trust them more than real life folk.